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We have obtained a deep 8-field XMM-Newton mosaic of M33 covering the galaxy out to the D$_{25}$ isophote and beyond to a limiting 0.2--4.5 keV unabsorbed flux of 5$times$10$^{-16}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ (L${>}$4$times$10$^{34}$ erg s$^{-1}$ at the distance of M33). These data allow complete coverage of the galaxy with high sensitivity to soft sources such as diffuse hot gas and supernova remnants. Here we describe the methods we used to identify and characterize 1296 point sources in the 8 fields. We compare our resulting source catalog to the literature, note variable sources, construct hardness ratios, classify soft sources, analyze the source density profile, and measure the X-ray luminosity function. As a result of the large effective area of XMM-Newton below 1 keV, the survey contains many new soft X-ray sources. The radial source density profile and X-ray luminosity function for the sources suggests that only $sim$15% of the 391 bright sources with L${>}$3.6$times$10$^{35}$ erg s$^{-1}$ are likely to be associated with M33, and more than a third of these are known supernova remnants. The log(N)--log(S) distribution, when corrected for background contamination, is a relatively flat power-law with a differential index of 1.5, which suggests many of the other M33 sources may be high-mass X-ray binaries. Finally, we note the discovery of an interesting new transient X-ray source, which we are unable to classify.
We observed RX J0520.5-6932 in the X-rays and studied the optical light curve of its counterpart to verify it as a Be/X-ray binary. We performed an XMM-Newton anticipated target of opportunity observation in January 2013 during an X-ray outburst of the source in order to search for pulsations and derive its spectral properties. We monitored the source with Swift to follow the evolution of the outburst and to look for further outbursts to verify the regular pattern seen in the optical light curve with a period of ~24.4 d. The XMM-Newton EPIC light curves show coherent X-ray pulsations with a period of 8.035331(15) s (1 sigma). The X-ray spectrum can be modelled by an absorbed power law with photon index of ~0.8, an additional black-body component with temperature of ~0.25 keV and an Fe K line. Phase-resolved X-ray spectroscopy reveals that the spectrum varies with pulse phase. We confirm the identification of the optical counterpart within the error circle of XMM-Newton at an angular distance of ~0.8 arcsec, which is an O9Ve star with known Halpha emission. By analyzing the combined data from three OGLE phases we derived an optical period of 24.43 d.The X-ray pulsations and long-term variability, as well as the properties of the optical counterpart, confirm that RX J0520.5-6932 is a Be/X-ray binary pulsar in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Based on the X-ray monitoring of the source we conclude that the event in January 2013 was a moderately bright type-I X-ray outburst, with a peak luminosity of 1.79e36 erg/s.
136 - Adriana M. Pires 2014
The group of thermally emitting isolated neutron stars (INSs) known as the Magnificent Seven (M7) is unique among the various neutron star populations. Crustal heating by means of magnetic field decay and an evolutionary link with magnetars may explain why these objects rotate more slowly and have higher thermal luminosities and magnetic field intensities than standard pulsars of similar age. The third brightest INS, RX J1605.3+3249, is the only object amidst the seven still lacking a detected periodicity. We observed the source with the XMM-Newton Observatory for 60 ks aiming at unveiling the neutron star rotation rate and investigating its spectrum in detail. A periodic signal at P=3.387864(16) s, most likely the neutron star spin period, is detected at the 4-sigma confidence level. The coherent combination of the new data with a past XMM-Newton EPIC-pn observation of the source constrains the pulsar spin-down rate at the 2-sigma confidence level, implying a dipolar magnetic field of B~7.4e13 G. If confirmed, RX J1605.3+3249 would be the neutron star with the highest dipolar field amongst the M7. The spectrum of the source shows evidence of a cool blackbody component, as well as for the presence of two broad absorption features. Furthermore, high-resolution spectroscopy with the RGS cameras confirms the presence of a narrow absorption feature at energy 0.57 keV in the co-added spectrum of the source, also seen in other thermally emitting isolated neutron stars. Phase-resolved spectroscopy, as well as a dedicated observing campaign aimed at determining a timing solution, will give invaluable constraints on the neutron star geometry and will allow one to confirm the high value of spin down, which would place the source closer to a magnetar than any other M7 INS.
122 - Manami Sasaki 2012
We present the analysis of supernova remnants (SNRs) and candidates in M31 identified in the XMM-Newton large programme survey of M31. SNRs are among the bright X-ray sources in a galaxy. They are good indicators of recent star formation activities of a galaxy and of the interstellar environment in which they evolve. By combining the X-ray data of sources in M31 with optical data as well as with optical and radio catalogues, we aim to compile a complete, revised list of SNRs emitting X-rays in M31 detected with XMM-Newton, study their luminosity and spatial distribution, and understand the X-ray spectrum of the brightest SNRs. We analysed the X-ray spectra of the twelve brightest SNRs and candidates using XMM-Newton data. The four brightest sources allowed us to perform a more detailed spectral analysis and the comparison of different models to describe their spectrum. For all M31 large programme sources we searched for optical counterparts on the Ha, [Sii], and [Oiii] images of the Local Group Galaxy Survey. We confirm 21 X-ray sources as counterparts of known SNRs. In addition, we identify five new X-ray sources as X-ray and optically emitting SNRs. Seventeen sources are no longer considered as SNR candidates. We have thus created a list of 26 X-ray SNRs and 20 candidates in M31 based on their X-ray, optical, and radio emission, which is the most recent complete list of X-ray SNRs in M31. The brightest SNRs have X-ray luminosities of up to 8 x 10^36 erg/s in the 0.35 - 2.0 keV band.
The Rapid Burster (MXB 1730-335) is a unique object, showing both type I and type II X-ray bursts. A type I burst of the Rapid Burster was observed with Swift/XRT on 2009 March 5, showing photospheric radius expansion for the first time in this source. We report here on the mass and radius determination from this photospheric radius expansion burst using a Bayesian approach. After marginalization over the likely distance of the system (5.8-10 kpc) we obtain M=1.1+/-0.3 M_sun and R=9.6+/-1.5 km (1-sigma uncertainties) for the compact object, ruling out the stiffest equations of state for the neutron star. We study the sensitivity of the results to the distance, the color correction factor, and the hydrogen mass fraction in the envelope. We find that only the distance plays a crucial role.
RX J0720.4-3125 is the most peculiar object among a group of seven isolated X-ray pulsars (the so-called Magnificent Seven), since it shows long-term variations of its spectral and temporal properties on time scales of years. This behaviour was explained by different authors either by free precession (with a seven or fourteen years period) or possibly a glitch that occurred around $mathrm{MJD=52866pm73 days}$. We analysed our most recent XMM-Newton and Chandra observations in order to further monitor the behaviour of this neutron star. With the new data sets, the timing behaviour of RX J0720.4-3125 suggests a single (sudden) event (e.g. a glitch) rather than a cyclic pattern as expected by free precession. The spectral parameters changed significantly around the proposed glitch time, but more gradual variations occurred already before the (putative) event. Since $mathrm{MJDapprox53000 days}$ the spectra indicate a very slow cooling by $sim$2 eV over 7 years.
We co-added the available XMM-Newton RGS spectra for each of the isolated X-ray pulsars RX,J0720.4$-$3125, RX,J1308.6+2127 (RBS,1223), RX,J1605.3+3249 and RX,J1856.4$-$3754 (four members of the Magnificent Seven) and the Three Musketeers Geminga, PSR,B0656+14 and PSR,B1055-52. We confirm the detection of a narrow absorption feature at 0.57 keV in the co-added RGS spectra of RX,J0720.4$-$3125 and RX,J1605.3+3249 (including most recent observations). In addition we found similar absorption features in the spectra of RX,J1308.6+2127 (at 0.53 keV) and maybe PSR,B1055-52 (at 0.56 keV). The absorption feature in the spectra of RX,J1308.6+2127 is broader than the feature e.g. in RX,J0720.4$-$3125. The narrow absorption features are detected with 2$sigma$ to 5.6$sigma$ significance. Although very bright and frequently observed, there are no absorption features visible in the spectra of RX,J1856.4$-$3754 and PSR,B0656+14, while the co-added XMM-Newton RGS spectrum of Geminga has not enough counts to detect such a feature. We discuss a possible origin of these absorption features as lines caused by the presence of highly ionised oxygen (in particular OVII and/or OVI at 0.57 keV) in the interstellar medium and absorption in the neutron star atmosphere, namely the absorption features at 0.57 keV as gravitational redshifted ($g_{r}$=1.17) OVIII.
The flight calibration of the spectral response of CCD instruments below 1.5 keV is difficult in general because of the lack of strong lines in the on-board calibration sources typically available. We have been using 1E 0102.2-7219, the brightest supernova remnant in the Small Magellanic Cloud, to evaluate the response models of the ACIS CCDs on the Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO), the EPIC CCDs on the XMM-Newton Observatory, the XIS CCDs on the Suzaku Observatory, and the XRT CCD on the Swift Observatory. E0102 has strong lines of O, Ne, and Mg below 1.5 keV and little or no Fe emission to complicate the spectrum. The spectrum of E0102 has been well characterized using high-resolution grating instruments, namely the XMM-Newton RGS and the CXO HETG, through which a consistent spectral model has been developed that can then be used to fit the lower-resolution CCD spectra. We have also used the measured intensities of the lines to investigate the consistency of the effective area models for the various instruments around the bright O (~570 eV and 654 eV) and Ne (~910 eV and 1022 eV) lines. We find that the measured fluxes of the O VII triplet, the O VIII Ly-alpha line, the Ne IX triplet, and the Ne X Ly-alpha line generally agree to within +/-10 % for all instruments, with 28 of our 32 fitted normalizations within +/-10% of the RGS-determined value. The maximum discrepancies, computed as the percentage difference between the lowest and highest normalization for any instrument pair, are 23% for the O VII triplet, 24% for the O VIII Ly-alpha line, 13% for the Ne IX triplet, and 19% for the Ne X Ly-alpha line. If only the CXO and XMM are compared, the maximum discrepancies are 22% for the O VII triplet, 16% for the O VIII Ly-alpha line, 4% for the Ne IX triplet, and 12% for the Ne X Ly-alpha line.
The Chandra ACIS Survey of M33 (ChASeM33) has acquired 7 fields of ACIS data covering M33 with 200 ks of exposure in each field. A catalog from the first 10 months of data, along with archival Chandra observations dating back to the year 2000, is currently available. We have searched these data for transient sources that are measured to have a 0.35-8.0 keV unabsorbed luminosity of at least 4$times10^{35}$ erg s$^{-1}$ in one epoch and are not detected in another epoch. This set of the survey data has yielded seven such sources, including one previously-known supersoft source. We analyzed XMM-Newton data from the archive distributed over the years 2000 to 2003 to search for recurrent outbursts and to get a spectrum for the supersoft transient. We find only one recurrent transient in our sample. The X-ray spectra, light curves, and optical counterpart candidates of two of the other sources suggest that they are high-mass X-ray binaries. Archival Spitzer photometry and high X-ray absorption suggest that one of the sources is a highly variable background active galactic nucleus. The other three sources are more difficult to classify. The bright transient population of M33 appears to contain a large fraction of high-mass X-ray binaries compared with the transient populations of M31 and the Galaxy, reflecting the later morphology of M33.

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