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407 - Guo-Zhu Liu 2015
We study the low-energy density of states of Dirac fermions in disordered d-wave superconductor. At zero energy, a finite density of states is obtained via the mechanism of dynamical mass generation in an effective (1+1)-dimensional relativistic field theory.
Extensive investigations show that QED$_{3}$ exhibits dynamical fermion mass generation at zero temperature when the fermion flavor $N$ is sufficiently small. However, it seems difficult to extend the theoretical analysis to finite temperature. We study this problem by means of Dyson-Schwinger equation approach after considering the effect of finite temperature or disorder-induced fermion damping. Under the widely used instantaneous approximation, the dynamical mass displays an infrared divergence in both cases. We then adopt a new approximation that includes an energy-dependent gauge boson propagator and obtain results for dynamical fermion mass that do not contain infrared divergence. The validity of the new approximation is examined by comparing to the well-established results obtained at zero temperature.
163 - Jing Wang , Guo-Zhu Liu 2014
We perform a detailed renormalization group analysis to study a (2+1)-dimensional quantum field theory that is composed of two interacting scalar bosons, which represent the order parameters for two continuous phase transitions. This sort of field theory can describe the competition and coexistence between distinct long-range orders, and therefore plays a vital role in statistical physics and condensed matter physics. We first derive and solve the renormalization group equations of all the relevant physical parameters, and then show that the system does not have any stable fixed point in the lowest energy limit. Interestingly, this conclusion holds in both the ordered and disordered phases, and also at the quantum critical point. Therefore, the originally continuous transitions are unavoidably turned to first-order due to ordering competition. Moreover, we examine the impacts of massless Goldstone boson generated by continuous symmetry breaking on ordering competition, and briefly discuss the physical implications of our results.
270 - Guo-Zhu Liu , Wei Li , 2009
The strong long-range Coulomb interaction between massless Dirac fermions in graphene can drive a semimetal-insulator transition. We show that this transition is strongly suppressed when the Coulomb interaction is screened by such effects as disorder, thermal fluctuation, doping, and finite volume. It is completely suppressed once the screening factor $mu$ is beyond a threshold $mu_{c}$ even for infinitely strong coupling. However, such transition is still possible if there is an additional strong contact four-fermion interaction. The differences between screened and contact interactions are also discussed.
161 - Guo-Zhu Liu , Wei Li , 2009
We study chiral phase transition and confinement of matter fields in (2+1)-dimensional U(1) gauge theory of massless Dirac fermions and scalar bosons. The vanishing scalar boson mass, $r=0$, defines a quantum critical point between the Higgs phase and the Coulomb phase. We consider only the critical point $r=0$ and the Coulomb phase with $r > 0$. The Dirac fermion acquires a dynamical mass when its flavor is less than certain critical value $N_{f}^{c}$, which depends quantitatively on the flavor $N_{b}$ and the scalar boson mass $r$. When $N_{f} < N_{f}^{c}$, the matter fields carrying internal gauge charge are all confined if $r eq 0$ but are deconfined at the quantum critical point $r = 0$. The system has distinct low-energy elementary excitations at the critical point $r=0$ and in the Coulomb phase with $r eq 0$. We calculate the specific heat and susceptibility of the system at $r=0$ and $r eq 0$, which can help to detect the quantum critical point and to judge whether dynamical fermion mass generation takes place.

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