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289 - Gheorghe Craciun 2015
The global attractor conjecture says that toric dynamical systems (i.e., a class of polynomial dynamical systems on the positive orthant) have a globally attracting point within each positive linear invariant subspace -- or, equivalently, complex balanced mass-action systems have a globally attracting point within each positive stoichiometric compatibility class. A proof of this conjecture implies that a large class of nonlinear dynamical systems on the positive orthant have very simple and stable dynamics. The conjecture originates from the 1972 breakthrough work by Fritz Horn and Roy Jackson, and was formulated in its current form by Horn in 1974. We introduce toric differential inclusions, and we show that each positive solution of a toric differential inclusion is contained in an invariant region that prevents it from approaching the origin. We use this result to prove the global attractor conjecture. In particular, it follows that all detailed balanced mass action systems and all deficiency zero weakly reversible networks have the global attractor property.
We consider the relationship between stationary distributions for stochastic models of reaction systems and Lyapunov functions for their deterministic counterparts. Specifically, we derive the well known Lyapunov function of reaction network theory as a scaling limit of the non-equilibrium potential of the stationary distribution of stochastically modeled complex balanced systems. We extend this result to general birth-death models and demonstrate via example that similar scaling limits can yield Lyapunov functions even for models that are not complex or detailed balanced, and may even have multiple equilibria.
Persistence and permanence are properties of dynamical systems that describe the long-term behavior of the solutions, and in particular specify whether positive solutions approach the boundary of the positive orthant. Mass-action systems (or more generally power-law systems) are very common in chemistry, biology, and engineering, and are often used to describe the dynamics in interaction networks. We prove that two-species mass-action systems derived from weakly reversible networks are both persistent and permanent, for any values of the reaction rate parameters. Moreover, we prove that a larger class of networks, called endotactic networks, also give rise to permanent systems, even if we allow the reaction rate parameters to vary in time. These results also apply to power-law systems and other nonlinear dynamical systems. In addition, ideas behind these results allow us to prove the Global Attractor Conjecture for three-species systems.
We consider stochastically modeled chemical reaction systems with mass-action kinetics and prove that a product-form stationary distribution exists for each closed, irreducible subset of the state space if an analogous deterministically modeled system with mass-action kinetics admits a complex balanced equilibrium. Feinbergs deficiency zero theorem then implies that such a distribution exists so long as the corresponding chemical network is weakly reversible and has a deficiency of zero. The main parameter of the stationary distribution for the stochastically modeled system is a complex balanced equilibrium value for the corresponding deterministically modeled system. We also generalize our main result to some non-mass-action kinetics.
In this paper we discuss the question of how to decide when a general chemical reaction system is incapable of admitting multiple equilibria, regardless of parameter values such as reaction rate constants, and regardless of the type of chemical kinetics, such as mass-action kinetics, Michaelis-Menten kinetics, etc. Our results relate previously described linear algebraic and graph-theoretic conditions for injectivity of chemical reaction systems. After developing a translation between the two formalisms, we show that a graph-theoretic test developed earlier in the context of systems with mass action kinetics, can be applied to reaction systems with arbitrary kinetics. The test, which is easy to implement algorithmically, and can often be decided without the need for any computation, rules out the possibility of multiple equilibria for the systems in question.
We extend previous work on injectivity in chemical reaction networks to general interaction networks. Matrix- and graph-theoretic conditions for injectivity of these systems are presented. A particular signed, directed, labelled, bipartite multigraph, termed the ``DSR graph, is shown to be a useful representation of an interaction network when discussing questions of injectivity. A graph-theoretic condition, developed previously in the context of chemical reaction networks, is shown to be sufficient to guarantee injectivity for a large class of systems. The graph-theoretic condition is simple to state and often easy to check. Examples are presented to illustrate the wide applicability of the theory developed.
We use ideas from algebraic geometry and dynamical systems to explain some ways that control points influence the shape of a Bezier curve or patch. In particular, we establish a generalization of Birchs Theorem and use it to deduce sufficient conditions on the control points for a patch to be injective. We also explain a way that the control points influence the shape via degenerations to regular control polytopes. The natural objects of this investigation are irrational patches, which are a generalization of Krasauskass toric patches, and include Bezier and tensor product patches as important special cases.
We present herein an extension of an algebraic statistical method for inferring biochemical reaction networks from experimental data, proposed recently in [3]. This extension allows us to analyze reaction networks that are not necessarily full-dimensional, i.e., the dimension of their stoichiometric space is smaller than the number of species. Specifically, we propose to augment the original algebraic-statistical algorithm for network inference with a preprocessing step that identifies the subspace spanned by the correct reaction vectors, within the space spanned by the species. This dimension reduction step is based on principal component analysis of the input data and its relationship with various subspaces generated by sets of candidate reaction vectors. Simulated examples are provided to illustrate the main ideas involved in implementing this method, and to asses its performance.
We present a novel method for identifying a biochemical reaction network based on multiple sets of estimated reaction rates in the corresponding reaction rate equations arriving from various (possibly different) experiments. The current method, unlike some of the graphical approaches proposed in the literature, uses the values of the experimental measurements only relative to the geometry of the biochemical reactions under the assumption that the underlying reaction network is the same for all the experiments. The proposed approach utilizes algebraic statistical methods in order to parametrize the set of possible reactions so as to identify the most likely network structure, and is easily scalable to very complicated biochemical systems involving a large number of species and reactions. The method is illustrated with a numerical example of a hypothetical network arising form a mass transfer-type model.
Dynamical system models of complex biochemical reaction networks are usually high-dimensional, nonlinear, and contain many unknown parameters. In some cases the reaction network structure dictates that positive equilibria must be unique for all values of the parameters in the model. In other cases multiple equilibria exist if and only if special relationships between these parameters are satisfied. We describe methods based on homotopy invariance of degree which allow us to determine the number of equilibria for complex biochemical reaction networks and how this number depends on parameters in the model.

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