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158 - P. Elliott , N. Huelamo , H. Bouy 2015
Context. Young loose nearby associations are unique samples of close (<150 pc), young (approx 5-100 Myr) pre-main sequence (PMS) stars. A significant number of members of these associations have been identified in the SACY collaboration. We can use the proximity and youth of these members to investigate key ingredients in star formation processes, such as multiplicity. Aims. We present the statistics of identified multiple systems from 113 confirmed SACY members. We derive multiplicity frequencies, mass-ratio, and physical separation distributions in a consistent parameter space, and compare our results to other PMS populations and the field. Methods. We have obtained adaptive-optics assisted near-infrared observations with NACO (ESO/VLT) and IRCAL (Lick Observatory) for at least one epoch of all 113 SACY members. We have identified multiple systems using co-moving proper-motion analysis and using contamination estimates. We have explored ranges in projected separation and mass-ratio of a [3-1000 au], and q [0.1-1], respectively. Results. We have identified 31 multiple systems (28 binaries and 3 triples). We derive a multiplicity frequency (MF) of MF_(3-1000au)=28.4 +4.7, -3.9% and a triple frequency (TF) of TF_(3-1000au)=2.8 +2.5, -0.8% in the separation range of 3-1000 au. We do not find any evidence for an increase in the MF with primary mass. The estimated mass-ratio of our statistical sample (with power-law index gamma=-0.04 +/- 0.14) is consistent with a flat distribution (gamma = 0). Conclusions. We show further similarities (but also hints of discrepancies) between SACY and the Taurus region: flat mass-ratio distributions and statistically similar MF and TF values. We also compared the SACY sample to the field (in the separation range of 19-100 au), finding that the two distributions are indistinguishable, suggesting a similar formation mechanism.
145 - H. Bouy , E. Bertin , L.M. Sarro 2015
The DANCe survey provides photometric and astrometric (position and proper motion) measurements for approximately 2 millions unique sources in a region encompassing $approx$80deg$^{2}$ centered around the Pleiades cluster. We aim at deriving a complete census of the Pleiades, and measure the mass and luminosity function of the cluster. Using the probabilistic selection method described in Sarro+2014, we identify high probability members in the DANCe ($ige$14mag) and Tycho-2 ($Vlesssim$12mag) catalogues, and study the properties of the cluster over the corresponding luminosity range. We find a total of 2109 high probability members, of which 812 are new, making it the most extensive and complete census of the cluster to date. The luminosity and mass functions of the cluster are computed from the most massive members down to $approx$0.025M$_{odot}$. The size, sensitivity and quality of the sample result in the most precise luminosity and mass functions observed to date for a cluster. Our census supersedes previous studies of the Pleiades cluster populations, both in terms of sensitivity and accuracy.
113 - H. Bouy , E. Bertin , D. Barrado 2015
We aim at identifying the clusters members by deriving membership probabilities for the sources within 1 degree of the clusters center, going further away than equivalent previous studies. We measure accurate proper motions and multi-wavelength (optical and near-infrared) photometry using ground based archival images of the cluster. We use these measurements to compute membership probabilities. The list of candidate members from Barrado+2001 is used as training set to identify the clusters locus in a multi-dimensional space made of proper motions, luminosities and colors. The final catalog includes 338892 sources with multi-wavelength photometry. Approximately half (194452) were detected at more than two epochs and we measured their proper motion and used it to derive membership probability. A total of 4349 candidate members with membership probabilities greater than 50% are found in this sample in the luminosity range between 10 and 22mag. The slow proper motion of the cluster and the overlap of its sequence with the field and background sequences in almost all color-magnitude and color-color diagrams complicate the analysis and the contamination level is expected to be significant. Our study nevertheless provides a coherent and quantitative membership analysis of Messier 35 based on a large fraction of the best ground-based data sets obtained over the past 18 years. As such, it represents a valuable input for follow-up studies using in particular the Kepler K2 photometric time series.
106 - H. Bouy , J. Alves , E. Bertin 2014
Following the recent discovery of a large population of young stars in front of the Orion Nebula, we carried out an observational campaign with the DECam wide-field camera covering ~10~deg^2 centered on NGC 1980 to confirm, probe the extent of, and characterize this foreground population of pre-main-sequence stars. We confirm the presence of a large foreground population towards the Orion A cloud. This population contains several distinct subgroups, including NGC1980 and NGC1981, and stretches across several degrees in front of the Orion A cloud. By comparing the location of their sequence in various color-magnitude diagrams with other clusters, we found a distance and an age of 380pc and 5~10Myr, in good agreement with previous estimates. Our final sample includes 2123 candidate members and is complete from below the hydrogen-burning limit to about 0.3Msun, where the data start to be limited by saturation. Extrapolating the mass function to the high masses, we estimate a total number of ~2600 members in the surveyed region. We confirm the presence of a rich, contiguous, and essentially coeval population of about 2600 foreground stars in front of the Orion A cloud, loosely clustered around NGC1980, NGC1981, and a new group in the foreground of the OMC-2/3. For the area of the cloud surveyed, this result implies that there are more young stars in the foreground population than young stars inside the cloud. Assuming a normal initial mass function, we estimate that between one to a few supernovae must have exploded in the foreground population in the past few million years, close to the surface of Orion A, which might be responsible, together with stellar winds, for the structure and star formation activity in these clouds. This long-overlooked foreground stellar population is of great significance, calling for a revision of the star formation history in this region of the Galaxy.
We present a new technique designed to take full advantage of the high dimensionality (photometric, astrometric, temporal) of the DANCe survey to derive self-consistent and robust membership probabilities of the Pleiades cluster. We aim at developing a methodology to infer membership probabilities to the Pleiades cluster from the DANCe multidimensional astro-photometric data set in a consistent way throughout the entire derivation. The determination of the membership probabilities has to be applicable to censored data and must incorporate the measurement uncertainties into the inference procedure. We use Bayes theorem and a curvilinear forward model for the likelihood of the measurements of cluster members in the colour-magnitude space, to infer posterior membership probabilities. The distribution of the cluster members proper motions and the distribution of contaminants in the full multidimensional astro-photometric space is modelled with a mixture-of-Gaussians likelihood. We analyse several representation spaces composed of the proper motions plus a subset of the available magnitudes and colour indices. We select two prominent representation spaces composed of variables selected using feature relevance determination techniques based in Random Forests, and analyse the resulting samples of high probability candidates. We consistently find lists of high probability (p > 0.9975) candidates with $approx$ 1000 sources, 4 to 5 times more than obtained in the most recent astro-photometric studies of the cluster. The methodology presented here is ready for application in data sets that include more dimensions, such as radial and/or rotational velocities, spectral indices and variability.
57 - H. Bouy , E. Bertin , E. Moraux 2013
The kinematic properties of the different classes of objects in a given association hold important clues about its members history, and offer a unique opportunity to test the predictions of the various models of stellar formation and evolution. DANCe (standing for Dynamical Analysis of Nearby ClustErs) is a survey program aimed at deriving a comprehensive and homogeneous census of the stellar and substellar content of a number of nearby (<1kpc) young (<500Myr) associations. Whenever possible, members will be identified based on their kinematics properties, ensuring little contamination from background and foreground sources. Otherwise, the dynamics of previously confirmed members will be studied using the proper motion measurements. We present here the method used to derive precise proper motion measurements, using the Pleiades cluster as a test bench. Combining deep wide field multi-epoch panchromatic images obtained at various obervatories over up to 14 years, we derive accurate proper motions for the sources present in the field of the survey. The datasets cover ~80 square degrees, centered around the Seven Sisters. Using new tools, we have computed a catalog of 6116907 unique sources, including proper motion measurements for 3577478 of them. The catalogue covers the magnitude range between i=12~24mag, achieving a proper motion accuracy <1mas/yr for sources as faint as i=22.5mag. We estimate that our final accuracy reaches 0.3mas/yr in the best cases, depending on magnitude, observing history, and the presence of reference extragalactic sources for the anchoring onto the ICRS.
110 - A. Ribas , B. Merin , H. Bouy 2013
Transitional disks are circumstellar disks with inner holes that in some cases are produced by planets and/or substellar companions in these systems. For this reason, these disks are extremely important for the study of planetary system formation. The Herschel Space Observatory provides an unique opportunity for studying the outer regions of protoplanetary disks. In this work we update previous knowledge on the transitional disks in the Chamaeleon I and II regions with data from the Herschel Gould Belt Survey. We propose a new method for transitional disk classification based on the WISE 12 micron-PACS 70 micron color, together with inspection of the Herschel images. We applied this method to the population of Class II sources in the Chamaeleon region and studied the spectral energy distributions of the transitional disks in the sample. We also built the median spectral energy distribution of Class II objects in these regions for comparison with transitional disks. The proposed method allows a clear separation of the known transitional disks from the Class II sources. We find 6 transitional disks, all previously known, and identify 5 objects previously thought to be transitional as possibly non-transitional. We find higher fluxes at the PACS wavelengths in the sample of transitional disks than those of Class II objects. We show the Herschel 70 micron band to be an efficient tool for transitional disk identification. The sensitivity and spatial resolution of Herschel reveals a significant contamination level among the previously identified transitional disk candidates for the two regions, which calls for a revision of previous samples of transitional disks in other regions. The systematic excess found at the PACS bands could be a result of the mechanism that produces the transitional phase, or an indication of different evolutionary paths for transitional disks and Class II sources.
70 - H. Bouy , J. Girard , E.L. Martin 2010
With a spectral type of T10, UGPS J072227.51-054031.2 is one of the coolest objects known to date in the solar neighborhood. Multiple systems are relatively common among early and mid-T dwarfs. We search for faint and close companions around UGPSJ072227.51-054031.2. We have obtained high spatial resolution images in the H and Ks bands using adaptive optics at the Very Large Telescope. With a Strehl ratio in the range 10-15%, the final images allow us to rule out the presence of a companion brighter than H<19.4mag at separation larger than 50mas, and H<21.4mag at separation larger than 0.1.
Over the past years, the lambda-Orionis cluster has been a prime location for the study of young very low mass stars, substellar and isolated planetary mass objects and the determination of the initial mass function and other properties of low mass cluster members. In the continuity of our previous studies of young associations cores, we search for ultracool members and new multiple systems within the central 5.3 (~0.6pc) of the cluster. We obtained deep seeing limited J, Ks-band images of the 5.3 central part of the cluster with NTT/SofI and H-band images with CAHA/Omega2000. These images were complemented by multi-conjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) H and Ks images of the 1.5 central region of the lambda-Orionis cluster obtained with the prototype MCAO facility MAD at the VLT. The direct vicinity of the massive lambda-Ori O8III-star was probed using NACO/SDI at the VLT. Finally, we also retrieved Spitzer IRAC images of the same area and used archival Subaru Suprime-Cam and CFHT CFHT12K i-band images. We report the detection of 9 new member candidates selected from optical and near-IR color-color and color-magnitude diagrams and 7 previously known members. The high spatial resolution images resolve 3 new visual multiple systems. Two of them are most likely not members of the association. The third one is made of a brown dwarf candidate companion to the F8V star HD36861C. The simultaneous differential images allow us to rule out the presence of visual companions more massive than M>0.07Msun in the range 1-2.5, and M>0.25Msun in the range 0.5-2.5
Nearby young clusters are privileged places to study the star formation history. Over the last decade, the sigma-Orionis cluster has been a prime location for the study of young very low mass stars, substellar and isolated planetary mass objects and the determination of the initial mass function. To extend previous studies of this association to its core, we searched for ultracool members and new multiple systems within the 1.5x1.5 central region of the cluster. We obtained deep multi-conjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) images of the core of the sigma-Orionis cluster with the prototype MCAO facility MAD at the VLT using the H and Ks filters. These images allow us to reach Delta H~5mag as close as 0.2 on a typical source with H=14.5mag. These images were complemented by archival SofI Ks-band images and Spitzer IRAC and MIPS mid-infrared images. We report the detection of 2 new visual multiple systems, one being a candidate binary proplyd and the other one a low mass companion to the massive star sigma Ori E. Of the 36 sources detected in the images, 25 have a H-band luminosity lower than the expected planetary mass limit for members, and H-Ks color consistent with the latest theoretical isochrones. Nine objects have additional Spitzer photometry and spectral energy distribution consistent with them being cluster members. One of them has a spectral energy distribution from H to 3.6micron consistent with that of a 5.5 MJup cluster member. Complementary NTT/SofI and Spitzer photometry allow us to confirm the nature and membership of two L-dwarf planetary mass candidates.

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