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We present a detailed study of a peculiar source in the COSMOS survey at z=0.359. Source CXOCJ100043.1+020637 (CID-42) presents two compact optical sources embedded in the same galaxy. The distance between the 2, measured in the HST/ACS image, is 0.495 that, at the redshift of the source, corresponds to a projected separation of 2.46 kpc. A large (~1200 km/s) velocity offset between the narrow and broad components of Hbeta has been measured in three different optical spectra from the VLT/VIMOS and Magellan/IMACS instruments. CID-42 is also the only X-ray source having in its X-ray spectra a strong redshifted broad absorption iron line, and an iron emission line, drawing an inverted P-Cygni profile. The Chandra and XMM data show that the absorption line is variable in energy by 500 eV over 4 years and that the absorber has to be highly ionized, in order not to leave a signature in the soft X-ray spectrum. That these features occur in the same source is unlikely to be a coincidence. We envisage two possible explanations: (1) a gravitational wave recoiling black hole (BH), caught 1-10 Myr after merging, (2) a Type 1/ Type 2 system in the same galaxy where the Type 1 is recoiling due to slingshot effect produced by a triple BH system. The first possibility gives us a candidate gravitational waves recoiling BH with both spectroscopic and imaging signatures. In the second case, the X-ray absorption line can be explained as a BAL-like outflow from the foreground nucleus (a Type 2 AGN) at the rearer one (a Type 1 AGN), which illuminates the otherwise undetectable wind, giving us the first opportunity to show that fast winds are present in obscured AGN.
262 - G. Lanzuisi 2009
Recent works have suggested that selection criteria based on MIR colors can be used to reveal a population of dust-enshrouded, extremely luminous quasars at z>1. However the X-ray spectral properties of these intriguing sources still remain largely unexplored. We report on an X-ray spectroscopic study of a sample of 44 very bright mid-IR galaxies with extreme mid-IR to optical flux ratios (MIR/O>2000). The X-ray coverage of the sample is highly inhomogeneous (from snap-shot 5 ks Chandra observations to medium-deep XMM exposures of 70 ks) and, consequently, a sizable fraction of them (~43%) remains undetected in the 0.5-10 keV band. The vast majority (95%) of the detected sources (23) show an absorption column density NH>10e22 cm-2 and, remarkably, we also find that 50% of them can be classified as Type 2 quasars on the basis of their absorption properties and X-ray luminosity. Moreover, most of the X-ray undetected sources show extreme mid-IR colors, consistent with being luminous AGN-powered objects, suggesting they might host heavily obscured (possibly Compton-thick) quasars in X-rays. This demonstrates that our selection criteria applied to a wide area survey is very efficient in finding a large number of Type 2 quasars at z > 1. The existence of this class of very powerful, obscured quasars at high z could have important implications in the context of the formation and cosmological evolution of accreting supermassive black holes and their host galaxies.

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