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A comprehensive review of physics at an e+e- Linear Collider in the energy range of sqrt{s}=92 GeV--3 TeV is presented in view of recent and expected LHC results, experiments from low energy as well as astroparticle physics.The report focuses in particular on Higgs boson, Top quark and electroweak precision physics, but also discusses several models of beyond the Standard Model physics such as Supersymmetry, little Higgs models and extra gauge bosons. The connection to cosmology has been analyzed as well.
High energy e+e- linear colliders are the next large scale project in particle physics. They need intense sources to achieve the required luminosity. In particular, the positron source must provide about 10E+14 positrons per second. The positron source for the International Linear Collider (ILC) is based on a helical undulator passed by the electron beam to create an intense circularly polarized photon beam. With these photons a longitudinally polarized positron beam is generated; the degree of polarization can be enhanced by collimating the photon beam. However, the high photon beam intensity causes huge thermal load in the collimator material. In this paper the thermal load in the photon collimator is discussed and a flexible design solution is presented.
The future linear collider will collide dense $e^+e^-$ bunches at high energies up to 1 TeV, generating very intense electromagnetic fields at the interaction point (IP). These fields are strong enough to lead to nonlinear effects which affect all IP processes and which are described by strong field physics theory. In order to test this theory, we propose an experiment that will focus an intense laser on the LC electron beam post-IP. Similar experiments at SLAC E144 have investigated nonlinear Compton scattering, Breit-Wheeler pair production using an electron beam of 46.6 GeV. The higher beam energies available at the future LC would allow more precise studies of these phenomena. Mass-shift and spin-dependent effects could also be investigated.
Future lepton colliders will be precision machines whose physics program includes close study of the Higgs sector and searches for new physics via polarised beams. The luminosity requirements of such machines entail very intense lepton bunches at the interaction point with associated strong electromagnetic fields. These strong fields not only lead to obvious phenomena such as beamstrahlung, but also potentially affect every particle physics process via virtual exchange with the bunch fields. For precision studies, strong field effects have to be understood to the sub-percent level. Strong external field effects can be taken into account exactly via the Furry Picture or, in certain limits, via the Quasi-classical Operator method . Significant theoretical development is in progress and here we outline the current state of play.
We explore the effects of neutrino and electron mixing with exotic heavy leptons in the process e^+e^-to W^+W^- within E_6 models. We examine the possibility of uniquely distinguishing and identifying such effects of heavy neutral lepton exchange from Z-Z mixing within the same class of models and also from analogous ones due to competitor models with anomalous trilinear gauge couplings (AGC) that can lead to very similar experimental signatures at the e^+e^- International Linear Collider (ILC) for sqrt{s}=350, 500 GeV and 1 TeV. Such clear identification of the model is possible by using a certain double polarization asymmetry. The availability of both beams being polarized plays a crucial role in identifying such exotic-lepton admixture. In addition, the sensitivity of the ILC for probing exotic-lepton admixture is substantially enhanced when the polarization of the produced W^pm bosons is considered.
New heavy neutral gauge bosons Z are predicted by many models of physics beyond the Standard Model. It is quite possible that Zs are heavy enough to lie beyond the discovery reach of the CERN Large Hadron Collider LHC, in which case only indirect signatures of Z exchanges may emerge at future colliders, through deviations of the measured cross sections from the Standard Model predictions. We discuss in this context the foreseeable sensitivity to Zs of W^pm-pair production cross sections at the e^+e^- International Linear Collider (ILC), especially as regards the potential of distinguishing observable effects of the Z from analogous ones due to competitor models with anomalous trilinear gauge couplings (AGC) that can lead to the same or similar new physics experimental signatures at the ILC. The sensitivity of the ILC for probing the Z-Z mixing and its capability to distinguish these two new physics scenarios is substantially enhanced when the polarization of the initial beams and the produced W^pm bosons are considered. A model independent analysis of the Z effects in the process e^+e^- to W^+W^- allows to differentiate the full class of vector Z models from those with anomalous trilinear gauge couplings, with one notable exception: the sequential SM (SSM)-like models can in this process not be distinguished from anomalous gauge couplings. Results of model dependent analysis of a specific Z are expressed in terms of discovery and identification reaches on the Z-Z mixing angle and the Z mass.
95 - V. Kovalenko 2012
To achieve the physics goals of future Linear Colliders, it is important that electron and positron beams are polarized. The positron source planned for the International Linear Collider (ILC) is based on a helical undulator system and can deliver a polarised beam with positron polarization of 60%. To ensure that no significant polarization is lost during the transport of the electron and positron beams from the source to the interaction region, spin tracking has to be included in all transport elements which can contribute to a loss of polarization. These are the positron source, the damping ring, the spin rotators, the main linac and the beam delivery system. In particular, the dynamics of the polarized positron beam is required to be investigated. The results of positron spin tracking and depolarization study at the Positron-Linac-To-Ring (PLTR) beamline are presented.
97 - A. Ushakov 2012
To achieve the extremely high luminosity for colliding electron-positron beams at the future International Linear Collider (ILC) an undulator-based source with about 230 meters helical undulator and a thin titanium-alloy target rim rotated with tangential velocity of about 100 meters per second are foreseen. The very high density of heat deposited in the target has to be analyzed carefully. The energy deposited by the photon beam in the target has been calculated in FLUKA. The resulting stress in the target material after one bunch train has been simulated in ANSYS.
We study the prospects to measure the CP-sensitive triple-product asymmetries in neutralino production e+e- -> ~chi^0_i ~chi^0_1 and subsequent leptonic two-body decays ~chi^0_i -> ~l_R l, ~l_R -> ~chi^0_1 l, for l=e, mu, within the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. We include a full detector simulation of the International Large Detector for the International Linear Collider. The simulation was performed at a center-of-mass energy of sqrt{s}=500 GeV, including the relevant Standard Model background processes, a realistic beam energy spectrum, beam backgrounds and a beam polarization of 80% and -60% for the electron and positron beams, respectively. In order to effectively disentangle different signal samples and reduce SM and SUSY backgrounds we apply a method of kinematic reconstruction. Assuming an integrated luminosity of 500 fb^-1 collected by the experiment and the performance of the current ILD detector, we arrive at a relative measurement accuracy of 10% for the CP-sensitive asymmetry in our scenario. We demonstrate that our method of signal selection using kinematic reconstruction can be applied to a broad class of scenarios and it allows disentangling processes with similar kinematic properties.
We discuss the potential of observing effects of CP-violation phases in squark decay chains at the LHC. As the CP-odd observable, we use the asymmetry composed by triple products of final state momenta. There are good prospects of observing these effects using the method of kinematic reconstruction for the final and intermediate state particles. We also discuss the main experimental factors and the expected sensitivity.

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