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O and early B stars are at the apex of galactic ecology, but in the Milky Way, only a minority of them may yet have been identified. We present the results of a pilot study to select and parametrise OB star candidates in the Southern Galactic plane, down to a limiting magnitude of $g=20$. A 2 square-degree field capturing the Carina Arm around the young massive star cluster, Westerlund 2, is examined. The confirmed OB stars in this cluster are used to validate our identification method, based on selection from the $(u-g, g-r)$ diagram for the region. Our Markov Chain Monte Carlo fitting method combines VPHAS+ $u, g, r, i$ with published $J, H, K$ photometry in order to derive posterior probability distributions of the stellar parameters $log(rm T_{rm eff})$ and distance modulus, together with the reddening parameters $A_0$ and $R_V$. The stellar parameters are sufficient to confirm OB status while the reddening parameters are determined to a precision of $sigma(A_0)sim0.09$ and $sigma(R_V)sim0.08$. There are 489 objects that fit well as new OB candidates, earlier than $sim$B2. This total includes 74 probable massive O stars, 5 likely blue supergiants and 32 reddened subdwarfs. This increases the number of previously known and candidate OB stars in the region by nearly a factor of 10. Most of the new objects are likely to be at distances between 3 and 6 kpc. We have confirmed the results of previous studies that, at these longer distances, these sight lines require non-standard reddening laws with $3.5<R_V<4$.
We present a catalogue of 247 photometrically and spectroscopically confirmed fainter classical Be stars (13 < r < 16) in the direction of the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way (-1 < b < +4, 120 < l < 140). The catalogue consists of 181 IPHAS-selected new classical Be stars, in addition to 66 objects that were studied by Raddi et al. (2013) more closely, and 3 stars identified as classical Be stars in earlier work. This study more than doubles the number known in the region. Photometry spanning 0.6 to 5 micron, spectral types, and interstellar reddenings are given for each object. The spectral types were determined from low-resolution spectra (lambda / Delta-lambda ~ 800-2000), to a precision of 1-3 subtypes. The interstellar reddenings are derived from the (r - i) colour, using a method that corrects for circumstellar disc emission. The colour excesses obtained range from E(B-V) = 0.3 up to 1.6 - a distribution that modestly extends the range reported in the literature for Perseus-Arm open clusters. For around half the sample, the reddenings obtained are compatible with measures of the total sightline Galactic extinction. Many of these are likely to lie well beyond the Perseus Arm.
The INT/WFC Photometric H-Alpha Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane (IPHAS) is a 1800 square degrees imaging survey covering Galactic latitudes |b| < 5 deg and longitudes l = 30 to 215 deg in the r, i and H-alpha filters using the Wide Field Camera (WFC) on the 2.5-metre Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) in La Palma. We present the first quality-controlled and globally-calibrated source catalogue derived from the survey, providing single-epoch photometry for 219 million unique sources across 92% of the footprint. The observations were carried out between 2003 and 2012 at a median seeing of 1.1 arcsec (sampled at 0.33 arcsec/pixel) and to a mean 5sigma-depth of 21.2 (r), 20.0 (i) and 20.3 (H-alpha) in the Vega magnitude system. We explain the data reduction and quality control procedures, describe and test the global re-calibration, and detail the construction of the new catalogue. We show that the new calibration is accurate to 0.03 mag (rms) and recommend a series of quality criteria to select the most reliable data from the catalogue. Finally, we demonstrate the ability of the catalogues unique (r-Halpha, r-i) diagram to (1) characterise stellar populations and extinction regimes towards different Galactic sightlines and (2) select H-alpha emission-line objects. IPHAS is the first survey to offer comprehensive CCD photometry of point sources across the Galactic Plane at visible wavelengths, providing the much-needed counterpart to recent infrared surveys.
We present a three dimensional map of extinction in the Northern Galactic Plane derived using photometry from the IPHAS survey. The map has fine angular ($sim 10$ arcmin) and distance (100 pc) sampling allied to a significant depth ($gtrsim 5$ kpc). We construct the map using a method based on a hierarchical Bayesian model as previously described by Sale (2012). In addition to mean extinction, we also measure differential extinction, which arises from the fractal nature of the ISM, and show that it will be the dominant source of uncertainty in estimates of extinction to some arbitrary position. The method applied also furnishes us with photometric estimates of the distance, extinction, effective temperature, surface gravity, and mass for $sim 38$ million stars. Both the extinction map and the catalogue of stellar parameters are made publicly available via .
The VST Photometric Halpha Survey of the Southern Galactic Plane and Bulge (VPHAS+) is surveying the southern Milky Way in u, g, r, i and Halpha at 1 arcsec angular resolution. Its footprint spans the Galactic latitude range -5 < b < +5 at all longitudes south of the celestial equator. Extensions around the Galactic Centre to Galactic latitudes +/-10 bring in much of the Galactic Bulge. This ESO public survey, begun on 28th December 2011, reaches down to 20th magnitude (10-sigma) and will provide single-epoch digital optical photometry for around 300 million stars. The observing strategy and data pipelining is described, and an appraisal of the segmented narrowband Halpha filter in use is presented. Using model atmospheres and library spectra, we compute main-sequence (u - g), (g - r), (r - i) and (r - Halpha) stellar colours in the Vega system. We report on a preliminary validation of the photometry using test data obtained from two pointings overlapping the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. An example of the (u - g, g - r) and (r - Halpha, r - i) diagrams for a full VPHAS+ survey field is given. Attention is drawn to the opportunities for studies of compact nebulae and nebular morphologies that arise from the image quality being achieved. The value of the u band as the means to identify planetary-nebula central stars is demonstrated by the discovery of the central star of NGC 2899 in survey data. Thanks to its excellent imaging performance, the VST/OmegaCam combination used by this survey is a perfect vehicle for automated searches for reddened early-type stars, and will allow the discovery and analysis of compact binaries, white dwarfs and transient sources.
We investigate a region of the Galactic plane, between 120 <= l <= 140 and -1 <= b <= +4, and uncover a population of moderately reddened (E(B-V) sim 1) classical Be stars within and beyond the Perseus and Outer Arms. 370 candidate emission line stars (13 <= r <= 16) selected from the INT Photometric H-alpha Survey of the Northern Galactic plane (IPHAS) have been followed up spectroscopically. A subset of these, 67 stars with properties consistent with those of classical Be stars, have been observed at sufficient spectral resolution (Delta_lambda sim 2 - 4 Angstrom) at blue wavelengths to narrow down their spectral types. We determine these to a precision estimated to be +/- 1 sub-type and then we measure reddenings via SED fitting with reference to appropriate model atmospheres. Corrections for contribution to colour excess from circumstellar discs are made using an established scaling to H-alpha emission equivalent width. Spectroscopic parallaxes are obtained after luminosity class has been constrained via estimates of distances to neighbouring A/F stars with similar reddenings. Overwhelmingly, the stars in the sample are confirmed as luminous classical Be stars at heliocentric distances ranging from 2 kpc up to sim 12 kpc. However, the errors are presently too large to enable the cumulative distribution function with respect to distance to distinguish between models placing the stars exclusively in spiral arms, or in a smooth exponentially-declining distribution.
This study is an investigation of the stellar density profile of the Galactic disc in the Anticentre direction. We select over 40,000 early A stars from IPHAS photometry in the Galactic longitude range 160 < l < 200 close to the equatorial plane (-1 < b < +1). We then compare their observed reddening-corrected apparent magnitude distribution with simulated photometry obtained from parameterised models in order to set constraints on the Anticentre stellar density profile. By selecting A stars, we are appraising the properties of a population only ~100 Myrs old. We find the stellar density profile of young stars is well fit to an exponential with length scale of (3020 pm 120_{statistical} pm 180_{systematic}) pc, which is comparable to that obtained in earlier studies, out to a Galactocentric radius of R_T = (13.0 pm 0.5_{statistical} pm 0.6_{systematic}) kpc. At larger radii the rate of decline appears to increase with the scale length dropping to (1200 pm 300_{statistical} pm 70_{systematic}) pc. This result amounts to a refinement of the conclusions reached in previous studies that the stellar density profile is abruptly truncated. The IPHAS A star data are not compatible with models that propose a sudden change in metallicity at R_G = 10 kpc.
We present an algorithm ({scshape mead}, for `Mapping Extinction Against Distance) which will determine intrinsic ($r - i$) colour, extinction, and distance for early-A to K4 stars extracted from the IPHAS $r/i/Halpha$ photometric database. These data can be binned up to map extinction in three dimensions across the northern Galactic Plane. The large size of the IPHAS database ($sim 200$ million unique objects), the accuracy of the digital photometry it contains and its faint limiting magnitude ($r sim 20$) allow extinction to be mapped with fine angular ($ sim 10 $ arcmin) and distance ($sim 0.1$ ~kpc) resolution to distances of up to 10 kpc, outside the Solar Circle. High reddening within the Solar Circle on occasion brings this range down to $sim 2$ kpc. The resolution achieved, both in angle and depth, greatly exceeds that of previous empirical 3D extinction maps, enabling the structure of the Galactic Plane to be studied in increased detail. {scshape mead} accounts for the effect of the survey magnitude limits, photometric errors, unresolved ISM substructure, and binarity. The impact of metallicity variations, within the range typical of the Galactic disc is small. The accuracy and reliability of {scshape mead} are tested through the use of simulated photometry created with Monte-Carlo sampling techniques. The success of this algorithm is demonstrated on a selection of fields and the results are compared to the literature.
258 - A. R. Witham 2007
We present a catalogue of point-source Halpha emission line objects selected from the INT/WFC Photometric H$alpha$ Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane (IPHAS). The catalogue covers the magnitude range 13 < r < 19.5 and includes northern hemisphere sources in the Galactic latitude range -5 < b < 5 degress. It is derived from ~1500 square degress worth of imaging data, which represents 80 percent of the final IPHAS survey area. The electronic version of the catalogue will be updated once the full survey data becomes available. In total, the present catalogue contains 4853 point sources that exhibit strong photometric evidence for Halpha emission. We have so far analyzed spectra for ~300 of these sources, confirming more than 95 percent of them as genuine emission-line stars. A wide range of stellar populations are represented in the catalogue, including early-type emission line stars, active late-type stars, interacting binaries, young stellar objects and compact nebulae. The spatial distribution of catalogue objects shows overdensities near sites of recent or current star formation, as well as possible evidence for the warp of the Galactic plane. Photometrically, the incidence of Halpha emission is bimodally distributed in r-i. The blue peak is made up mostly of early-type emission line stars, whereas the red peak may signal an increasing contribution from other objects, such as young/active low-mass stars. We have cross-matched our Halpha-excess catalogue against the emission-line star catalogue of Kohoutek & Wehmeyer, as well as against sources in SIMBAD. We find that fewer than 10 per cent of our sources can be matched to known objects of any type. Thus IPHAS is uncovering an order of magnitude more faint (r > 13) emission line objects than were previously known in the Milky Way.

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