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We propose a Regularization framework based on Adversarial Transformations (RAT) for semi-supervised learning. RAT is designed to enhance robustness of the output distribution of class prediction for a given data against input perturbation. RAT is an extension of Virtual Adversarial Training (VAT) in such a way that RAT adversarialy transforms data along the underlying data distribution by a rich set of data transformation functions that leave class label invariant, whereas VAT simply produces adversarial additive noises. In addition, we verified that a technique of gradually increasing of perturbation region further improve the robustness. In experiments, we show that RAT significantly improves classification performance on CIFAR-10 and SVHN compared to existing regularization methods under standard semi-supervised image classification settings.
This study addresses an issue of co-adaptation between a feature extractor and a classifier in a neural network. A naive joint optimization of a feature extractor and a classifier often brings situations in which an excessively complex feature distribution adapted to a very specific classifier degrades the test performance. We introduce a method called Feature-extractor Optimization through Classifier Anonymization (FOCA), which is designed to avoid an explicit co-adaptation between a feature extractor and a particular classifier by using many randomly-generated, weak classifiers during optimization. We put forth a mathematical proposition that states the FOCA features form a point-like distribution within the same class in a class-separable fashion under special conditions. Real-data experiments under more general conditions provide supportive evidences.
We present a novel compact point cloud representation that is inherently invariant to scale, coordinate change and point permutation. The key idea is to parametrize a distance field around an individual shape into a unique, canonical, and compact vector in an unsupervised manner. We firstly project a distance field to a $4$D canonical space using singular value decomposition. We then train a neural network for each instance to non-linearly embed its distance field into network parameters. We employ a bias-free Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) with ReLU activation units, which has scale-factor commutative property between layers. We demonstrate the descriptiveness of the instance-wise, shape-embedded network parameters by using them to classify shapes in $3$D datasets. Our learning-based representation requires minimal augmentation and simple neural networks, where previous approaches demand numerous representations to handle coordinate change and point permutation.
Deep neural networks have been exhibiting splendid accuracies in many of visual pattern classification problems. Many of the state-of-the-art methods employ a technique known as data augmentation at the training stage. This paper addresses an issue of decision rule for classifiers trained with augmented data. Our method is named as APAC: the Augmented PAttern Classification, which is a way of classification using the optimal decision rule for augmented data learning. Discussion of methods of data augmentation is not our primary focus. We show clear evidences that APAC gives far better generalization performance than the traditional way of class prediction in several experiments. Our convolutional neural network model with APAC achieved a state-of-the-art accuracy on the MNIST dataset among non-ensemble classifiers. Even our multilayer perceptron model beats some of the convolutional models with recently invented stochastic regularization techniques on the CIFAR-10 dataset.
Binary Hashing is widely used for effective approximate nearest neighbors search. Even though various binary hashing methods have been proposed, very few methods are feasible for extremely high-dimensional features often used in visual tasks today. We propose a novel highly sparse linear hashing method based on pairwise rotations. The encoding cost of the proposed algorithm is $mathrm{O}(n log n)$ for n-dimensional features, whereas that of the existing state-of-the-art method is typically $mathrm{O}(n^2)$. The proposed method is also remarkably faster in the learning phase. Along with the efficiency, the retrieval accuracy is comparable to or slightly outperforming the state-of-the-art. Pairwise rotations used in our method are formulated from an analytical study of the trade-off relationship between quantization error and entropy of binary codes. Although these hashing criteria are widely used in previous researches, its analytical behavior is rarely studied. All building blocks of our algorithm are based on the analytical solution, and it thus provides a fairly simple and efficient procedure.
Scattering observables can be computed in lattice field theory by measuring the volume dependence of energy levels of two particle states. The dominant volume dependence, proportional to inverse powers of the volume, is determined by the phase shifts. This universal relation (Lus formula) between energy levels and phase shifts is distorted by corrections which, in the large volume limit, are exponentially suppressed. They may be sizable, however, for the volumes used in practice and they set a limit on how small the lattice can be in these studies. We estimate these corrections, mostly in the case of two nucleons. Qualitatively, we find that the exponentially suppressed corrections are proportional to the {it square} of the potential (or to terms suppressed in the chiral expansion) and the effect due to pions going ``around the world vanishes. Quantitatively, the size of the lattice should be greater than $approx(5 {fm})^3$ in order to keep finite volume corrections to the phase less than $1^circ$ for realistic pion mass.

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