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We investigate the electronic structure of a perovskite-type Pauli paramagnet SrMoO3 (t2g2) thin film using hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy and compare the results to the realistic calculations that combine the density functional theory within the local-density approximation (LDA) with the dynamical-mean field theory (DMFT). Despite the clear signature of electron correlations in the electronic specific heat, the narrowing of the quasiparticle bands is not observed in the photoemission spectrum. This is explained in terms of the characteristic effect of Hunds rule coupling for partially-filled t2g bands, which induces strong quasiparticle renormalization already for values of Hubbard interaction which are smaller than the bandwidth. The interpretation is supported by additional model DMFT calculations including Hunds rule coupling, that show renormalization of low-energy quasiparticles without affecting the overall bandwidth. The photoemission spectra show additional spectral weight around -2 eV that is not present in the LDA+DMFT. We interpret this weight as a plasmon satellite, which is supported by measured Mo, Sr and Oxygen core-hole spectra that all show satellites at this energy.
We studied the charge-orbital ordering in the superlattice of charge-ordered insulating Pr$_{0.5}$Ca$_{0.5}$MnO$_3$ and ferromagnetic metallic La$_{0.5}$Sr$_{0.5}$MnO$_3$ by resonant soft x-ray diffraction. A temperature-dependent incommensurability is found in the orbital order. In addition, a large hysteresis is observed that is caused by phase competition between insulating charge ordered and metallic ferromagnetic states. No magnetic phase transitions are observed in contrast to bulk, confirming the unique character of the superlattice. The deviation from the commensurate orbital order can be directly related to the decrease of ordered-layer thickness that leads to a decoupling of the orbital-ordered planes along the c axis.
We report normal and superconducting properties of the Rashba-type noncentrosymmetric com- pound CaIrSi3, using single crystalline samples with nearly 100% superconducting volume fraction. The electronic density of states revealed by the hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy can be well explained by the relativistic first-principle band calculation. This indicates that strong spin-orbit interaction indeed affects the electronic states of this compound. The obtained H - T phase diagram exhibits only approximately 10% anisotropy, indicating that the superconducting properties are almost three dimensional. Nevertheless, strongly anisotropic vortex pinning is observed.
X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is one of the most widely used experimental techniques to study the electronic and spatial structure of materials. Fluorescence yield mode is bulk-sensitive, but has several serious problems coming from saturation effects. In this study, we show the usefulness of partial fluorescence yields in addressing these problems. We discuss the different behaviors of La2NiMnO6 and LiMnO2 at the Mn 2p absorption edges. The total fluorescence yield produces misleading spectra for LiMnO2 due to the absence of high-Z (Z: atomic number) elements. We conclude that the measurement of the inverse partial fluorescence yield is essential in studies of LiMnO2, which is a hotly debated Li-ion battery material.
166 - H. Wadati , J. Geck , E. Schierle 2011
We report the study of magnetic and orbital order in Pr$_{0.5}$Ca$_{0.5}$MnO$_3$ epitaxial thin films grown on (LaAlO$_3$)$_{0.3}$-(SrAl$_{0.5}$Ta$_{0.5}$O$_3$)$_{0.7}$ (LSAT) (011)$_c$. In a new experimental approach, the polarization and energy dependence of resonant soft x-ray scattering are used to reveal significant modifications of the magnetic order in the film as compared to the bulk, namely (i) a different magnetic ordering wave vector, (ii) a different magnetic easy axis and (iii) an additional magnetic reordering transition at low temperatures. These observations indicate a strong impact of the epitaxial strain on the spin order, which is mediated by the orbital degrees of freedom and which provides a promising route to tune the magnetic properties of manganite films. Our results further demonstrate that resonant soft x-ray scattering is a very suitable technique to study the magnetism in thin films, to which neutron scattering cannot easily be applied due to the small sample volume.
We investigated the magnetic structure of an orthorhombic YMnO3 thin film by resonant soft x-ray and hard x-ray diffraction. We observed a temperature-dependent incommensurate magnetic reflection below 45 K and a commensurate lattice-distortion reflection below 35 K. These results demonstrate that the ground state is composed of coexisting E-type and cycloidal states. Their different ordering temperatures clarify the origin of the large polarization to be caused by the E-type antiferromagnetic states in the orthorhombic YMnO3 thin film.
140 - H. Wadati , K. Kato , Y. Wakisaka 2011
We investigated the electronic structure of layered Mn oxide Bi3Mn4O12(NO3) with a Mn honeycomb lattice by x-ray absorption spectroscopy. The valence of Mn was determined to be 4+ with a small charge-transfer energy. We estimated the values of superexchange interactions up to the fourth nearest neighbors (J1, J2, J3, and J4) by unrestricted Hartree-Fock calculations and a perturbation method. We found that the absolute values of J1 through J4 are similar with positive (antiferromagnetic) J1 and J4, and negative (ferromagnetic) J2 and J3, due to Mn-O-O-Mn pathways activated by the smallness of charge-transfer energy. The negative J3 provides magnetic frustration in the honeycomb lattice to prevent long-range ordering.
We present an x-ray absorption study of the oxidation states of transition-metal-ions of LiMnO2 and its related materials, widely used as cathodes in Li-ion batteries. The comparison between the obtained spectrum and the configuration-interaction cluster-model calculations showed that the Mn3+ in LiMnO2 is a mixture of the high-spin and low-spin states. We found that Li deficiencies occur in the case of Cr substitution, whereas there are no Li deficiencies in the case of Ni substitution. We conclude that the substitution of charge-transfer-type Ni or Cu is effective for LiMnO2 battery materials.
101 - H. Wadati , I. Elfimov , 2010
Transition-metal substitution in Fe pnictides leading to superconductivity is usually interpreted in terms of carrier doping to the system. We report on a density functional calculation of the local substitute electron density and demonstrate that substitutions like Co and Ni for Fe do not carrier dope but rather are isovalent to Fe. We find that the extra d electrons for Co and Ni are almost totally located within the muffin-tin sphere of the substituted site. We suggest that Co and Ni act more like random scatterers scrambling momentum space and washing out parts of the Fermi surface.
We demonstrate a new method of x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) that is bulk sensitive, like traditional fluorescence yield measurements, but is not affected by self-absorption or saturation effects. This measure of XAS is achieved by scanning the incident photon energy through an absorption edge and using an energy sensitive photon detector to measure the partial fluorescence yield (PFY). The x-ray emission from any element or core-hole excitation that is not resonant with the absorption edge under investigation is selected from the PFY. It is found that the inverse of this PFY spectrum, which we term inverse partial fluorescence yield (IPFY), is linearly proportional to the x-ray absorption cross-section without any corrections due to saturation or self-absorption effects. We demonstrate this technique on the Cu L and Nd M absorption edges of the high-Tc cuprate LNSCO by measuring the O K PFY and comparing the total electron yield, total fluorescence yield and IPFY spectra.

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