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214 - J. Lenells , A. S. Fokas 2014
We consider the nonlinear Schrodinger equation on the half-line with a given Dirichlet boundary datum which for large $t$ tends to a periodic function. We assume that this function is sufficiently small, namely that it can be expressed in the form $alpha g_0^b(t)$, where $alpha$ is a small constant. Assuming that the Neumann boundary value tends for large $t$ to the periodic function $g_1^b(t)$, we show that $g_1^b(t)$ can be expressed in terms of a perturbation series in $alpha$ which can be constructed explicitly to any desired order. As an illustration, we compute $g_1^b(t)$ to order $alpha^8$ for the particular case that $g_0^b(t)$ is the sum of two exponentials. We also show that there exist particular functions $g_0^b(t)$ for which the above series can be summed up, and therefore for these functions $g_1^b(t)$ can be obtained in closed form. The simplest such function is $exp(iomega t)$, where $omega$ is a real constant.
262 - J. Lenells , A. S. Fokas 2014
We consider the nonlinear Schrodinger equation on the half-line with a given Dirichlet (Neumann) boundary datum which for large $t$ tends to the periodic function $g_0^b(t)$ ($g_1^b(t)$). Assuming that the unknown Neumann (Dirichlet) boundary value tends for large $t$ to a periodic function $g_1^b(t)$ ($g_0^b(t)$), we derive an easily verifiable condition that the functions $g_0^b(t)$ and $g_1^b(t)$ must satisfy. Furthermore, we introduce two different methods, one based on the formulation of a Riemann-Hilbert problem, and one based on a perturbative approach, for constructing $g_1^b(t)$ ($g_0^b(t)$) in terms of $g_0^b(t)$ ($g_1^b(t)$).
163 - A. S. Fokas , J. Lenells 2014
The most challenging problem in the implementation of the so-called textit{unified transform} to the analysis of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation on the half-line is the characterization of the unknown boundary value in terms of the given initial and boundary conditions. For the so-called textit{linearizable} boundary conditions this problem can be solved explicitly. Furthermore, for non-linearizable boundary conditions which decay for large $t$, this problem can be largely bypassed in the sense that the unified transform yields useful asymptotic information for the large $t$ behavior of the solution. However, for the physically important case of periodic boundary conditions it is necessary to characterize the unknown boundary value. Here, we first present a perturbative scheme which can be used to compute explicitly the asymptotic form of the Neumann boundary value in terms of the given $tau$-periodic Dirichlet datum to any given order in a perturbation expansion. We then discuss briefly an extension of the pioneering results of Boutet de Monvel and co-authors which suggests that if the Dirichlet datum belongs to a large class of particular $tau$-periodic functions, which includes ${a exp(i omega t) , | , a>0, , omega geq a^2}$, then the large $t$ behavior of the Neumann value is given by a $tau$-periodic function which can be computed explicitly.
118 - A. S. Fokas , J. Lenells 2014
The Unified Transform provides a novel method for analyzing boundary value problems for linear and for integrable nonlinear PDEs. The numerical implementation of this method to linear elliptic PDEs formulated in the {it interior} of a polygon has been investigated by several authors (see the article by Iserles, Smitheman, and one of the authors in this book). Here, we show that the Unified Transform also yields a novel numerical technique for computing the solution of linear elliptic PDEs in the {it exterior} of a polygon. One of the advantages of this new technique is that it actually yields directly the scattering amplitude. Details are presented for the modified Helmholtz equation in the exterior of a square.
134 - A. S. Fokas , J. Lenells 2012
We present several formulae for the large $t$ asymptotics of the Riemann zeta function $zeta(s)$, $s=sigma+i t$, $0leq sigma leq 1$, $t>0$, which are valid to all orders. A particular case of these results coincides with the classical results of Siegel. Using these formulae, we derive explicit representations for the sum $sum_a^b n^{-s}$ for certain ranges of $a$ and $b$. In addition, we present precise estimates relating this sum with the sum $sum_c^d n^{s-1}$ for certain ranges of $a, b, c, d$. We also study a two-parameter generalization of the Riemann zeta function which we denote by $Phi(u,v,beta)$, $uin mathbb{C}$, $vin mathbb{C}$, $beta in mathbb{R}$. Generalizing the methodology used in the study of $zeta(s)$, we derive asymptotic formulae for $Phi(u,v,beta)$.
95 - J. Lenells , A. S. Fokas 2011
Boundary value problems for integrable nonlinear evolution PDEs formulated on the finite interval can be analyzed by the unified method introduced by one of the authors and used extensively in the literature. The implementation of this general method to this particular class of problems yields the solution in terms of the unique solution of a matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem formulated in the complex $k$-plane (the Fourier plane), which has a jump matrix with explicit $(x,t)$-dependence involving six scalar functions of $k$, called spectral functions. Two of these functions depend on the initial data, whereas the other four depend on all boundary values. The most difficult step of the new method is the characterization of the latter four spectral functions in terms of the given initial and boundary data, i.e. the elimination of the unknown boundary values. Here, we present an effective characterization of the spectral functions in terms of the given initial and boundary data. We present two different characterizations of this problem. One is based on the analysis of the so-called global relation, on the analysis of the equations obtained from the global relation via certain transformations leaving the dispersion relation of the associated linearized PDE invariant, and on the computation of the large $k$ asymptotics of the eigenfunctions defining the relevant spectral functions. The other is based on the analysis of the global relation and on the introduction of the so-called Gelfand-Levitan-Marchenko representations of the eigenfunctions defining the relevant spectral functions. We also show that these two different characterizations are equivalent and that in the limit when the length of the interval tends to infinity, the relevant formulas reduce to the analogous formulas obtained recently for the case of boundary value problems formulated on the half-line.
98 - J. Lenells , A. S. Fokas 2011
Boundary value problems for integrable nonlinear evolution PDEs formulated on the half-line can be analyzed by the unified method introduced by one of the authors and used extensively in the literature. The implementation of this general method to this particular class of problems yields the solution in terms of the unique solution of a matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem formulated in the complex $k$-plane (the Fourier plane), which has a jump matrix with explicit $(x,t)$-dependence involving four scalar functions of $k$, called spectral functions. Two of these functions depend on the initial data, whereas the other two depend on all boundary values. The most difficult step of the new method is the characterization of the latter two spectral functions in terms of the given initial and boundary data, i.e. the elimination of the unknown boundary values. For certain boundary conditions, called linearizable, this can be achieved simply using algebraic manipulations. Here, we first present an effective characterization of the spectral functions in terms of the given initial and boundary data for the general case of non-linearizable boundary conditions. This characterization is based on the analysis of the so-called global relation and on the introduction of the so-called Gelfand-Levitan-Marchenko representations of the eigenfunctions defining the spectral functions. We then concentrate on the physically significant case of $t$-periodic Dirichlet boundary data. After presenting certain heuristic arguments which suggest that the Neumann boundary values become periodic as $ttoinfty$, we show that for the case of the NLS with a sine-wave as Dirichlet data, the asymptotics of the Neumann boundary values can be computed explicitly at least up to third order in a perturbative expansion and indeed at least up to this order are asymptotically periodic.
94 - A. S. Fokas , J. Lenells 2011
Boundary value problems for integrable nonlinear evolution PDEs formulated on the half-line can be analyzed by the unified method introduced by one of the authors and used extensively in the literature. The implementation of this general method to this particular class of problems yields the solution in terms of the unique solution of a matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem formulated in the complex $k$-plane (the Fourier plane), which has a jump matrix with explicit $(x,t)$-dependence involving four scalar functions of $k$, called spectral functions. Two of these functions depend on the initial data, whereas the other two depend on all boundary values. The most difficult step of the new method is the characterization of the latter two spectral functions in terms of the given initial and boundary data, i.e. the elimination of the unknown boundary values. For certain boundary conditions, called linearizable, this can be achieved simply using algebraic manipulations. Here, we present an effective characterization of the spectral functions in terms of the given initial and boundary data for the general case of non-linearizable boundary conditions. This characterization is based on the analysis of the so-called global relation, on the analysis of the equations obtained from the global relation via certain transformations leaving the dispersion relation of the associated linearized PDE invariant, and on the computation of the large $k$ asymptotics of the eigenfunctions defining the relevant spectral functions.
265 - A. S. Fokas , J. Lenells 2010
Integrable PDEs on the line can be analyzed by the so-called Inverse Scattering Transform (IST) method. A particularly powerful aspect of the IST is its ability to predict the large $t$ behavior of the solution. Namely, starting with initial data $u(x,0)$, IST implies that the solution $u(x,t)$ asymptotes to a collection of solitons as $t to infty$, $x/t = O(1)$; moreover the shapes and speeds of these solitons can be computed from $u(x,0)$ using only {it linear} operations. One of the most important developments in this area has been the generalization of the IST from initial to initial-boundary value (IBV) problems formulated on the half-line. It can be shown that again $u(x,t)$ asymptotes into a collection of solitons, where now the shapes and the speeds of these solitons depend both on $u(x,0)$ and on the given boundary conditions at $x = 0$. A major complication of IBV problems is that the computation of the shapes and speeds of the solitons involves the solution of a {it nonlinear} Volterra integral equation. However, for a certain class of boundary conditions, called linearizable, this complication can be bypassed and the relevant computation is as effective as in the case of the problem on the line. Here, after reviewing the general theory for KdV, we analyze three different types of linearizable boundary conditions. For these cases, the initial conditions are: (a) restrictions of one and two soliton solutions at $t = 0$; (b) profiles of certain exponential type; (c) box-shaped profiles. For each of these cases, by computing explicitly the shapes and the speeds of the asymptotic solitons, we elucidate the influence of the boundary.
414 - J. Lenells , A. S. Fokas 2009
We analyze initial-boundary value problems for an integrable generalization of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation formulated on the half-line. In particular, we investigate the so-called linearizable boundary conditions, which in this case are of Robin type. Furthermore, we use a particular solution to verify explicitly all the steps needed for the solution of a well-posed problem.

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