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Cosmic string networks generate cosmological perturbations actively throughout the history of the universe. Thus, the string sourced anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background is not affected by Silk damping as much as the anisotropy seeded by inflation. The spectrum of perturbations generated by strings does not match the observed CMB spectrum on large angular scales (l<1000) and is bounded to contribute no more than 10% of the total power on those scales. However, when this bound is marginally saturated, the anisotropy created by cosmic strings on small angular scales l>2000 will dominate over that created by the primary inflationary perturbations. This range of angular scales in the CMB is presently being measured by a number of experiments; their results will test this prediction of cosmic string networks soon.
We model the nonlinear saturation of the r-mode instability via three-mode couplings and the effects of the instability on the spin evolution of young neutron stars. We include one mode triplet consisting of the r-mode and two near resonant inertial modes that couple to it. We find that the spectrum of evolutions is more diverse than previously thought. The evolution of the star is dynamic and initially dominated by fast neutrino cooling. Nonlinear effects become important when the r-mode amplitude grows above its first parametric instability threshold. The balance between neutrino cooling and viscous heating plays an important role in the evolution. Depending on the initial r-mode amplitude, and on the strength of the viscosity and of the cooling this balance can occur at different temperatures. If thermal equilibrium occurs on the r-mode stability curve, where gravitational driving equals viscous damping, the evolution may be adequately described by a one-mode model. Otherwise, nonlinear effects are important and lead to various more complicated scenarios. Once thermal balance occurs, the star spins-down oscillating between thermal equilibrium states until the instability is no longer active. For lower viscosity we observe runaway behavior in which the r-mode amplitude passes several parametric instability thresholds. In this case more modes need to be included to model the evolution accurately. In the most optimistic case, we find that gravitational radiation from the r-mode instability in a very young, fast spinning neutron star within about 1 Mpc of Earth may be detectable by advanced LIGO for years, and perhaps decades, after formation. Details regarding the amplitude and duration of the emission depend on the internal dissipation of the modes of the star, which would be probed by such detections.
We determine constraints on the form of axisymmetric toroidal magnetic fields dictated by hydrostatic balance in a type II superconducting neutron star with a barotropic equation of state. Using Lagrangian perturbation theory, we find the quadrupolar distortions due to such fields for various models of neutron stars with type II superconducting and normal regions. We find that the star becomes prolate and can be sufficiently distorted to display precession with a period of the order of years. We also study the stability of such fields using an energy principle, which allows us to extend the stability criteria established by R. J. Tayler for normal conductors to more general media with magnetic free energy that depends on density and magnetic induction, such as type II superconductors. We also derive the growth rate and instability conditions for a specific instability of type II superconductors, first discussed by P. Muzikar, C. J. Pethick and P. H. Roberts, using a local analysis based on perturbations around a uniform background.
The nonlinear saturation of the r-mode instability and its effects on the spin evolution of Low Mass X-ray Binaries (LMXBs) are modeled using the triplet of modes at the lowest parametric instability threshold. We solve numerically the coupled equations for the three mode amplitudes in conjunction with the spin and temperature evolution equations. We observe that very quickly the mode amplitudes settle into quasi-stationary states. Once these states are reached, the mode amplitudes can be found algebraically and the system of equations is reduced from eight to two equations: spin and temperature evolution. Eventually, the system may reach thermal equilibrium and either (1) undergo a cyclic evolution with a frequency change of at most 10%, (2) evolve toward a full equilibrium state in which the accretion torque balances the gravitational radiation emission, or (3) enter a thermogravitational runaway on a very long timescale of about $10^6$ years. Alternatively, a faster thermal runaway (timescale of about 100 years) may occur. The sources of damping considered are shear viscosity, hyperon bulk viscosity and boundary layer viscosity. We vary proprieties of the star such as the hyperon superfluid transition temperature T_c, the fraction of the star that is above the threshold for direct URCA reactions, and slippage factor, and map the different scenarios we obtain to ranges of these parameters. For all our bound evolutions the r-mode amplitude remains small $sim 10^{-5}$. The spin frequency is limited by boundary layer viscosity to $ u_{max} sim 800 Hz [S_{ns}/(M_{1.4} R_6)]^{4/11} T_8^{-2/11}$. We find that for $ u > 700$ Hz the r-mode instability would be active for about 1 in 1000 LMXBs and that only the gravitational waves from LMXBs in the local group of galaxies could be detected by advanced LIGO interferometers.
We calculate the systematic inhomogeneity-induced correction to the cosmological constant that one would infer from an analysis of the luminosities and redshifts of Type Ia supernovae, assuming a homogeneous universe. The calculation entails a post-Newtonian expansion within the framework of second order perturbation theory, wherein we consider the effects of subhorizon density perturbations in a flat, dust dominated universe. Within this formalism, we calculate luminosity distances and redshifts along the past light cone of an observer. The resulting luminosity distance-redshift relation is fit to that of a homogeneous model in order to deduce the best-fit cosmological constant density Omega_Lambda. We find that the luminosity distance-redshift relation is indeed modified, by a small fraction of order 10^{-5}. When fitting this perturbed relation to that of a homogeneous universe, we find that the inferred cosmological constant can be surprisingly large, depending on the range of redshifts sampled. For a sample of supernovae extending from z=0.02 out to z=0.15, we find that Omega_Lambda=0.004. The value of Omega_Lambda has a large variance, and its magnitude tends to get larger for smaller redshifts, implying that precision measurements from nearby supernova data will require taking this effect into account. However, we find that this effect is likely too small to explain the observed value of Omega_Lambda=0.7. There have been previous claims of much larger backreaction effects. By contrast to those calculations, our work is directly related to how observers deduce cosmological parameters from astronomical data.

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