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183 - V. La Parola 2014
We have analyzed the Swift data relevant to the high mass X-ray binary Swift J1816.7-1613. The timing analysis of the BAT survey data unveiled a modulation at a period of P_0=118.5+/-0.8 days that we interpret as the orbital period of the X-ray binary system. The modulation is due to a sequence of bright flares, lasting ~30 d, separated by long quiescence intervals. This behavior is suggestive of a Be binary system, where periodic or quasi-periodic outbursts are the consequence of an enhancement of the accretion flow from the companion star at the periastron passage. The position of Swift J1816.7-1613 on the Corbet diagram strengthens this hypothesis. The broad band 0.2-150 keV spectrum is well modeled with a strongly absorbed power-law with a flat photon index Gamma~ 0.2 and a cut-off at ~ 10 keV.
We report on the temporal and spectral properties of the HMXB IGR J16283-4838 in the hard X-ray band. We searched the first 88 months of Swift BAT survey data for long-term periodic modulations. We also investigated the broad band (0.2--150 keV) spectral properties of IGR J16283--4838 complementing the BAT dataset with the soft X-ray data from the available Swift-XRT pointed observations. The BAT light curve of IGR J16283-4838 revealed a periodic modulation at P_o=287.6+7-1.7 days (with a significance higher than 4 standard deviations). The profile of the light curve folded at P_o shows a sharp peak lasting ~ 12 d, over a flat plateau. The long-term light curve shows also a ~300 d interval of prolonged enhanced emission. The observed phenomenology is suggestive of a Be nature of IGR J16283-4838, where the narrow periodic peaks and the ~300 d outburst can be interpreted as Type I and Type II outbursts, respectively. The broad band 0.2-150 keV spectrum can be described with an absorbed power-law and a steepening in the BAT energy range.
IGR J18219-1347 is a hard X-ray source discovered by INTEGRAL in 2010. We have analyzed the X-ray emission of this source exploiting the BAT survey data up to March 2012 and the XRT data that include also an observing campaign performed in early 2012. The source is detected at a significance level of ~14 standard deviations in the 88-month BAT survey data, and shows a strong variability along the survey monitoring, going from high intensity to quiescent states. A timing analysis on the BAT data revealed an intensity modulation with a period of 72.46 days. The significance of this modulation is about 7 standard deviations in Gaussian statistics. We interpret it as the orbital period of the binary system. The light curve folded at P_0 shows a sharp peak covering ~30% of the period, superimposed to a flat level roughly consistent with zero. In the soft X-rays the source is detected only in 5 out of 12 XRT observations, with the highest recorded count rate corresponding to a phase close to the BAT folded light curve peak. The long orbital period and the evidence that the source emits only during a small fraction of the orbit suggests that the IGR J18219-1347 binary system hosts a Be star. The broad band XRT+BAT spectrum is well modeled with a flat absorbed power law with a high energy exponential cutoff at ~11 keV.
In the last years the hard X-ray astronomy has made a significant step forward, thanks to the monitoring of the IBIS/ISGRI telescope on board the INTEGRAL satellite and of the Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) on board of the Swift observatory. This has provided a huge amount of novel information on many classes of sources. We have been exploiting the BAT survey data to study the variability and the spectral properties of the new high mass X-ray binary sources detected by INTEGRAL. In this letter we investigate the properties of IGR J015712-7259. We perform timing analysis on the 88-month BAT survey data and on the XRT pointed observations of this source. We also report on the broad-band 0.2-150 keV spectral analysis. We find evidence for a modulation of the hard-X-ray emission with period P_o=35.6 days. The significance of this modulation is 6.1 standard deviations. The broad band spectrum is modeled with an absorbed power law with photon index Gamma 0.4 and a steepening in the BAT energy range modeled with a cutoff at an energy of ~13 keV.}
The X-Ray Telescope (XRT) on board Swift was mainly designed to provide detailed position, timing and spectroscopic information on Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) afterglows. During the mission lifetime the fraction of observing time allocated to other types of source has been steadily increased. In this paper, we report on the results of the in-flight calibration of the timing capabilities of the XRT in Windowed Timing read-out mode. We use observations of the Crab pulsar to evaluate the accuracy of the pulse period determination by comparing the values obtained by the XRT timing analysis with the values derived from radio monitoring. We also check the absolute time reconstruction measuring the phase position of the main peak in the Crab profile and comparing it both with the value reported in literature and with the result that we obtain from a simultaneous Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) observation. We find that the accuracy in period determination for the Crab pulsar is of the order of a few picoseconds for the observation with the largest data time span. The absolute time reconstruction, measured using the position of the Crab main peak, shows that the main peak anticipates the phase of the position reported in literature for RXTE by ~270 microseconds on average (~150 microseconds when data are reduced with the attitude file corrected with the UVOT data). The analysis of the simultaneous Swift-XRT and RXTE Proportional Counter Array (PCA) observations confirms that the XRT Crab profile leads the PCA profile by ~200 microseconds. The analysis of XRT Photodiode mode data and BAT event data shows a main peak position in good agreement with the RXTE, suggesting the discrepancy observed in XRT data in Windowed Timing mode is likely due to a systematic offset in the time assignment for this XRT read out mode.
We present the results of our analysis devoted to the research of sources emitting in the energy bands surveyed by both the Swift-BAT and the Fermi-LAT telescopes. We cross-correlate the Fermi-LAT 1-year point source catalogue (1FGL) of {gamma}-ray sources and the second Palermo BAT catalogue (2PBC) of hard X-ray sources, establishing a correspondence between sources when their error boxes overlap. We also extract the significance value in the BAT 15-150 keV map, obtained using a dedicated software for the reduction of BAT data, in the direction of the 1FGL sources and take into account those above the significance threshold {sigma} = 3. We obtain a sample of common sources emitting in both the hard X- and the {gamma}-ray energy bands and evaluate its content in galactic and extragalactic objects. We assess the fraction of unidentified sources and describe in greater detail the properties of two of them, 1FGL J0137.8+5814 and 1FGL J2056.7+4938, supporting their classification as blazars after the analysis of their broad-band spectral energy distribution. We discuss the blazar content of the collected 1FGL-2PBC sources: we build its redshift distibution and compare it with that of the whole blazar population as reported in the second edition of the BZCAT blazar catalogue.
Swift is the only observatory which, due to its unique fast-slewing capability and broad-band energy coverage, can detect outbursts from Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients (SFXTs) from the very beginning and study their evolution panchromatically. Thanks to its flexible observing scheduling, which makes monitoring cost-effective, Swift has also performed a campaign that covers all phases of the lives of SFXTs with a high sensitivity in the soft X-ray regime, where most SFXTs had not been observed before. Our continued effort at monitorning SFXTs with 2-3 observations per week (1-2 ks) with the Swift X-Ray Telescope (XRT) over their entire visibility period has just finished its second year. We report on our findings on the long-term properties of SFXTs, their duty cycle, and the new outbursts caught by Swift during the second year.
Swift observed an outburst from the supergiant fast X-ray transients (SFXT) AX J1841.0-0536 on 2010 June 5, and followed it with XRT for 11 days. The X-ray light curve shows an initial flare followed by a decay and subsequent increase, as often seen in other SFXTs, and a dynamical range of ~1600. Our observations allow us to analyse the simultaneous broad-band (0.3-100 keV) spectrum of this source, for the first time down to 0.3 keV, can be fitted well with models usually adopted to describe the emission from accreting neutron stars in high-mass X-ray binaries, and is characterized by a high absorption (N_H~2x10^22 cm-2), a flat power law (Gamma~0.2), and a high energy cutoff. All of these properties resemble those of the prototype of the class, IGR J17544-2619, which underwent an outburst on 2010 March 4, whose observations we also discuss. We show how well AX J1841.0-0536 fits in the SFXT class, based on its observed properties during the 2010 outburst, its large dynamical range in X-ray luminosity, the similarity of the light curve (length and shape) to those of the other SFXTs observed by Swift, and the X-ray broad-band spectral properties.
102 - P. Romano 2010
For the first time, Swift is giving us the opportunity to study supergiant fast X-ray transients (SFXTs) throughout all phases of their life: outbursts, intermediate level, and quiescence. We present our intense monitoring of four SFXTs, observed 2-3 times per week since October 2007. We find that, unexpectedly, SFXTs spend most of their time in an intermediate level of accretion ($L_{X}sim 10^{33-34} $ erg s$^{-1}$), characterized by rich flaring activity. We present an overview of our investigation on SFXTs with Swift, the key results of our Project. We highlight the unique contribution Swift is giving to this field, both in terms of outburst observations and through a systematic monitoring.
96 - P. Romano , G. Cusumano 2009
Swift has allowed the possibility to give Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients (SFXTs), the new class of High Mass X-ray Binaries discovered by INTEGRAL, non serendipitous attention throughout all phases of their life. We present our results based on the first year of intense Swift monitoring of four SFXTs, IGR J16479-4514, XTE J1739-302, IGR J17544-2619 and AX J1841.0-0536. We obtain the first assessment of how long each source spends in each state using a systematic monitoring with a sensitive instrument. The duty-cycle of inactivity is 17, 28, 39, 55% (5% uncertainty), for IGR J16479-4514, AX J1841.0-0536, XTE J1739-302, and IGR J17544-2619, respectively, so that true quiescence is a rare state. This demonstrates that these transients accrete matter throughout their life at different rates. AX J1841.0-0536 is the only source which has not undergone a bright outburst during our campaign. Although individual sources behave somewhat differently, common X-ray characteristics of this class are emerging such as outburst lengths well in excess of hours, with a multiple peaked structure. A high dynamic range (including bright outbursts) of 4 orders of magnitude has been observed. We performed out-of-outburst intensity-based spectroscopy. Spectral fits with an absorbed blackbody always result in blackbody radii of a few hundred meters, consistent with being emitted from a small portion of the neutron star surface, very likely the neutron star polar caps. We also present the UVOT data of these sources. (Abridged)

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