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Galaxy mergers play an important role in the growth of galaxies and their supermassive black holes. Simulations suggest that tidal interactions could enhance black hole accretion, which can be tested by the fraction of binary active galactic nuclei (AGNs) among galaxy mergers. But determining the fraction requires a statistical sample of binaries. We have identified kpc-scale binary AGNs directly from high-resolution radio imaging. Inside the 92 square deg covered by the high-resolution Very Large Array survey of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Stripe 82 field, we identified 22 grade A and 30 grade B candidates of binary radio AGNs with angular separations less than 5 (10 kpc at z = 0.1). Eight of the candidates have optical spectra for both components from the SDSS spectroscopic surveys and our Keck program. Two grade B candidates are projected pairs, but the remaining six candidates are all compelling cases of binary AGNs based on either emission line ratios or the excess in radio power compared to the H-alpha-traced star formation rate. Only two of the six binaries were previously discovered by an optical spectroscopic search. Based on these results, we estimate that ~60% of our binary candidates would be confirmed once we obtain complete spectroscopic information. We conclude that wide-area high-resolution radio surveys offer an efficient method to identify large samples of binary AGNs. These radio-selected binary AGNs complement binaries identified at other wavelengths and are useful for understanding the triggering mechanisms of black hole accretion.
236 - J.A. Calanog , Hai Fu , A. Cooray 2014
We present Keck-Adaptive Optics and Hubble Space Telescope high resolution near-infrared (IR) imaging for 500 um-bright candidate lensing systems identified by the Herschel Multi-tiered Extra-galactic Survey (HerMES) and Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Survey (H-ATLAS). Out of 87 candidates with near-IR imaging, 15 (~17%) display clear near-IR lensing morphologies. We present near-IR lens models to reconstruct and recover basic rest-frame optical morphological properties of the background galaxies from 12 new systems. Sources with the largest near-IR magnification factors also tend to be the most compact, consistent with the size bias predicted from simulations and pre- vious lensing models for sub-millimeter galaxies. For four new sources that also have high-resolution sub-mm maps, we test for differential lensing between the stellar and dust components and find that the 880 um magnification factor (u_880) is ~1.5 times higher than the near-IR magnification factor (u_NIR), on average. We also find that the stellar emission is ~2 times more extended in size than dust. The rest-frame optical properties of our sample of Herschel-selected lensed SMGs are consistent with those of unlensed SMGs, which suggests that the two populations are similar.
Stellar archeology shows that massive elliptical galaxies today formed rapidly about ten billion years ago with star formation rates above several hundreds solar masses per year (M_sun/yr). Their progenitors are likely the sub-millimeter-bright galaxies (SMGs) at redshifts (z) greater than 2. While SMGs mean molecular gas mass of 5x10^10 M_sun can explain the formation of typical elliptical galaxies, it is inadequate to form ellipticals that already have stellar masses above 2x10^11 M_sun at z ~ 2. Here we report multi-wavelength high-resolution observations of a rare merger of two massive SMGs at z = 2.3. The system is currently forming stars at a tremendous rate of 2,000 M_sun/yr. With a star formation efficiency an order-of-magnitude greater than that of normal galaxies, it will quench the star formation by exhausting the gas reservoir in only ~200 million years. At a projected separation of 19 kiloparsecs, the two massive starbursts are about to merge and form a passive elliptical galaxy with a stellar mass of ~4x10^11 M_sun. Our observations show that gas-rich major galaxy mergers, concurrent with intense star formation, can form the most massive elliptical galaxies by z ~ 1.5.
We present high-spatial resolution imaging obtained with the Submillimeter Array (SMA) at 880um and the Keck Adaptive Optics (AO) system at Ks-band of a gravitationally lensed sub-millimeter galaxy (SMG) at z=4.243 discovered in the Herschel-Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey. The SMA data (angular resolution ~0.6) resolve the dust emission into multiple lensed images, while the Keck AO Ks-band data (angular resolution ~0.1) resolve the lens into a pair of galaxies separated by 0.3. We present an optical spectrum of the foreground lens obtained with the Gemini-South telescope that provides a lens redshift of z_lens = 0.595 +/- 0.005. We develop and apply a new lens modeling technique in the visibility plane that shows that the SMG is magnified by a factor of mu = 4.1 +/- 0.2 and has an intrinsic infrared (IR) luminosity of L_IR = (2.1 +/- 0.2) x 10^13 Lsun. We measure a half-light radius of the background source of r_s = 4.4 +/- 0.5 kpc which implies an IR luminosity surface density of Sigma_IR = (3.4 +/- 0.9) x 10^11 Lsun kpc^-2, a value that is typical of z > 2 SMGs but significantly lower than IR luminous galaxies at z~0. The two lens galaxies are compact (r_lens ~ 0.9 kpc) early-types with Einstein radii of theta_E1 = 0.57 +/- 0.01 and theta_E2 = 0.40 +/- 0.01 that imply masses of M_lens1 = (7.4 +/- 0.5) x 10^10 Msun and M_lens2 = (3.7 +/- 0.3) x 10^10 Msun. The two lensing galaxies are likely about to undergo a dissipationless merger, and the mass and size of the resultant system should be similar to other early-type galaxies at z~0.6. This work highlights the importance of high spatial resolution imaging in developing models of strongly lensed galaxies discovered by Herschel.
We present Spitzer 7-38um spectra for a 24um flux limited sample of galaxies at z~0.7 in the COSMOS field. The detailed high-quality spectra allow us to cleanly separate star formation (SF) and active galactic nucleus (AGN) in individual galaxies. We first decompose mid-infrared Luminosity Functions (LFs). We find that the SF 8um and 15um LFs are well described by Schechter functions. AGNs dominate the space density at high luminosities, which leads to the shallow bright-end slope of the overall mid-infrared LFs. The total infrared (8-1000um) LF from 70um selected galaxies shows a shallower bright-end slope than the bolometrically corrected SF 15um LF, owing to the intrinsic dispersion in the mid-to-far-infrared spectral energy distributions. We then study the contemporary growth of galaxies and their supermassive black holes (BHs). Seven of the 31 Luminous Infrared Galaxies with Spitzer spectra host luminous AGNs, implying an AGN duty cycle of 23+/-9%. The time-averaged ratio of BH accretion rate and SF rate matches the local M_BH-M_bulge relation and the M_BH-M_host relation at z ~ 1. These results favor co-evolution scenarios in which BH growth and intense SF happen in the same event but the former spans a shorter lifetime than the latter. Finally, we compare our mid-infrared spectroscopic selection with other AGN identification methods and discuss candidate Compton-thick AGNs in the sample. While only half of the mid-infrared spectroscopically selected AGNs are detected in X-ray, ~90% of them can be identified with their near-infrared spectral indices.
130 - Hai Fu 2009
We present Spitzer IRS spectra and MIPS photometry of 12 radio-loud QSOs with FR II morphologies at z ~ 0.3. Six of the sources are surrounded by luminous extended emission-line regions (EELRs), while the other six do not have such extended nebulae. The two subsamples are indistinguishable in their mid-infrared spectra and overall infrared spectral energy distributions (SEDs). For both subsamples, the mid-infrared aromatic features are undetected in either individual sources or their stacked spectra, and the SEDs are consistent with pure quasar emission without significant star formation. The upper limits to the star formation rate are sufficiently low that starburst-driven superwinds can be ruled out as a mechanism for producing the EELRs, which are instead likely the result of the ejection of most of the gas from the system by blast waves accompanying the launching of the radio jets. The FR II quasars deviate systematically from the correlation between host galaxy star formation rate and black hole accretion rate apparently followed by radio-quiet QSOs, implying little or no bulge growth coeval with the current intensive black hole growth. We also present a new Spitzer estimate of the star formation rate for the starburst in the host galaxy of the compact steep-spectrum radio quasar 3C 48.
180 - Hai Fu , Alan Stockton 2008
We present extensive ground-based spectroscopy and HST imaging of 3C79, an FR II radio galaxy associated with a luminous extended emission-line region (EELR). Surface brightness modeling of an emission-line-free HST R-band image reveals that the host galaxy is a massive elliptical with a compact companion 0.8 away and 4 magnitudes fainter. The host galaxy spectrum is best described by an intermediate-age (1.3 Gyr) stellar population (4% by mass), superimposed on a 10 Gyr old population and a power law (alpha_{lambda} = -1.8); the stellar populations are consistent with super-solar metallicities, with the best fit given by the 2.5 Z_sun models. We derive a dynamical mass of 4E11 M_sun within the effective radius from the velocity dispersion. The EELR spectra clearly indicate that the EELR is photoionized by the hidden central engine. Photoionization modeling shows evidence that the gas metallicity in both the EELR and the nuclear narrow-line region is mildly sub-solar (0.3 - 0.7 Z_sun) -- significantly lower than the super-solar metallicities deduced from typical active galactic nuclei in the SDSS. The more luminous filaments in the EELR exhibit a velocity field consistent with a common disk rotation. Fainter clouds, however, show high approaching velocities that are uncoupled with this apparent disk rotation. The striking similarities between this EELR and the EELRs around steep-spectrum radio-loud quasars provide further evidence for the orientation-dependent unification schemes. The metal-poor gas is almost certainly not native to the massive host galaxy. We suggest that the close companion galaxy could be the tidally stripped bulge of a late-type galaxy that is merging with the host galaxy. The interstellar medium of such a galaxy is probably the source for the low-metallicity gas in 3C79.
132 - Hai Fu , Alan Stockton 2008
We give an overview of our recent integral-field-unit spectroscopy of luminous extended emission-line regions (EELRs) around low-redshift quasars, including new observations of 5 fields. Previous work has shown that the most luminous EELRs are found almost exclusively around steep-spectrum radio-loud quasars, with apparently disordered global velocity fields, and little, if any, morphological correlation with either the host-galaxy or the radio structure. Our new observations confirm and expand these results. The EELRs often show some clouds with velocities exceeding 500 km/s, ranging up to 1100 km/s, but the velocity dispersions, with few exceptions, are in the 30-100 km/s range. Emission-line ratios show that the EELRs are clearly photoionized by the quasars. Masses of the EELRs range up to >10^10 Msun. Essentially all of the EELRs show relatively low metallicities, and they are associated with quasars that, in contrast to most, show similarly low metallicities in their broad-line regions. The two objects in our sample that do not have classical double-lobed radio morphologies (3C48, with a compact-steep-spectrum source; Mrk1014, radio-quiet, but with a weak compact-steep-spectrum source) are the only ones that appear to have recent star formation. While some of the less-luminous EELRs may have other origins, the most likely explanation for the ones in our sample is that they are examples of gas swept out of the host galaxy by a large-solid-angle blast wave accompanying the production of the radio jets. The triggering of the quasar activity is almost certainly the result of the merger of a gas-rich galaxy with a massive, gas-poor galaxy hosting the supermassive black hole.
523 - Hai Fu , Alan Stockton 2007
We present a correlation between the presence of luminous extended emission-line regions (EELRs) and the metallicity of the broad-line regions (BLRs) of low-redshift quasars. The result is based on ground-based [O III] 5007 narrow-band imaging and Hubble Space Telescope UV spectra of 12 quasars at 0.20 < z < 0.45. Quasars showing luminous EELRs have low-metallicity BLRs (Z < 0.6 Z_Solar), while the remaining quasars show typical metal-rich gas (Z > Z_Solar). Previous studies have shown that EELRs themselves also have low metallicities (Z < 0.5 Z_Solar). The correlation between the occurrence of EELRs and the metallicity of the BLRs, strengthened by the sub-Solar metallicity in both regions, indicates a common external origin for the gas, almost certainly from the merger of a gas-rich galaxy. Our results provide the first direct observational evidence that the gas from a merger can indeed be driven down to the immediate vicinity (< 1 pc) of the central black hole.
214 - Hai Fu , Alan Stockton 2007
We present Gemini integral field spectroscopy and Keck II longslit spectroscopy of the extended emission-line region (EELR) around the quasar 4C 37.43. The velocity structure of the ionized gas is complex and cannot be explained globally by a simple dynamical model. The spectra from the clouds are inconsistent with shock or ``shock + precursor ionization models, but they are consistent with photoionization by the quasar nucleus. The best-fit photoionization model requires a low-metallicity (12+log(O/H) < 8.7) two-phase medium, consisting of a matter-bounded diffuse component with a unity filling-factor (N ~ 1 cc, T ~ 15000 K), in which are embedded small, dense clouds (N ~ 400 cc, T ~ 10^4 K). The high-density clouds are transient and can be re-generated through compressing the diffuse medium by low-speed shocks (V_S lesssim 100 kms). Our photoionization model gives a total mass for the ionized gas of about 3x10^{10} M_sun, and the total kinetic energy implied by this mass and the observed velocity field is ~2x10^{58} ergs. The fact that luminous EELRs are confined to steep-spectrum radio-loud quasars, yet show no morphological correspondence to the radio jets, suggests that the driving force producing the 4C 37.43 EELR was a roughly spherical blast wave initiated by the production of the jet. That such a mechanism seems capable of ejecting a mass comparable to that of the total interstellar medium of the Milky Way suggests that ``quasar-mode feedback may indeed be an efficient means of regulating star formation in the early universe.

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