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Spitzer IRAC selection is a powerful tool for identifying luminous AGN. For deep IRAC data, however, the AGN selection wedges currently in use are heavily contaminated by star-forming galaxies, especially at high redshift. Using the large samples of luminous AGN and high-redshift star-forming galaxies in COSMOS, we redefine the AGN selection criteria for use in deep IRAC surveys. The new IRAC criteria are designed to be both highly complete and reliable, and incorporate the best aspects of the current AGN selection wedges and of infrared power-law selection while excluding high redshift star-forming galaxies selected via the BzK, DRG, LBG, and SMG criteria. At QSO-luminosities of log L(2-10 keV) (ergs/s) > 44, the new IRAC criteria recover 75% of the hard X-ray and IRAC-detected XMM-COSMOS sample, yet only 38% of the IRAC AGN candidates have X-ray counterparts, a fraction that rises to 52% in regions with Chandra exposures of 50-160 ks. X-ray stacking of the individually X-ray non-detected AGN candidates leads to a hard X-ray signal indicative of heavily obscured to mildly Compton-thick obscuration (log N_H (cm^-2) = 23.5 +/- 0.4). While IRAC selection recovers a substantial fraction of luminous unobscured and obscured AGN, it is incomplete to low-luminosity and host-dominated AGN.
We present the AGN, star-forming, and morphological properties of a sample of 13 MIR-luminous (f(24) > 700uJy) IR-bright/optically-faint galaxies (IRBGs, f(24)/f(R) > 1000). While these z~2 sources were drawn from deep Chandra fields with >200 ks X-ray coverage, only 7 are formally detected in the X-ray and four lack X-ray emission at even the 2 sigma level. Spitzer IRS spectra, however, confirm that all of the sources are AGN-dominated in the mid-IR, although half have detectable PAH emission responsible for ~25% of their mid-infrared flux density. When combined with other samples, this indicates that at least 30-40% of luminous IRBGs have star-formation rates in the ULIRG range (~100-2000 Msun/yr). X-ray hardness ratios and MIR to X-ray luminosity ratios indicate that all members of the sample contain heavily X-ray obscured AGN, 80% of which are candidates to be Compton-thick. Furthermore, the mean X-ray luminosity of the sample, log L(2-10 keV)(ergs/s)=44.6, indicates that these IRBGs are Type 2 QSOs, at least from the X-ray perspective. While those sources most heavily obscured in the X-ray are also those most likely to display strong silicate absorption in the mid-IR, silicate absorption does not always accompany X-ray obscuration. Finally, ~70% of the IRBGs are merger candidates, a rate consistent with that of sub-mm galaxies (SMGs), although SMGs appear to be physically larger than IRBGs. These characteristics are consistent with the proposal that these objects represent a later, AGN-dominated, and more relaxed evolutionary stage following soon after the star-formation-dominated one represented by the SMGs.
(abridged) Infrared selection is a potentially powerful way to identify heavily obscured AGN missed in even the deepest X-ray surveys. Using a 24 micron-selected sample in GOODS-S, we test the reliability and completeness of three infrared AGN selection methods: (1) IRAC color-color selection, (2) IRAC power-law selection, and (3) IR-excess selection; we also evaluate a number of infrared excess approaches. We find that the vast majority of non-power-law IRAC color-selected AGN candidates in GOODS-S have colors consistent with those of star-forming galaxies. Contamination by star-forming galaxies is most prevalent at low 24 micron flux densities (~100 uJy) and high redshifts (z~2), but the fraction of potential contaminants is still high (~50%) at 500 uJy, the highest flux density probed reliably by our survey. AGN candidates selected via a simple, physically-motivated power-law criterion (PLGs), however, appear to be reliable. We confirm that the infrared excess methods successfully identify a number of AGN, but we also find that such samples may be significantly contaminated by star-forming galaxies. Adding only the secure Spitzer-selected PLG, color-selected, IR-excess, and radio/IR-selected AGN candidates to the deepest X-ray-selected AGN samples directly increases the number of known X-ray AGN (84) by 54-77%, and implies an increase to the number of 24 micron-detected AGN of 71-94%. Finally, we show that the fraction of MIR sources dominated by an AGN decreases with decreasing MIR flux density, but only down to f_24 = 300 uJy. Below this limit, the AGN fraction levels out, indicating that a non-negligible fraction (~10%) of faint 24 micron sources (the majority of which are missed in the X-ray) are powered not by star formation, but by the central engine.

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