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Preference queries incorporate the notion of binary preference relation into relational database querying. Instead of returning all the answers, such queries return only the best answers, according to a given preference relation. Preference queries are a fast growing area of database research. Skyline queries constitute one of the most thoroughly studied classes of preference queries. A well known limitation of skyline queries is that skyline preference relations assign the same importance to all attributes. In this work, we study p-skyline queries that generalize skyline queries by allowing varying attribute importance in preference relations. We perform an in-depth study of the properties of p-skyline preference relations. In particular,we study the problems of containment and minimal extension. We apply the obtained results to the central problem of the paper: eliciting relative importance of attributes. Relative importance is implicit in the constructed p-skyline preference relation. The elicitation is based on user-selected sets of superior (positive) and inferior (negative) examples. We show that the computational complexity of elicitation depends on whether inferior examples are involved. If they are not, elicitation can be achieved in polynomial time. Otherwise, it is NP-complete. Our experiments show that the proposed elicitation algorithm has high accuracy and good scalability
A consistent query answer in an inconsistent database is an answer obtained in every (minimal) repair. The repairs are obtained by resolving all conflicts in all possible ways. Often, however, the user is able to provide a preference on how conflicts should be resolved. We investigate here the framework of preferred consistent query answers, in which user preferences are used to narrow down the set of repairs to a set of preferred repairs. We axiomatize desirable properties of preferred repairs. We present three different families of preferred repairs and study their mutual relationships. Finally, we investigate the complexity of preferred repairing and computing preferred consistent query answers.
136 - Xi Zhang , Jan Chomicki 2009
We study here fundamental issues involved in top-k query evaluation in probabilistic databases. We consider simple probabilistic databases in which probabilities are associated with individual tuples, and general probabilistic databases in which, additionally, exclusivity relationships between tuples can be represented. In contrast to other recent research in this area, we do not limit ourselves to injective scoring functions. We formulate three intuitive postulates that the semantics of top-k queries in probabilistic databases should satisfy, and introduce a new semantics, Global-Topk, that satisfies those postulates to a large degree. We also show how to evaluate queries under the Global-Topk semantics. For simple databases we design dynamic-programming based algorithms, and for general databases we show polynomial-time reductions to the simple cases. For example, we demonstrate that for a fixed k the time complexity of top-k query evaluation is as low as linear, under the assumption that probabilistic databases are simple and scoring functions are injective.
The binary relation framework has been shown to be applicable to many real-life preference handling scenarios. Here we study preference contraction: the problem of discarding selected preferences. We argue that the property of minimality and the preservation of strict partial orders are crucial for contractions. Contractions can be further constrained by specifying which preferences should be protected. We consider two classes of preference relations: finite and finitely representable. We present algorithms for computing minimal and preference-protecting minimal contractions for finite as well as finitely representable preference relations. We study relationships between preference change in the binary relation framework and belief change in the belief revision theory. We also introduce some preference query optimization techniques which can be used in the presence of contraction. We evaluate the proposed algorithms experimentally and present the results.
The framework of consistent query answers and repairs has been introduced to alleviate the impact of inconsistent data on the answers to a query. A repair is a minimally different consistent instance and an answer is consistent if it is present in every repair. In this article we study the complexity of consistent query answers and repair checking in the presence of universal constraints. We propose an extended version of the conflict hypergraph which allows to capture all repairs w.r.t. a set of universal constraints. We show that repair checking is in PTIME for the class of full tuple-generating dependencies and denial constraints, and we present a polynomial repair algorithm. This algorithm is sound, i.e. always produces a repair, but also complete, i.e. every repair can be constructed. Next, we present a polynomial-time algorithm computing consistent answers to ground quantifier-free queries in the presence of denial constraints, join dependencies, and acyclic full-tuple generating dependencies. Finally, we show that extending the class of constraints leads to intractability. For arbitrary full tuple-generating dependencies consistent query answering becomes coNP-complete. For arbitrary universal constraints consistent query answering is Pi_2^p-complete and repair checking coNP-complete.
This paper addresses the problem of representing the set of repairs of a possibly inconsistent database by means of a disjunctive database. Specifically, the class of denial constraints is considered. We show that, given a database and a set of denial constraints, there exists a (unique) disjunctive database, called canonical, which represents the repairs of the database w.r.t. the constraints and is contained in any other disjunctive database with the same set of minimal models. We propose an algorithm for computing the canonical disjunctive database. Finally, we study the size of the canonical disjunctive database in the presence of functional dependencies for both repairs and cardinality-based repairs.

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