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We study resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) peaks corresponding to low energy particle-hole excited states of metallic FeTe and semi-metallic TiSe$_2$ for photon incident energy tuned near the $L_{3}$ absorption edge of Fe and Ti respectively. We show that the cross section amplitudes are well described within a renormalization group theory where the effect of the core electrons is captured by effective dielectric functions expressed in terms of the the atomic scattering parameters $f_1$ of Fe and Ti. This method can be used to extract the dynamical structure factor from experimental RIXS spectra in metallic systems.
Cuprate high-T_c superconductors on the Mott-insulating side of optimal doping (with respect to the highest T_cs) exhibit enigmatic behavior in the non-superconducting state. Near optimal doping the transport and spectroscopic properties are unlike those of a Landau-Fermi liquid. For carrier concentrations below optimal doping a pseudogap removes quasi-particle spectral weight from parts of the Fermi surface, and causes a break-up of the Fermi surface into disconnected nodal and anti-nodal sectors. Here we show that the near-nodal excitations of underdoped cuprates obey Fermi liquid behavior. Our optical measurements reveal that the dynamical relaxation rate 1/tau(omega,T) collapses on a universal function proportional to (hbar omega)^2+(1.5 pi k_B T)^2. Hints at possible Fermi liquid behavior came from the recent discovery of quantum oscillations at low temperature and high magnetic field in underdoped YBa2Cu3O6+d and YBa2Cu4O8, from the observed T^2-dependence of the DC ({omega}=0) resistivity for both overdoped and underdoped cuprates, and from the two-fluid analysis of nuclear magnetic resonance data. However, the direct spectroscopic determination of the energy dependence of the life-time of the excitations -provided by our measurements- has been elusive up to now. This observation defies the standard lore of non-Fermi liquid physics in high T_c cuprates on the underdoped side of the phase diagram.
We present a detailed analysis of resonant inelastic scattering (RIXS) from Fe$_{1.087}$Te with unprecedented energy resolution. In contrast to the sharp peaks typically seen in insulating systems at the transition metal $L_3$ edge, we observe spectra which show different characteristic features. For low energy transfer, we experimentally observe theoretically predicted many-body effects of resonant Raman scattering from a non-interacting gas of fermions. Furthermore, we find that limitations to this many-body electron-only theory are realized at high Raman shift, where an exponential lineshape reveals an energy scale not present in these considerations. This regime, identified as emission, requires considerations of lattice degrees of freedom to understand the lineshape. We argue that both observations are intrinsic general features of many-body physics of metals.
We explore the general phenomenology of resonant inelastic scattering (RIXS) using CuB2O4, a network of CuO4 plaquettes electronically isolated by B+3 ions. Spectra show a small number of well-separated features, and we exploit the simple electronic structure to explore RIXS phenomenology by developing a calculation which allows for intermediate-state effects ignored in standard approaches. These effects are found to be non-negligible and good correspondence between our model and experiment leads to a simple picture of such phenomenology as the genesis of d-d excitations at the K edge and intermediate-state interference effects.
We present a comprehensive comparison of the infrared charge response of two systems, characteristic of classes of the 122 pnictide (SrFe2As2) and 11 chalcogenide (Fe_1.087Te) Fe compounds with magnetically-ordered ground states. In the 122 system, the magnetic phase shows a decreased plasma frequency and scattering, and associated appearance of strong mid-infrared features. The 11 system, with a different magnetic ordering pattern, also shows decreased scattering, but an increase in the plasma frequency, while no clear mid-infrared features appear below the ordering temperature. We suggest how this marked contrast can be understood in terms of the diverse magnetic ordering patterns of the ground state, and conclude that while the high temperature phases of these systems are similar, the magnetic ordering strongly affects the charge dynamical response. In addition, we propose an optical absorption mechanism which appears to be consistent with information gained from several different experiments.
We present a study of the charge-transfer excitations in undoped Nd2CuO4 using resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) at the Cu K-edge. At the Brillouin zone center, azimuthal scans that rotate the incident-photon polarization within the CuO2 planes reveal weak fourfold oscillations. A comparison of spectra taken in different Brillouin zones reveals a spectral weight decrease at high energy loss from forward- to back-scattering. We show that these are scattered-photon polarization effects related to the properties of the observed electronic excitations. Each of the two effects constitutes about 10% of the inelastic signal while the 4p-as-spectator approximation describes the remaining 80%. Raman selection rules can accurately model our data, and we conclude that the observed polarization-dependent RIXS features correspond to Eg and B1g charge-transfer excitations to non-bonding oxygen 2p bands, above 2.5 eV energy-loss, and to an Eg d->d excitation at 1.65 eV.
Minimal models are developed to examine the origin of large negative thermal expansion (NTE) in under-constrained systems. The dynamics of these models reveals how underconstraint can organize a thermodynamically extensive manifold of low-energy modes which not only drives NTE but extends across the Brillioun zone. Mixing of twist and translation in the eigenvectors of these modes, for which in ZrW2O8 there is evidence from infrared and neutron scattering measurements, emerges naturally in our model as a signature of the dynamics of underconstraint.

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