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59 - P. F. L. Maxted 2015
V1094 Tau is bright eclipsing binary star with an orbital period close to 9 days containing two stars similar to the Sun. Our aim is to test models of Sun-like stars using precise and accurate mass and radius measurements for both stars in V1094 Tau. We present new spectroscopy of V1094 Tau which we use to estimate the effective temperatures of both stars and to refine their spectroscopic orbits. We also present new, high-quality photometry covering both eclipses of V1094 Tau in the Stroemgren uvby system and in the Johnson V-band. The masses, radii and effective temperatures of the stars in V1094 Tau are found to be M$_A$ = 1.0965 $pm$ 0.0040 M$_{odot}$, R$_A$ = 1.4109 $pm$ 0.0058 R$_{odot}$, T$_{rm eff,A}$ = 5850 $pm$ 100 K, and M$_B$ = 1.0120 $pm$ 0.0028 M$_{odot}$, R$_B$ = 1.1063 $pm$ 0.0066 R$_{odot}$, T$_{rm eff,B}$ = 5700 $pm$ 100 K. An analysis of the times of mid-eclipse and the radial velocity data reveals apsidal motion with a period of 14500 $pm$ 3700 years. The observed masses, radii and effective temperatures are consistent with stellar models for an age $approx$ 6 Gyr if the stars are assumed to have a metallicity similar to the Sun. This estimate is in reasonable agreement with our estimate of the metallicity derived using Stroemgren photometry and treating the binary as a single star ([Fe/H] $= -0.09 pm 0.11$). The rotation velocities of the stars suggest that V1094 Tau is close to the limit at which tidal interactions between the stars force them to rotate pseudo-synchronously with the orbital motion.
193 - G. Torres 2014
We report extensive photometric and spectroscopic observations of the 6.1-day period, G+M-type detached double-lined eclipsing binary V530 Ori, an important new benchmark system for testing stellar evolution models for low-mass stars. We determine accurate masses and radii for the components with errors of 0.7% and 1.3%, as follows: M(A) = 1.0038 +/- 0.0066 M(sun), M(B) = 0.5955 +/- 0.0022 M(sun), R(A) = 0.980 +/- 0.013 R(sun), and R(B) = 0.5873 +/- 0.0067 R(sun). The effective temperatures are 5890 +/- 100 K (G1V) and 3880 +/- 120 K (M1V), respectively. A detailed chemical analysis probing more than 20 elements in the primary spectrum shows the system to have a slightly subsolar abundance, with [Fe/H] = -0.12 +/- 0.08. A comparison with theory reveals that standard models underpredict the radius and overpredict the temperature of the secondary, as has been found previously for other M dwarfs. On the other hand, models from the Dartmouth series incorporating magnetic fields are able to match the observations of the secondary star at the same age as the primary (3 Gyr) with a surface field strength of 2.1 +/- 0.4 kG when using a rotational dynamo prescription, or 1.3 +/- 0.4 kG with a turbulent dynamo approach, not far from our empirical estimate for this star of 0.83 +/- 0.65 kG. The observations are most consistent with magnetic fields playing only a small role in changing the global properties of the primary. The V530 Ori system thus provides an important demonstration that recent advances in modeling appear to be on the right track to explain the long-standing problem of radius inflation and temperature suppression in low-mass stars.
We report our investigation of the first transiting planet candidate from the YETI project in the young (~4 Myr old) open cluster Trumpler 37. The transit-like signal detected in the lightcurve of the F8V star 2M21385603+5711345 repeats every 1.364894+/-0.000015 days, and has a depth of 54.5+/-0.8 mmag in R. Membership to the cluster is supported by its mean radial velocity and location in the color-magnitude diagram, while the Li diagnostic and proper motion are inconclusive in this regard. Follow-up photometric monitoring and adaptive optics imaging allow us to rule out many possible blend scenarios, but our radial-velocity measurements show it to be an eclipsing single-lined spectroscopic binary with a late-type (mid-M) stellar companion, rather than one of planetary nature. The estimated mass of the companion is 0.15-0.44 solar masses. The search for planets around very young stars such as those targeted by the YETI survey remains of critical importance to understand the early stages of planet formation and evolution.
Recently, the singular value decomposition (SVD) was applied to standard Gaussian ensembles of Random Matrix Theory (RMT) to determine the scale invariance in the spectral fluctuations without performing any unfolding procedure. Here, SVD is applied directly to the $ u$-Hermite ensemble and to a sparse matrix ensemble, decomposing the corresponding spectra in trend and fluctuation modes. In correspondence with known results, we obtain that fluctuation modes exhibit a cross-over between soft and rigid behavior. By using the trend modes we performed a data-adaptive unfolding, and we calculate traditional spectral fluctuation measures. Additionally, ensemble-averaged and individual-spectrum averaged statistics are calculated consistently within the same basis of normal modes.
The statistics of random-matrix spectra can be very sensitive to the unfolding procedure that separates global from local properties. In order to avoid the introduction of possible artifacts, recently it has been applied to ergodic ensembles of Random Matrix Theory (RMT) the singular value decomposition (SVD) method, based on normal mode analysis, which characterizes the long-range correlations of the spectral fluctuations in a direct way without performing any unfolding. However, in the case of more general ensembles, the ergodicity property is often broken leading to ambiguities between spectrum-unfolded and ensemble-unfolded fluctuation statistics. Here, we apply SVD to a disordered random-matrix ensemble with tunable nonergodicity, as a mathematical framework to characterize the nonergodicity. We show that ensemble-averaged and individual-spectrum averaged statistics are calculated consistently using the same normal mode basis, and the nonergodicity is explained as a breakdown of this common basis.
We report the discovery by the HATNet survey of three new transiting extrasolar planets orbiting moderately bright (V=13.2, 12.8 and 11.9) stars. The planets have orbital periods of 4.3012, 3.1290, and 4.4631 days, masses of 0.39, 0.89, and 0.49 Mjup, and radii of 1.28, 1.43, and 1.28 Rjup. The stellar hosts have masses of 0.94, 1.26, and 1.28 Msun. Each system shows significant systematic variations in its residual radial velocities indicating the possible presence of additional components. Based on its Bayesian evidence, the preferred model for HAT-P-44 consists of two planets, including the transiting component, with the outer planet having a period of 220 d and a minimum mass of 1.6 Mjup. Due to aliasing we cannot rule out an alternative solution for the outer planet having a period of 438 d and a minimum mass of 3.7 Mjup. For HAT-P-45 at present there is not enough data to justify the additional free parameters included in a multi-planet model, in this case a single-planet solution is preferred, but the required jitter of 22.5 +- 6.3 m/s is relatively high for a star of this type. For HAT-P-46 the preferred solution includes a second planet having a period of 78 d and a minimum mass of 2.0 Mjup, however the preference for this model over a single-planet model is not very strong. While substantial uncertainties remain as to the presence and/or properties of the outer planetary companions in these systems, the inner transiting planets are well characterized with measured properties that are fairly robust against changes in the assumed models for the outer planets. Continued RV monitoring is necessary to fully characterize these three planetary systems, the properties of which may have important implications for understanding the formation of hot Jupiters.
90 - A. Boden , G. Torres , G. Duchene 2011
We report on new high-resolution imaging and spectroscopy on the multiple T Tauri star system V773 Tau over the 2003 -- 2009 period. With these data we derive relative astrometry, photometry between the A and B components, and radial velocity (RV) of the A-subsystem components. Combining these new data with previously published astrometry and RVs, we update the relative A-B orbit model. This updated orbit model, the known system distance, and A subsystem parameters yields a dynamical mass for the B component for the first time. Remarkably the derived B dynamical mass is in the range of 1.7 -- 3.0 M$_sun$. This is much higher than previous estimates, and suggests that like A, B is also a multiple stellar system. Among these data, spatially-resolved spectroscopy provide new insight into the nature of the B component. Similar to A, these near-IR spectra indicate that the dominant source in B is of mid-K spectral type. If B is in fact a multiple star system as suggested by the dynamical mass estimate, the simplest assumption is that B is composed of similar $sim$ 1.2 M$_sun$ PMS stars in a close ($<$ 1 AU) binary system. This inference is supported by line-shape changes in near-IR spectroscopy of B, tentatively interpreted as changing RV among components in V773 Tau B. Relative photometry indicate that B is highly variable in the near-IR. The most likely explanation for this variability is circum-B material resulting in variable line-of-sight extinction. The distribution of this material must be significantly affected by both the putative B multiplicity, and the A-B orbit.
258 - G. Torres , H. Levato , C. Lovis 2011
Brief summaries are given of the following subjects of interest to IAU Commission 30: Large-scale radial-velocity surveys; The role of radial-velocity measurements in studies of stellar angular momentum evolution and stellar age; Radial velocities in open clusters; Toward higher radial-velocity precision; High-precision radial velocities applied to studies of binary stars; Doppler boosting effect; Working groups (Stellar radial velocity bibliography; Radial velocity standards; Catalogue of orbital elements of spectroscopic binaries [SB9]).
We report the discovery of two exoplanets transiting high-jitter stars. HAT-P-32b orbits the bright V=11.289 star GSC 3281-00800, with a period P = 2.150008 d. The stellar and planetary masses and radii depend on the eccentricity of the system, which is poorly constrained due to the high velocity jitter (~80m/s). Assuming a circular orbit, the star has a mass of 1.16+-0.04 M_sun, and radius of 1.22+-0.02 R_sun, while the planet has a mass of 0.860+-0.164 MJ, and a radius of 1.789+-0.025 RJ. When the eccentricity is allowed to vary, the best-fit model results in a planet which is close to filling its Roche Lobe. Including the constraint that the planet cannot exceed its Roche Lobe results in the following best-fit parameters: e = 0.163+-0.061, Mp = 0.94+-0.17 MJ, Rp = 2.04+-0.10 RJ, Ms = 1.18+0.04-0.07 M_sun and Rs = 1.39+-0.07 R_sun. The second planet, HAT-P-33b, orbits the bright V=11.188 star GSC 2461-00988, with a period P = 3.474474 d. As for HAT-P-32, the stellar and planetary masses and radii of HAT-P-33 depend on the eccentricity, which is poorly constrained due to the high jitter (~50m/s). In this case spectral line bisector spans are significantly anti-correlated with the radial velocity residuals, and we use this correlation to reduce the residual rms to ~35m/s. We find the star has a mass of either 1.38+-0.04 M_sun or 1.40+-0.10 M_sun, and a radius of either 1.64+-0.03 R_sun or 1.78+-0.28 R_sun, while the planet has a mass of either 0.762+-0.101 MJ or 0.763+-0.117 MJ, and a radius of either 1.686+-0.045 RJ or 1.827+-0.290 RJ, for an assumed circular orbit or for the best-fit eccentric orbit respectively. Due to the large bisector span variations exhibited by both stars we rely on detailed modeling of the photometric light curves to rule out blend scenarios. Both planets are among the largest radii transiting planets discovered to date.
We summarize the contribution of the HATNet project to extrasolar planet science, highlighting published planets (HAT-P-1b through HAT-P-26b). We also briefly discuss the operations, data analysis, candidate selection and confirmation procedures, and we summarize what HATNet provides to the exoplanet community with each discovery.

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