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[abridged] The ALESS survey has followed-up a sample of 122 sub-millimeter sources in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South at 870um with ALMA, allowing to pinpoint the positions of sub-millimeter galaxies (SMGs) to 0.3 and to find their precise counterparts at different wavelengths. This enabled the first compilation of the multi-wavelength spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of a statistically reliable survey of SMGs. In this paper, we present a new calibration of the MAGPHYS modelling code that is optimized to fit these UV-to-radio SEDs of z>1 star-forming galaxies using an energy balance technique to connect the emission from stellar populations, dust attenuation and dust emission in a physically consistent way. We derive statistically and physically robust estimates of the photometric redshifts and physical parameters for the ALESS SMGs. We find that they have a median stellar mass $M_ast=(8.9pm0.1)times10^{10} M_odot$, SFR$=280pm70 M_odot$/yr, overall V-band dust attenuation $A_V=1.9pm0.2$ mag, dust mass $M_rm{dust}=(5.6pm1.0)times10^8 M_odot$, and average dust temperature Tdust~40 K. The average intrinsic SED of the ALESS SMGs resembles that of local ULIRGs in the IR range, but the stellar emission of our average SMG is brighter and bluer, indicating lower dust attenuation, possibly because they are more extended. We explore how the average SEDs vary with different parameters, and we provide a new set of SMG templates. To put the ALESS SMGs into context, we compare their stellar masses and SFRs with those of less actively star-forming galaxies at the same redshifts. At z~2, about half of the SMGs lie above the star-forming main sequence, while half are at the high-mass end of the sequence. At higher redshifts (z~3.5), the SMGs tend to have higher SFR and Mstar, but the fraction of SMGs that lie significantly above the main sequence decreases to less than a third.
We report ALMA Band 7 (350 GHz) imaging at 0.4 - 0.6arcsec resolution and Band 9 (696 GHz) at ~0.25arcsec resolution of the luminous IR galaxies Arp 220 and NGC 6240. The long wavelength dust continuum is used to estimate ISM masses for Arp 220 East, West and NGC 6240 of 1.9, 4.2 and 1.6x10^9 msun within radii of 69, 65 and 190 pc. The HCN emission was modeled to derive the emissivity distribution as a function of radius and the kinematics of each nuclear disk, yielding dynamical masses consistent with the masses and sizes derived from the dust emission. In Arp 220, the major dust and gas concentrations are at radii less than 50 pc in both counter-rotating nuclear disks. The thickness of the disks in Arp 220estimated from the velocity dispersion and rotation velocities are 10-20 pc and the mean gas densities are n_H2 ~10^5 cm^-3 at R < 50 pc. We develop an analytic treatment for the molecular excitation (including photon trapping), yielding volume densities for both the HCN and CS emission with n_H2 ~2x10^5 cm^-3. The agreement of the mean density from the total mass and size with that required for excitation suggests that the volume is essentially filled with dense gas, i.e. it is not cloudy or like swiss cheese.
We present IRAM PdBI observations of the CO(3-2) and CO(5-4) line transitions from a Ly-alpha blob at z~2.7 in order to investigate the gas kinematics, determine the location of the dominant energy source, and study the physical conditions of the molecular gas. CO line and dust continuum emission are detected at the location of a strong MIPS source that is offset by ~1.5 from the Ly-alpha peak. Neither of these emission components is resolved with the 1.7 beam, showing that the gas and dust are confined to within ~7kpc from this galaxy. No millimeter source is found at the location of the Ly-alpha peak, ruling out a central compact source of star formation as the power source for the Ly-alpha emission. Combined with a spatially-resolved spectrum of Ly-alpha and HeII, we constrain the kinematics of the extended gas using the CO emission as a tracer of the systemic redshift. Near the MIPS source, the Ly-alpha profile is symmetric and its line center agrees with that of CO line, implying that there are no significant bulk flows and that the photo-ionization from the MIPS source might be the dominant source of the Ly-alpha emission. In the region near the Ly-alpha peak, the gas is slowly receding (~100km/s) with respect to the MIPS source, thus making the hyper-/superwind hypothesis unlikely. We find a sub-thermal line ratio between two CO transitions, I_CO(5-4)/I_CO(3-2)=0.97+/-0.21. This line ratio is lower than the average values found in high-z SMGs and QSOs, but consistent with the value found in the Galactic center, suggesting that there is a large reservoir of low-density molecular gas that is spread over the MIPS source and its vicinity.
Modern (sub-)millimeter interferometers enable the measurement of the cool gas and dust emission of high-redshift galaxies (z>5). However, at these redshifts the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature is higher, approaching, and even exceeding, the temperature of cold dust and molecular gas observed in the local Universe. In this paper, we discuss the impact of the warmer CMB on (sub-)millimeter observations of high-redshift galaxies. The CMB affects the observed (sub-)millimeter dust continuum and the line emission (e.g. carbon monoxide, CO) in two ways: (i) it provides an additional source of (both dust and gas) heating; and (ii) it is a non-negligible background against which the line and continuum emission are measured. We show that these two competing processes affect the way we interpret the dust and gas properties of high-redshift galaxies using spectral energy distribution models. We quantify these effects and provide correction factors to compute what fraction of the intrinsic dust (and line) emission can be detected against the CMB as a function of frequency, redshift and temperature. We discuss implications on the derived properties of high-redshift galaxies from (sub-)millimeter data. Specifically, the inferred dust and molecular gas masses can be severely underestimated for cold systems if the impact of the CMB is not properly taken into account.
[abridged] Modern (sub-)millimeter/radio interferometers will enable us to measure the dust and molecular gas emission from galaxies that have luminosities lower than the Milky Way, out to high redshifts and with unprecedented spatial resolution and sensitivity. This will provide new constraints on the star formation properties and gas reservoir in galaxies throughout cosmic times through dedicated deep field campaigns targeting the CO/[CII] lines and dust continuum emission. In this paper, we present empirical predictions for such (sub-)millimeter line and continuum deep fields. We base these predictions on the deepest available optical/near-infrared ACS and NICMOS data on the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. Using a physically-motivated spectral energy distribution model, we fit the observed optical/near-infrared emission of 13,099 galaxies with redshifts up to z=5, and obtain median likelihood estimates of their stellar mass, star formation rate, dust attenuation and dust luminosity. We derive statistical constraints on the dust emission in the infrared and (sub-)millimeter which are consistent with the observed optical/near-infrared emission in terms of energy balance. This allows us to estimate, for each galaxy, the (sub-)millimeter continuum flux densities in several ALMA, PdBI/NOEMA and JVLA bands. Using empirical relations between the observed CO/[CII] line luminosities and the infrared luminosity, we infer the flux of the CO(1-0) and [CII] lines from the estimated infrared luminosity of each galaxy in our sample. We then predict the fluxes of higher CO transition lines CO(2-1) to CO(7-6) bracketing two extreme gas excitation scenarios. We use our predictions to discuss possible deep field strategies with ALMA. The predictions presented in this study will serve as a direct benchmark for future deep field campaigns in the (sub-)millimeter regime.
The Hubble Deep Field (HDF) is a region in the sky that provides one of the deepest multi-wavelength views of the distant universe and has led to the detection of thousands of galaxies seen throughout cosmic time. An early map of the HDF at a wavelength of 850 microns that is sensitive to dust emission powered by star formation revealed the brightest source in the field, dubbed HDF850.1. For more than a decade, this source remained elusive and, despite significant efforts, no counterpart at shorter wavelengths, and thus no redshift, size or mass, could be identified. Here we report, using a millimeter wave molecular line scan, an unambiguous redshift determination for HDF850.1 of z=5.183. This places HDF850.1 in a galaxy overdensity at z~5.2 in the HDF, corresponding to a cosmic age of only 1.1 Gyr after the Big Bang. This redshift is significantly higher than earlier estimates and higher than most of the >100 sub-millimeter bright galaxies identified to date. The source has a star formation rate of 850 M_sun/yr and is spatially resolved on scales of 5 kpc, with an implied dynamical mass of ~1.3x10^11 M_sun, a significant fraction of which is present in the form of molecular gas. Despite our accurate redshift and position, a counterpart arising from starlight remains elusive.
[Abridged] We present maps of CO 2-1 emission covering the entire star-forming disks of 16 nearby dwarf galaxies observed by the IRAM HERACLES survey. The data have 13 arcsec angular resolution, ~250 pc at our average distance of 4 Mpc, and sample the galaxies by 10-1000 resolution elements. We apply stacking techniques to perform the first sensitive search for CO emission in dwarfs outside the Local Group ranging from single lines-of-sight, stacked over IR-bright regions of embedded star formation, and stacked over the entire galaxy. We detect 5 dwarfs in CO with total luminosities of L_CO = 3-28 1e6 Kkmspc2. The other 11 dwarfs remain undetected in CO even in the stacked data and have L_CO < 0.4-8 1e6 Kkmspc2. We combine our sample of dwarfs with a large literature sample of spirals to study scaling relations of L_CO with M_B and metallicity. We find that dwarfs with metallicities of Z ~ 1/2-1/10 Z_sun have L_CO about 1e2-1e4x smaller than spirals and that their L_CO per unit L_B is 10-100x smaller. A comparison with tracers of star formation (FUV and 24 micron) shows that L_CO per unit SFR is 10-100x smaller in dwarfs. One possible interpretation is that dwarfs form stars much more efficiently, however we argue that the low L_CO/SFR ratio is due to significant changes of the CO-to-H2 conversion factor, alpha_CO, in low metallicity environments. Assuming a constant H2 depletion time of 1.8 Gyr (as found for nearby spirals) implies alpha_CO values for dwarfs with Z ~ 1/2-1/10 Z_sun that are more than 10x higher than those found in solar metallicity spirals. This significant increase of alpha_CO at low metallicity is consistent with previous studies, in particular those which model dust emission to constrain H2 masses. Even though it is difficult to parameterize the metallicity dependence of alpha_CO, our results suggest that CO is increasingly difficult to detect at lower metallicities.
[abridged] Quasars (QSOs) at the highest known redshift (z~6) are unique probes of the early growth of supermassive black holes (BHs). Until now, only the most luminous QSOs have been studied, often one object at a time. Here we present the most extensive consistent analysis to date of z>4 QSOs with observed NIR spectra, combining three new z~6 objects from our ongoing VLT-ISAAC program with nineteen 4<z<6.5 sources from the literature. The new sources extend the existing SDSS sample towards the faint end of the QSO luminosity function. Using a maximum likelihood fitting routine optimized for our spectral decomposition, we estimate the black hole mass (MBH), the Eddington ratio (defined as Lbol/LEdd) and the FeII/MgII line ratio, a proxy for the chemical abundance, to characterize both the central object and the broad line region gas. The QSOs in our sample host BHs with masses of ~10^9 Modot that are accreting close to the Eddington luminosity, consistent with earlier results. We find that the distribution of observed Eddington ratios is significantly different than that of a luminosity-matched comparison sample of SDSS QSOs at lower redshift (0.35<z<2.25): the average <log(Lbol/LEdd)>=-0.37 (Lbol/LEdd~0.43) with a scatter of 0.20 dex for the z>4 sample and the <log(Lbol/LEdd)>=-0.80 (Lbol/LEdd~0.16) with a scatter of 0.24 dex for the 0.35<z<2.25 sample. This implies that, at a given luminosity, the MBH at high-z is typically lower than the average MBH of the lower-redshift population, i.e. the z>4 sources are accreting significantly faster than the lower-redshift ones. We show that the derived FeII/MgII ratios depend sensitively on the performed analysis: our self-consistent, homogeneous analysis significantly reduces the FeII/MgII scatter found in previous studies. The measured FeII/MgII line ratios show no sign of evolution with cosmic time in the redshift range 4<z<6.5 [...]
We use the IRAM HERACLES survey to study CO emission from 33 nearby spiral galaxies down to very low intensities. Using atomic hydrogen (HI) data, mostly from THINGS, we predict the local mean CO velocity from the mean HI velocity. By renormalizing the CO velocity axis so that zero corresponds to the local mean HI velocity we are able to stack spectra coherently over large regions as function of radius. This enables us to measure CO intensities with high significance as low as Ico = 0.3 K km/s (H2_SD = 1 Msun/pc2), an improvement of about one order of magnitude over previous studies. We detect CO out to radii Rgal = R25 and find the CO radial profile to follow a uniform exponential decline with scale length of 0.2 R25. Comparing our sensitive CO profiles to matched profiles of HI, Halpha, FUV, and IR emission at 24um and 70um, we observe a tight, roughly linear relation between CO and IR intensity that does not show any notable break between regions that are dominated by molecular (H2) gas (H2_SD > HI_SD) and those dominated by atomic gas (H2_SD < HI_SD). We use combinations of FUV+24um and Halpha+24um to estimate the recent star formation rate (SFR) surface density, SFR_SD, and find approximately linear relations between SFR_SD and H2_SD. We interpret this as evidence for stars forming in molecular gas with little dependence on the local total gas surface density. While galaxies display small internal variations in the SFR-to-H2 ratio, we do observe systematic galaxy-to-galaxy variations. These galaxy-to-galaxy variations dominate the scatter in relations between CO and SFR tracers measured at large scales. The variations have the sense that less massive galaxies exhibit larger ratios of SFR-to-CO than massive galaxies. Unlike the SFR-to-CO ratio, the balance between HI and H2 depends strongly on the total gas surface density and radius. It must also depend on additional parameters.
We report the detection of spatially resolved CO(1-0) emission in the z~3.4 submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) SMM J09431+4700 and SMM J13120+4242, using the Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA). SMM J09431+4700 is resolved into the two previously reported millimeter sources H6 and H7, separated by ~30kpc in projection. We derive CO(1-0) line luminosities of L(CO 1-0) = (2.49+/-0.86) and (5.82+/-1.22) x 10^10 K km/s pc^2 for H6 and H7, and L(CO 1-0) = (23.4+/-4.1) x 10^10 K km/s pc^2 for SMM J13120+4242. These are ~1.5-4.5x higher than what is expected from simple excitation modeling of higher-J CO lines, suggesting the presence of copious amounts of low-excitation gas. This is supported by the finding that the CO(1-0) line in SMM J13120+4242, the system with lowest CO excitation, appears to have a broader profile and more extended spatial structure than seen in higher-J CO lines (which is less prominently seen in SMM J09431+4700). Based on L(CO 1-0) and excitation modeling, we find M_gas = 2.0-4.3 and 4.7-12.7 x 10^10 Msun for H6 and H7, and M_gas = 18.7-69.4 x 10^10 Msun for SMM J13120+4242. The observed CO(1-0) properties are consistent with the picture that SMM J09431+4700 represents an early-stage, gas-rich major merger, and that SMM J13120+4242 represents such a system in an advanced stage. This study thus highlights the importance of spatially and dynamically resolved CO(1-0) observations of SMGs to further understand the gas physics that drive star formation in these distant galaxies, which becomes possible only now that the EVLA rises to its full capabilities.

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