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MCG-6-30-15, at a distance of 37 Mpc (z=0.008), is the archetypical Seyfert 1 galaxy showing very broad Fe K$alpha$ emission. We present results from a joint NuSTAR and XMM-Newton observational campaign that, for the first time, allows a sensitive, time-resolved spectral analysis from 0.35 keV up to 80 keV. The strong variability of the source is best explained in terms of intrinsic X-ray flux variations and in the context of the light bending model: the primary, variable emission is reprocessed by the accretion disk, which produces secondary, less variable, reflected emission. The broad Fe K$alpha$ profile is, as usual for this source, well explained by relativistic effects occurring in the innermost regions of the accretion disk around a rapidly rotating black hole. We also discuss the alternative model in which the broadening of the Fe K$alpha$ is due to the complex nature of the circumnuclear absorbing structure. Even if this model cannot be ruled out, it is disfavored on statistical grounds. We also detected an occultation event likely caused by BLR clouds crossing the line of sight.
A bright, soft X-ray source was detected on 2010 July 14 during an XMM--Newton slew at a position consistent with the galaxy GSN 069 (z=0.018). Previous ROSAT observations failed to detect the source and imply that GSN 069 is now >240 times brighter than it was in 1994 in the soft X-ray band. We report here results from a ~1 yr monitoring with Swift and XMM-Newton, as well as from optical spectroscopy. GSN 069 is an unabsorbed, ultra-soft source in X-rays, with no flux detected above ~1 keV. The soft X-rays exhibit significant variability down to timescales of hundreds of seconds. The UV-to-X-ray spectrum of GSN 069 is consistent with a pure accretion disc model which implies an Eddington ratio of ~0.5 and a black hole mass of ~ 1.2 million solar masses. A new optical spectrum, obtained ~3.5 months after the XMM-Newton slew detection, is consistent with earlier spectra and lacks any broad line component, classifying the source as a Seyfert 2 galaxy. The lack of cold X-ray absorption and the short timescale variability in the soft X-rays rule out a standard Seyfert 2 interpretation of the X-ray data. We discuss our results within the framework of two possible scenarios for the broad-line-region (BLR) in AGN, namely the two-phase model (cold BLR clouds in pressure equilibrium with a hotter medium), and models in which the BLR is part of an outflow, or disc-wind. Finally, we point out that GSN 069 may be a member of a population of super-soft AGN whose SED is completely dominated by accretion disc emission, as it is the case in some black hole X-ray binary transients during their outburst evolution. The disc emission for a typical AGN with larger black hole mass than GSN 069 does not enters the soft X-ray band, so that GSN 069-like objects would likely be missed by current X-ray surveys, or mis-classified as Compton-thick candidates. (ABRIDGED)
We report the results from a 2011 Suzaku observation of the nearby low-ionization BAL quasar/ULIRG Markarian 231. These data reveal that the X-ray spectrum has undergone a large variation from the 2001 XMM-Newton and BeppoSAX observations. We interpret this finding according to a scenario whereby the X-ray continuum source is obscured by a two-component partial-covering absorber with NH ~10^22 and ~10^24 cm^-2, respectively. The observed spectral change is mostly explained by a progressive appearance of the primary continuum at <10 keV due to the decrease of the covering fraction of the denser absorption component. The properties of the X-ray obscuration in Mrk 231 match well with those of the X-ray shielding gas predicted by the theoretical models for an efficient radiatively-driven acceleration of the BAL wind. In particular, the X-ray absorber might be located at the extreme base of the outflow. We measure a 2-10 keV luminosity of L(2-10) = 3.3 x 10^43 erg s^-1 for the 2011 data set, i.e. an increase of 30% with respect to the 2001 value.
PHL 1092 is a z~0.4 high-luminosity counterpart of the class of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxies. In 2008, PHL 1092 was found to be in a remarkably low X-ray flux state during an XMM-Newton observation. Its 2 keV flux density had dropped by a factor of ~260 with respect to a previous observation performed 4.5 yr earlier. The UV flux remained almost constant, resulting in a significant steepening of the optical-to-X-ray slope alpha_ox from -1.57 to -2.51, making PHL 1092 one of the most extreme X-ray weak quasars with no observed broad absorption lines (BALs) in the UV. We have monitored the source since 2008 with three further XMM-Newton observations, producing a simultaneous UV and X-ray database spanning almost 10 yr in total in the activity of the source. Our monitoring program demonstrates that the alpha_ox variability in PHL 1092 is entirely driven by long-term X-ray flux changes. We apply a series of physically-motivated models with the goal of explaining the UV-to-X-ray spectral energy distribution (SED) and the extreme X-ray and alpha_ox variability. We consider three possible models: i) A breathing corona scenario in which the size of the X-ray emitting corona is correlated with the X-ray flux. In this case, the lowest X-ray flux states of PHL 1092 are associated with an almost complete collapse of the X-ray corona down to the marginal stable orbit; ii) An absorption scenario in which the X-ray flux variability is entirely due to intervening absorption. If so, PHL 1092 is a quasar with standard X-ray output for its optical luminosity, appearing as X-ray weak at times due to absorption; iii) A disc-reflection-dominated scenario in which the X-ray emitting corona is confined within a few gravitational radii from the black hole at all times. In this case, the intrinsic variability of PHL 1092 only needs to be a factor of ~10 rather than the observed factor of ~260.
61 - L. C. Gallo 2010
Multi-epoch X-ray spectroscopy (0.3-25 keV) of the Seyfert 1.2 galaxy Mrk 79 (UGC 3973) spanning nearly eight years and a factor of three in broadband flux are analysed. The data are obtained at seven epochs with either XMM-Newton or Suzaku. Comparison with contemporaneous RXTE monitoring indicate that all flux states of Mrk 79 are represented by the data. The spectra are fitted in a self-consistent manner adopting a power law and ionised reflection to describe the broadband continuum. Modification of the spectra by a distant photoionised medium, seen predominantly in emission, are also included. Under the assumption that the inner disk is at the innermost stable circular orbit, our blurred reflection models give a spin of a = 0.7+/-0.1. The reflection component in each spectrum is weaker than predicted by simple reflection models. If the illuminating X-ray emission is produced by flares above the disk that move at mildly relativistic velocities, however, diminished reflection is expected. Light bending due to strong gravity near black holes can influence how the illuminating and reflected flux are observed; variations in Mrk 79 do not suggest that light bending is important in this source.
100 - A. Ruiz 2010
The relationship between star formation and super-massive black hole growth is central to our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution. Hyper-Luminous Infrared Galaxies (HLIRGs) are unique laboratories to investigate the connection between starburst (SB) and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), since they exhibit extreme star formation rates, and most of them show evidence of harbouring powerful AGN. Our previous X-ray study of a sample of 14 HLIRGs shows that the X-ray emission of most HLIRGs is dominated by AGN activity. To improve our estimate of the relative contribution of the AGN and SB emission to its total bolometric output, we have built broad band spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for these HLIRGs, and we have fitted empirical AGN and SB templates to these SEDs. In broad terms, most sources are well fitted using this method, and we found AGN and SB contributions similar to those obtained by previous studies of HLIRGs. We have classified the HLIRGs SEDs in two groups, named class A and class B. Class A HLIRGs show a flat SED from the optical to the infrared energy range. Three out of seven class A sources can be modelled with a pure luminosity-dependent QSO template, while the rest of them require a type 1 AGN template and a SB template. The SB component is dominant in three out of four class A objects. Class B HLIRGs show SEDs with a prominent and broad IR bump. These sources can not trivially be modelled with a combination of pure AGN and pure SB, they require templates of composite objects, suggesting that >50% of their emission comes from stellar formation processes. We propose that our sample is actually composed by three different populations: very luminous QSO, young galaxies going through their maximal star formation period and the high luminosity tail of ULIRG population distribution.
We have observed with XMM-Newton four radiatively efficient active type 1 galaxies with black hole masses < 10^6 Msun, selected optically from the SDSS. We show here that their soft X-ray spectrum exhibits a soft excess with the same characteristics as that observed ubiquitously in radio-quiet Seyfert 1 galaxies and type 1 quasars, both in terms of temperatures and strength. However, even when the soft X-ray excess is modelled with a pure thermal disc, its luminosity turns out to be much lower than that expected from accretion theory for the given temperature, casting further doubts on a thermal interpretation for soft excesses. While alternative scenarios for the nature of the soft excess (namely smeared ionized absorption and disc reflection) cannot be distinguished on a pure statistical basis, we point out that the absorption model produces a strong correlation between absorbing column density and ionization state, which may be difficult to interpret and is most likely spurious. As for reflection, it does only invoke standard ingredients of any accretion model for radiatively efficient sources such as a hard X-rays source and a relatively cold (though partially ionized) accretion disc, and therefore seems the natural choice to explain the soft excess in most (if not all) cases. The reflection model is also consistent with the additional presence of a thermal disc component with the theoretically expected temperature (although, again, with smaller-than-expected total luminosity). The observed active galaxies are among the most variable in X-rays and their excess variance is among the largest. This is in line with their relatively small black hole mass and with expectations from simple power spectra models. (abridged)
We report results on a 40 ks XMM-Newton observation of the Type 2 quasar 3C 234. Optical spectropolarimetric data have demonstrated the presence of a hidden broad-line region in this powerful (M_V <~ -24.2 after reddening and starlight correction) narrow-line FRII radio galaxy. Our analysis is aimed at investigating the X-ray spectral properties of this peculiar source which have remained poorly known so far. We analyze the 0.5--10 keV spectroscopic data collected by the EPIC cameras in 2006. The X-ray spectrum of this radio-loud quasar is typical of a local Compton-thin Seyfert 2 galaxy. It exhibits strong absorption (Nh~3.5 x 10^{23} cm^{-2}) and a narrow, neutral Fe Kalpha emission line with an equivalent width of ~140+/-40 eV. Our observation also reveals that the soft portion of the spectrum is characterized by strong emission lines with a very low level of scattered primary continuum. A possible explanation of these features in terms of thermal emission from a two-temperature collisionally ionized plasma emission seems to be unlikely due to the high luminosity estimated for this component (L(0.5-2) ~ 6 x 10^{42} erg/s). It is likely that most of the soft X-ray emission originates from a photoionized plasma as commonly observed in obscured, radio-quiet Seyfert-like AGNs. This X-ray observation has definitively confirmed the presence of a hidden quasar in 3C 234. The line-rich spectrum and the steepness of the hard X-ray continuum (Gamma ~ 1.7) found in this source weaken the hypothesis that the bulk ofthe X-ray emission in radio-loud AGNs with high excitation optical lines arises from jet non-thermal emission.

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