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Hot subdwarf B stars (sdBs) are evolved, core helium-burning objects located on the extreme horizontal branch. Their formation history is still puzzling as the sdB progenitors must lose nearly all of their hydrogen envelope during the red-giant phase. About half of the known sdBs are in close binaries with periods from 1.2 h to a few days, a fact that implies they experienced a common-envelope phase. Eclipsing hot subdwarf binaries (also called HW Virginis systems) are rare but important objects for determining fundamental stellar parameters. Even more significant and uncommon are those binaries containing a pulsating sdB, as the mass can be determined independently by asteroseismology. Here we present a first analysis of the eclipsing hot subdwarf binary V2008-1753. The light curve shows a total eclipse, a prominent reflection effect, and low--amplitude pulsations with periods from 150 to 180 s. An analysis of the light-- and radial velocity (RV) curves indicates a mass ratio close to $ q = 0.146$, an RV semi-amplitude of $K=54.6 ,rm kms^{-1}$, and an inclination of $i=86.8^circ$. Combining these results with our spectroscopic determination of the surface gravity, $log ,g = 5.83$, the best--fitting model yields an sdB mass of 0.47$M_{rm odot}$ and a companion mass of $69 M_{rm Jup}$. As the latter mass is below the hydrogen-burning limit, V2008-1753 represents the first HW Vir system known consisting of a pulsating sdB and a brown dwarf companion. Consequently, it holds great potential for better constraining models of sdB binary evolution and asteroseismology.
We determine the temporal evolution of the luminosity L(WD), radius R(WD) and effective temperature Teff of the white dwarf (WD) pseudophotosphere of V339 Del from its discovery to around day 40. Another main objective was studying the ionization structure of the ejecta. These aims were achieved by modelling the optical/near-IR spectral energy distribution (SED) using low-resolution spectroscopy (3500 - 9200 A), UBVRcIc and JHKLM photometry. During the fireball stage (Aug. 14.8 - 19.9, 2013), Teff was in the range of 6000 - 12000 K, R(WD) was expanding non-uniformly in time from around 66 to around 300 (d/3 kpc) R(Sun), and L(WD) was super-Eddington, but not constant. After the fireball stage, a large emission measure of 1.0-2.0E+62 (d/3 kpc)**2 cm**(-3) constrained the lower limit of L(WD) to be well above the super-Eddington value. The evolution of the H-alpha line and mainly the transient emergence of the Raman-scattered O VI 1032 A line suggested a biconical ionization structure of the ejecta with a disk-like H I region persisting around the WD until its total ionization, around day 40. It is evident that the nova was not evolving according to the current theoretical prediction. The unusual non-spherically symmetric ejecta of nova V339 Del and its extreme physical conditions and evolution during and after the fireball stage represent interesting new challenges for the theoretical modelling of the nova phenomenon.
We report the discovery of a bright (V=11.6 mag) eclipsing hot subdwarf binary of spectral type B with a late main sequence companion from the All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS 102322-3737.0). Such systems are called HW Vir stars after the prototype. The lightcurve shows a grazing eclipse and a strong reflection effect. An orbital period of P=0.13927 d, an inclination of i=65.86{deg}, a mass ratio q=0.34, a radial velocity semiamplitude K_1=81.0 kms^-1, and other parameters are derived from a combined spectroscopic and photometric analysis. The short period can only be explained by a common envelope origin of the system. The atmospheric parameters (T_eff=28400 K, log g=5.60) are consistent with a core helium-burning star located on the extreme horizontal branch. In agreement with that we derived the most likely sdB mass to be M_sdB=0.46M_sun, close to the canonical mass of such objects. The companion is a late M-dwarf with a mass of M_comp=0.16 M_sun. ASAS 102322-3737.0 is the third brightest of only 12 known HW Virginis systems, which makes it an ideal target for detailed spectroscopic studies and long term photometric monitoring to search for period variations, e.g. caused by a substellar companion.
We announce the discovery of a new eclipsing hot subdwarf B + M dwarf binary, EC 10246-2707, and present multi-colour photometric and spectroscopic observations of this system. Similar to other HW Vir-type binaries, the light curve shows both primary and secondary eclipses, along with a strong reflection effect from the M dwarf; no intrinsic light contribution is detected from the cool companion. The orbital period is 0.1185079936 +/- 0.0000000009 days, or about three hours. Analysis of our time-series spectroscopy reveals a velocity semi-amplitude of K_1 = 71.6 +/- 1.7 km/s for the sdB and best-fitting atmospheric parameters of Teff = 28900 +/- 500 K, log g = 5.64 +/- 0.06, and log[N(He)/N(H)] = -2.5 +/- 0.2. Although we cannot claim a unique solution from modeling the light curve, the best-fitting model has an sdB mass of 0.45 Msun and a cool companion mass of 0.12 Msun. These results are roughly consistent with a canonical-mass sdB and M dwarf separated by a ~ 0.84 Rsun. We find no evidence of pulsations in the light curve and limit the amplitude of rapid photometric oscillations to < 0.08%. Using 15 years of eclipse timings, we construct an O-C diagram but find no statistically significant period changes; we rule out |P-dot| > 7.2 x 10^(-12). If EC 10246-2707 evolves into a cataclysmic variable, its period should fall below the famous CV period gap.
Hot subdwarf B stars (sdBs) are extreme horizontal branch stars believed to originate from close binary evolution. Indeed about half of the known sdB stars are found in close binaries with periods ranging from a few hours to a few days. The enormous mass loss required to remove the hydrogen envelope of the red-giant progenitor almost entirely can be explained by common envelope ejection. A rare subclass of these binaries are the eclipsing HW Vir binaries where the sdB is orbited by a dwarf M star. Here we report the discovery of an HW Vir system in the course of the MUCHFUSS project. A most likely substellar object ($simeq0.068,M_{rm odot}$) was found to orbit the hot subdwarf J08205+0008 with a period of 0.096 days. Since the eclipses are total, the system parameters are very well constrained. J08205+0008 has the lowest unambiguously measured companion mass yet found in a subdwarf B binary. This implies that the most likely substellar companion has not only survived the engulfment by the red-giant envelope, but also triggered its ejection and enabled the sdB star to form. The system provides evidence that brown dwarfs may indeed be able to significantly affect late stellar evolution.

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