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155 - Eric C. Rowell , Hans Wenzl 2014
We give a description of the centralizer algebras for tensor powers of spin objects in the pre-modular categories $SO(N)_2$ (for $N$ odd) and $O(N)_2$ (for $N$ even) in terms of quantum $(n-1)$-tori, via non-standard deformations of $Umathfrak{so}_N$. As a consequence we show that the corresponding braid group representations are Gaussian representations, the images of which are finite groups. This verifies special cases of a conjecture that braid group representations coming from weakly integral braided fusion categories have finite image.
89 - Hans Wenzl 2011
We construct analogs of the embedding of orthogonal and symplectic groups into unitary groups in the context of fusion categories. At least some of the resulting module categories also appear in boundary conformal field theory. We determine when these categories are unitarizable, and explicitly calculate the index and principal graph of the resulting subfactors.
50 - Hans Wenzl 2011
We give a presentation of the centralizer algebras for tensor products of spinor representations of quantum groups via generators and relations. In the even-dimensional case, this can be described in terms of non-standard q-deformations of orthogonal Lie algebras; in the odd-dimensional case only a certain subalgebra will appear. In the classical case q = 1 the relations boil down to Lie algebra relations.
105 - Hans Wenzl 2011
We define a new $q$-deformation of Brauers centralizer algebra which contains Hecke algebras of type $A$ as unital subalgebras. We determine its generic structure as well as the structure of certain semisimple quotients. This is expected to have applications for constructions of subfactors of type II$_1$ factors and for module categories of fusion categories of type $A$ corresponding to certain symmetric spaces.

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