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We report the first comprehensive high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission measurements on CeFeAsO, a parent compound of FeAs-based high temperature superconductors with a mangetic/structural transition at $sim$150 K. In the magnetic ordering state, four hole-like Fermi surface sheets are observed near $Gamma$(0,0) and the Fermi surface near M(+/-$pi$,+/-$pi$) shows a tiny electron-like pocket at M surrounded by four Dirac cone-like strong spots. The unusual Fermi surface topology deviates strongly from the band structure calculations. The electronic signature of the magnetic/structural transition shows up in the dramatic change of the quasiparticle scattering rate. A dispersion kink at $sim$ 25meV is for the first time observed in the parent compound of Fe-based superconductors.
204 - G. F. Chen , W. Z. Hu , J. L. Luo 2009
Specific heat, resistivity, susceptibility and Hall coefficient measurements were performed on high-quality single crystalline Na$_{1-delta}$FeAs. This compound is found to undergo three successive phase transitions at around 52, 41, and 23 K, which correspond to structural, magnetic and superconducting transitions, respectively. The Hall effect result indicates the development of energy gap at low temperature due to the occurrence of spin-density-wave instability. Our results provide direct experimental evidence of the magnetic ordering in the nearly stoichiometric NaFeAs.
We report $^{75}$As nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) studies on superconducting oxypnictide LaFeAsO$_{0.92}$F$_{0.08}$ ($T_{rm c}$ = 23 K). The temperature dependence of the spin lattice relaxation rate (1/$T_1$) decreases below $T_{rm c}$ without a coherence (Hebel-Slichter) peak and shows a temperature dependence that is not simple power-law nor exponential. We show that the result can be understood in terms of two superconducting gaps of either $d$- or ${pm}s$-wave symmetry, with the larger gap $Delta_1sim 4 k_{rm B}T_{rm c}$ and the smaller one $Delta_2 sim 1.5 k_{rm B}T_{rm c}$. Our result suggests that the multiple-gaps feature is universal in the oxypnictides superconductors, which is probably associated with the multiple electronic bands structure in this new class of materials. We also find that 1/$T_1T$ above $T_{rm c}$ increases with decreasing temperature, which suggests weak magnetic fluctuations in the normal state.
411 - G. F. Chen , Z. Li , J. Dong 2008
We have successfully grown high quality single crystals of SrFe$_2$As$_2$ and A$_{0.6}$K$_{0.4}$Fe$_2$As$_2$(A=Sr, Ba) using flux method. The resistivity, specific heat and Hall coefficient have been measured. For parent compound SrFe$_2$As$_2$, an anisotropic resistivity with $rho_c$ / $rho_{ab}$ as large as 130 is obtained at low temperatures. A sharp drop in both in-plane and out-plane resistivity due to the SDW instability is observed below 200 K. The angular dependence of in-plane magnetoresistance shows 2-fold symmetry with field rotating within ab plane below SDW transition temperature. This is consistent with a stripe-type spin ordering in SDW state. In K doped A$_{0.6}$K$_{0.4}$Fe$_2$As$_2$(A=Sr. Ba), the SDW instability is suppressed and the superconductivity appears with T$_c$ above 35 K. The rather low anisotropy in upper critical field between H$parallel$ab and H$parallel$c indicates inter-plane coupling play an important role in hole doped Fe-based superconductors.
91 - G. F. Chen , Z. Li , G. Li 2008
We have employed a new route to synthesize single phase F-doped LaOFeAs compound and confirmed the superconductivity above 20 K in this Fe-based system. We show that the new superconductor has a rather high upper critical field of about 54 T. A clear signature of superconducting gap opening below T$_c$ was observed in the far-infrared reflectance spectra, with 2$Delta/textit{k}T_capprox$3.5-4.2. Furthermore, we show that the new superconductor has electron-type conducting carrier with a rather low carrier density.
158 - G. F. Chen , Z. Li , D. Wu 2008
A series of layered CeO$_{1-x}$F$_x$FeAs compounds with x=0 to 0.20 are synthesized by solid state reaction method. Similar to the LaOFeAs, the pure CeOFeAs shows a strong resistivity anomaly near 145 K, which was ascribed to the spin-density-wave instability. F-doping suppresses this instability and leads to the superconducting ground state. Most surprisingly, the superconducting transition temperature could reach as high as 41 K. The very high superconducting transition temperature strongly challenges the classic BCS theory based on the electron-phonon interaction. The very closeness of the superconducting phase to the spin-density-wave instability suggests that the magnetic fluctuations play a key role in the superconducting paring mechanism. The study also reveals that the Ce 4f electrons form local moments and ordered antiferromagnetically below 4 K, which could coexist with superconductivity.
157 - G. F. Chen , Z. Li , D. Wu 2008
Different element substitution effects in transition metal oxypnictide Re(O$_{1-x}$F$_x$)TAs with Re=La, Ce, Nd, Eu, Gd, Tm, T=Fe, Ni, Ru, were studied. Similar to the La- or Ce-based systems, we found that the pure NdOFeAs shows a strong resistivity anomaly near 145 K, which was ascribed to the spin-density-wave instability. Electron doping by F increases T$_c$ to about 50 K. While in the case of Gd, the T$_c$ is reduced below 10 K. The tetragonal ZrCuSiAs-type structure could not be formed for Eu or Tm substitution in our preparing process. For Ni-based case, although both pure and F-doped LaONiAs are superconducting, no superconductivity was found when La was replaced by Ce in both cases, instead a ferromagnetic ordering transition was likely to form at low temperature in F-doped sample. We also synthesized LaO$_{1-x}$F$_x$RuAs and CeO$_{1-x}$F$_x$RuAs compounds. Metallic behavior was observed down to 4 K.

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