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In this work we present the results of imaging simulations performed with the help of the GEANT4 package for the protoMIRAX hard X-ray balloon experiment. The instrumental background was simulated taking into account the various radiation components and their angular dependence, as well as a detailed mass model of the experiment. We modeled the meridian transits of the Crab Nebula and the Galatic Centre region during balloon flights in Brazil ($sim -23^{circ}$ of latitude and an altitude of $sim 40 thinspace$ km) and introduced the correspondent spectra as inputs to the imaging simulations. We present images of the Crab and of three sources in the Galactic Centre region: 1E 1740.7-2942, GRS 1758-258 and GX 1+4. The results show that the protoMIRAX experiment is capable of making spectral and timing observations of bright hard X-ray sources as well as important imaging demonstrations that will contribute to the design of the MIRAX satellite mission.
249 - M. Castro , F. DAmico , J. Braga 2014
Hard X-ray spectra of black hole binaries in the low/hard state are well modeled by thermal Comptonization of soft seed photons by a corona-type region with $kT$thinspace$sim 50${thinspace}keV and optical depth around 1. Previous spectral studies of 1E{thinspace}1740.7$-$2942, including both the soft and the hard X-ray bands, were always limited by gaps in the spectra or by a combination of observations with imaging and non-imaging instruments. In this study, we have used three rare nearly-simultaneous observations of 1E{thinspace}1740.7$-$1942 by both XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL satellites to combine spectra from four different imaging instruments with no data gaps, and we successfully applied the Comptonization scenario to explain the broadband X-ray spectra of this source in the low/hard state. For two of the three observations, our analysis also shows that, models including Compton reflection can adequately fit the data, in agreement with previous reports. We show that the observations can also be modeled by a more detailed Comptonization scheme. Furthermore, we find the presence of an iron K-edge absorption feature in one occasion, which confirms what had been previously observed by Suzaku. Our broadband analysis of this limited sample shows a rich spectral variability in 1E{thinspace}1740.7$-$2942 at the low/hard state, and we address the possible causes of these variations. More simultaneous soft/hard X-ray observations of this system and other black-hole binaries would be very helpful in constraining the Comptonization scenario and shedding more light on the physics of these systems.
340 - L. Amati , J. Braga , F. Frontera 2014
We describe the GRB and All-sky Monitor Experiment (GAME) mission submitted by a large international collaboration (Italy, Germany, Czech Repubblic, Slovenia, Brazil) in response to the 2012 ESA call for a small mission opportunity for a launch in 2017 and presently under further investigation for subsequent opportunities. The general scientific objective is to perform measurements of key importance for GRB science and to provide the wide astrophysical community of an advanced X-ray all-sky monitoring system. The proposed payload was based on silicon drift detectors (~1-50 keV), CdZnTe (CZT) detectors (~15-200 keV) and crystal scintillators in phoswich (NaI/CsI) configuration (~20 keV-20 MeV), three well established technologies, for a total weight of ~250 kg and a required power of ~240 W. Such instrumentation allows a unique, unprecedented and very powerful combination of large field of view (3-4 sr), a broad energy energy band extending from ~1 keV up to ~20 MeV, an energy resolution as good as ~300 eV in the 1-30 keV energy range, a source location accuracy of ~1 arcmin. The mission profile included a launch (e.g., by Vega) into a low Earth orbit, a baseline sky scanning mode plus pointed observations of regions of particular interest, data transmission to ground via X-band (4.8 Gb/orbit, Alcantara and Malindi ground stations), and prompt transmission of GRB / transient triggers.
251 - T. Maiolino , F. DAmico , J. Braga 2013
We have analyzed a long-term database for Sco X-1 obtained with the telescope IBIS onboard the INTEGRAL satellite in order to study the hard X-ray behavior of Sco X-1 from 20 up to 200 keV. Besides the data used for producing of the INTEGRAL catalog of sources, this is the longest (412 ks) database of IBIS on Sco X-1 up to date. The production of hard X-ray tails in low-mass X-ray binaries is still a matter of debate. Since most of the fits to the high-energy part of the spectra are done with powerlaw models, the physical mechanism for the hard X-ray tail production is unclear. The purpose of this study is to better constrain those possible mechanisms. Our main result shows a strong correlation between the fluxes in the thermal and nonthermal part of Sco X-1 spectra. We thus suggest that Comptonization of lower energy photons is the mechanism for producing hard X-ray tails in Sco X-1.

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