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We present ECLAIRs, the Gamma-ray burst (GRB) trigger camera to fly on-board the Chinese-French mission SVOM. ECLAIRs is a wide-field ($sim 2$,sr) coded mask camera with a mask transparency of 40% and a 1024 $mathrm{cm}^2$ detection plane coupled to a data processing unit, so-called UGTS, which is in charge of locating GRBs in near real time thanks to image and rate triggers. We present the instrument science requirements and how the design of ECLAIRs has been optimized to increase its sensitivity to high-redshift GRBs and low-luminosity GRBs in the local Universe, by having a low-energy threshold of 4 keV. The total spectral coverage ranges from 4 to 150 keV. ECLAIRs is expected to detect $sim 200$ GRBs of all types during the nominal 3 year mission lifetime. To reach a 4 keV low-energy threshold, the ECLAIRs detection plane is paved with 6400 $4times 4~mathrm{mm}^2$ and 1 mm-thick Schottky CdTe detectors. The detectors are grouped by 32, in 8x4 matrices read by a low-noise ASIC, forming elementary modules called XRDPIX. In this paper, we also present our current efforts to investigate the performance of these modules with their front-end electronics when illuminated by charged particles and/or photons using radioactive sources. All measurements are made in different instrument configurations in vacuum and with a nominal in-flight detector temperature of $-20^circ$C. This work will enable us to choose the in-flight configuration that will make the best compromise between the science performance and the in-flight operability of ECLAIRs. We will show some highlights of this work.
197 - L. Amati 2013
Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) are the most powerful cosmic explosions since the Big Bang, and thus act as signposts throughout the distant Universe. Over the last 2 decades, these ultra-luminous cosmological explosions have been transformed from a mere curiosity to essential tools for the study of high-redshift stars and galaxies, early structure formation and the evolution of chemical elements. In the future, GRBs will likely provide a powerful probe of the epoch of reionisation of the Universe, constrain the properties of the first generation of stars, and play an important role in the revolution of multi-messenger astronomy by associating neutrinos or gravitational wave (GW) signals with GRBs. Here, we describe the next steps needed to advance the GRB field, as well as the potential of GRBs for studying the Early Universe and their role in the up-coming multi-messenger revolution.
We used a sample of GRBs detected by Fermi and Swift to reanalyze the correlation discovered by Amati et al. (2002) between Epi, the peak energy of the prompt GRB emission, and Eiso, the energy released by the GRB assuming isotropic emission. This correlation has been disputed by various authors, and our aim is to assess whether it is an intrinsic GRB property or the consequence of selection effects. We constructed a sample of Fermi GRBs with homogeneous selection criteria, and we studied their distribution in the Epi-Eiso plane. Our sample is made of 43 GRBs with a redshift and 243 GRBs without a redshift. We show that GRBs with a redshift follow a broad Epi-Eiso relation, while GRBs without a redshift show several outliers. We use these samples to discuss the impact of selection effects associated with GRB detection and with redshift measurement. We find that the Epi-Eiso relation is partly due to intrinsic GRB properties and partly due to selection effects. The lower right boundary of the Epi-Eiso relation stems from a true lack of luminous GRBs with low Epi. In contrast, the upper left boundary is attributed to selection effects acting against the detection GRBs with low Eiso and large Epi that appear to have a lower signal-to-noise ratio. In addition, we demonstrate that GRBs with and without a redshift follow different distributions in the Epi-Eiso plane. GRBs with a redshift are concentrated near the lower right boundary of the Epi-Eiso relation. This suggests that it is easier to measure the redshift of GRBs close to the lower Epi-Eiso boundary. In this context, we attribute the controversy about the reality of the Amati relation to the complex nature of this relation resulting from the combination of a true physical boundary and biases favoring the detection and the measurement of the redshift of GRBs located close to this boundary.
129 - B. Gendre 2011
The Swift burst GRB 110205A was a very bright burst visible in the Northern hemisphere. GRB 110205A was intrinsically long and very energetic and it occurred in a low-density interstellar medium environment, leading to delayed afterglow emission and a clear temporal separation of the main emitting components: prompt emission, reverse shock, and forward shock. Our observations show several remarkable features of GRB 110205A : the detection of prompt optical emission strongly correlated with the BAT light curve, with no temporal lag between the two ; the absence of correlation of the X-ray emission compared to the optical and high energy gamma-ray ones during the prompt phase ; and a large optical re-brightening after the end of the prompt phase, that we interpret as a signature of the reverse shock. Beyond the pedagogical value offered by the excellent multi-wavelength coverage of a GRB with temporally separated radiating components, we discuss several questions raised by our observations: the nature of the prompt optical emission and the spectral evolution of the prompt emission at high-energies (from 0.5 keV to 150 keV) ; the origin of an X-ray flare at the beginning of the forward shock; and the modeling of the afterglow, including the reverse shock, in the framework of the classical fireball model.
100 - E. Kuulkers 2009
[abridged] The LMXB 4U 0614+091 is a source of sporadic thermonuclear (type I) X-ray bursts. We find bursts with a wide variety of characteristics in serendipitous wide-field X-ray observations by EURECA/WATCH, RXTE/ASM, BeppoSAX/WFC, HETE-2/FREGATE, INTEGRAL/IBIS/ISGRI, and Swift/BAT, as well as pointed observations by RXTE/PCA and HEXTE. Most of them reach a peak flux of ~15 Crab, but a few only reach a peak flux below a Crab. One of the bursts shows a very strong photospheric radius-expansion phase. This allows us to evaluate the distance to the source: 3.2 kpc. The burst durations are between 10 sec to 5 min. However, after one of the intermediate-duration bursts, a faint tail is seen to at least ~2.4 hours after the start of the burst. One very long burst lasted for several hours. This superburst candidate was followed by a normal type-I burst only 19 days later. This is, to our knowledge, the shortest burst-quench time among the superbursters. A superburst in this system is difficult to reconcile if it accretes at ~1% L_Edd. The intermediate-duration bursts occurred when 4U 0614+091s persistent emission was lowest and calm, and when bursts were infrequent (on average one every month to 3 months). The average burst rate increased significantly after this period. The maximum average burst recurrence rate is once every week to 2 weeks. The burst behaviour may be partly understood if there is at least an appreciable amount of helium present in the accreted material from the donor star. If the system is an ultra-compact X-ray binary with a CO white-dwarf donor, as has been suggested, this is unexpected. If the bursts are powered by helium, we find that the energy production per accumulated mass is about 2.5 times less than expected for pure helium matter.
Between 2000 November and 2006 May, one or more spacecraft of the interplanetary network (IPN) detected 226 cosmic gamma-ray bursts that were also detected by the FREGATE experiment aboard the HETE-II spacecraft. During this period, the IPN consisted of up to nine spacecraft, and using triangulation, the localizations of 157 bursts were obtained. We present the IPN localization data on these events.
In this work, we present the results obtained from a multi-wavelength campaign, as well as from the public Swift/BAT, XRT, and UVOT data of GRB 060111B for which a bright optical emission was measured with good temporal resolution during the prompt phase. We identified the host galaxy at R~25 mag; its featureless spectral continuum and brightness, as well as the non-detection of any associated supernova 16 days after the trigger and other independent redshift estimates, converge to z~1-2. From the analysis of the early afterglow SED, we find that non-negligible host galaxy dust extinction, in addition to the Galactic one, affects the observed flux in the optical regime. The extinction-corrected optical-to-gamma-ray spectral energy distribution during the prompt emission shows a flux density ratio $F_{gamma}/F_{opt}$=0.01-0.0001 with spectral index $beta_{gamma,opt}> beta_{gamma}$, strongly suggesting a separate origin of the optical and gamma-ray components. This result is supported by the lack of correlated behavior in the prompt emission light curves observed in the two energy domains. The properties of the prompt optical emission observed during GRB 060111B favor interpretation of this optical light as radiation from the reverse shock in a thick shell limit and in the slow cooling regime. The expected peak flux is consistent with the observed one corrected for the host extinction, likely indicating that the starting time of the TAROT observations is very near to or coincident with the peak time. The estimated fireball initial Lorentz factor is >260-360 at z=1-2, similar to the Lorentz factors obtained from other GRBs. GRB 060111B is a rare, good test case of the reverse shock emission mechanism in both the X-ray and optical energy ranges.
Aims: Taking advantage of the forthcoming Catalog of the HETE-2 mission, the aim of this paper is to evaluate the main properties of HETE-2 GRBs - the E_peak, the T_90 and the E_iso - in their source frames and to derive their unbiased distribution. Methods: We first construct a complete sample containing all the bursts localized by the WXM on-board HETE-2, which are selected with a uniform criterion and whose observed parameters can be constrained. We then derive the intrinsic E_peak, T_90 and E_iso distributions using their redshift when it is available, or their pseudo-redshift otherwise. We finally compute the number of GRB (N_Vmax) within the visibility volume (V_max) of each GRB, in order to derive a weight for each detected burst accounting both for the detection significance and the star formation history of the universe. Results: The unbiased distributions obtained clearly show the predominence of X-ray flashes (XRFs) in the global GRB population. We also derive the rate of local GRBs: R0^H2 > 11 Gpc-3 yr-1, which is intermediate between the local rate obtained by considering only the high-luminosity bursts (~1 Gpc-3 yr-1) and that obtained by including the low-luminosity bursts (>200 Gpc-3 yr-1).
The study of time lags between spikes in Gamma-Ray Bursts light curves in different energy bands as a function of redshift may lead to the detection of effects due to Quantum Gravity. We present an analysis of 15 Gamma-Ray Bursts with measured redshift, detected by the HETE-2 mission between 2001 and 2006 in order to measure time lags related to astrophysical effects and search for Quantum Gravity signature in the framework of an extra-dimension string model. The use of photon-tagged data allows us to consider various energy ranges. Systematic effects due to selection and cuts are evaluated. No significant Quantum Gravity effect is detected from the study of the maxima of the light curves and a lower limit at 95% Confidence Level on the Quantum Gravity scale parameter of 3.2x10**15 GeV is set.

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