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158 - Z. R. Gong , H. Ian , Yu-xi Liu 2009
Using the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, we derive an effective Hamiltonian for an optomechanical system that leads to a nonlinear Kerr effect in the systems vacuum. The oscillating mirror at one edge of the optomechanical system induces a squeezing effect in the intensity spectrum of the cavity field. A near-resonant laser field is applied at the other edge to drive the cavity field, in order to enhance the Kerr effect. We also propose a quantum-nondemolition-measurement setup to monitor a system with two cavities separated by a common oscillating mirror, based on our effective Hamiltonian approach.
92 - D.Z. Xu , H. Ian , T. Shi 2008
Hermann Feshbach predicted fifty years ago that when two atomic nuclei are scattered within an open entrance channel-- the state observable at infinity, they may enter an intermediate closed channel -- the locally bounded state of the nuclei. If the energy of a bound state of in the closed channel is fine-tuned to match the relative kinetic energy, then the open channel and the closed channel resonate, so that the scattering length becomes divergent. We find that this so-called Feshbach resonance phenomenon not only exists during the collisions of massive particles, but also emerges during the coherent transport of massless particles, that is, photons confined in the coupled resonator arrays cite{lzhou08}. We implement the open and the closed channels inside a pair of such arrays, linked by a separated cavity or a tunable qubit. When a single photon is bounded inside the closed channel by setting the relevant physical parameters appropriately, the vanishing transmission appears to display this photonic Feshbach resonance. The general construction can be implemented through various experimentally feasible solid state systems, such as the couple defected cavities in photonic crystals. The numerical simulation based on finite-different time-domain(FDTD) method confirms our conceive about physical implementation.
228 - Yue Chang , H. Ian , 2008
The recently increasing explorations for cavity optomechanical coupling assisted by a single atom or an atomic ensemble have opened an experimentally accessible fashion to interface quantum optics and nano (micro) -mechanical systems. In this paper, we study in details such composite quantum dynamics of photon, phonon and atoms, specified by the triple coupling, which only exists in this triple hybrid system: The cavity QED system with a movable end mirror. We exactly diagonalize the Hamiltonian of the triple hybrid system under the parametric resonance condition. We find that, with the rotating-wave approximation, the hybrid system is modeled by a generalized spin-orbit coupling where the orbital angular momentum operator is defined through a Jordan-Schwinger realization with two bosonic modes, corresponding to the mirror oscillation and the single mode photon of the cavity. In the quasi-classical limit of very large angular momentum, this system will behave like a standard cavity-QED system described by the Jaynes-Cummings model as the angular momentum operators are transformed to bosonic operators of a single mode. We test this observation with an experimentally accessible system with the atom in the cavity with a moving mirror.
131 - Z. R. Gong , H. Ian , Lan Zhou 2008
We study the coherent scattering process of a single photon confined in an one-dimensional (1D) coupled cavity-array, where a $Lambda$-type three-level atom is placed inside one of the cavities in the array and behaves as a functional quantum node (FQN). We show that, through the electromagnetic induced transparency (EIT) mechanism, the $Lambda$-type FQN bears complete control over the reflection and transmission of the incident photon along the cavity-array. We also demonstrate the emergence of a quasibound state of the single photon inside a secondary cavity constructed by two distant FQNs as two end mirrors, from which we are motivated to design an all-optical single photon storage device of quantum coherence.
353 - H. Dong , Z. R. Gong , H. Ian 2008
We propose a special cavity design that is constructed by terminating a one-dimensional waveguide with a perfect mirror at one end and doping a two-level atom at the other. We show that this atom plays the intrinsic role of a semi-transparent mirror for single photon transports such that quasi-normal modes (QNMs) emerge spontaneously in the cavity system. This atomic mirror has its reflection coefficient tunable through its level spacing and its coupling to the cavity field, for which the cavity system can be regarded as a two-end resonator with a continuously tunable leakage. The overall investigation predicts the existence of quasi-bound states in the waveguide continuum. Solid state implementations based on a dc-SQUID circuit and a defected line resonator embedded in a photonic crystal are illustrated to show the experimental accessibility of the generic model.
240 - H. Ian , Z. R. Gong , Yu-xi Liu 2008
We theoretically study a cavity filled with atoms, which provides the optical-mechanical interaction between the modified cavity photonic field and a movable mirror at one end. We show that the cavity field ``dresses these atoms, producing two types of polaritons, effectively enhancing the radiation pressure of the cavity field upon the end mirror, as well as establishing an additional squeezing mode of the end mirror. This squeezing produces an adiabatic entanglement, which is absent in usual vacuum cavities, between the oscillating mirror and the rest of the system. We analyze the entanglement and quantify it using the Loschmidt echo and fidelity.
185 - H. Ian , Z. R. Gong , C. P. Sun 2007
We study a dynamic mechanism to passively suppress the thermal noise of a micromechanical resonator through an intrinsic self-feedback that is genuinely non-Markovian. We use two coupled resonators, one as the target resonator and the other as an ancillary resonator, to illustrate the mechanism and its noise reduction effect. The intrinsic feedback is realized through the dynamics of coupling between the two resonators: the motions of the target resonator and the ancillary resonator mutually influence each other in a cyclic fashion. Specifically, the states that the target resonator has attained earlier will affect the state it attains later due to the presence of the ancillary resonator. We show that the feedback mechanism will bring forth the effect of noise suppression in the spectrum of displacement, but not in the spectrum of momentum.

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