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We present a versatile, high-brightness, guided-wave source of polarization entangled photons, emitted at a telecom wavelength. Photon-pairs are generated using an integrated type-0 nonlinear waveguide, and subsequently prepared in a polarization entangled state via a stabilized fiber interferometer. We show that the single photon emission wavelength can be tuned over more than 50 nm, whereas the single photon spectral bandwidth can be chosen at will over more than five orders of magnitude (from 25 MHz to 4 THz). Moreover, by performing entanglement analysis, we demonstrate a high degree of control of the quantum state via the violation of the Bell inequalities by more than 40 standard deviations. This makes this scheme suitable for a wide range of quantum optics experiments, ranging from fundamental research to quantum information applications. We report on details of the setup, as well as on the characterization of all included components, previously outlined in F. Kaiser et al. (2013 Laser Phys. Lett. 10, 045202).
Complementarity, that is the ability of a quantum object to behave either as a particle or as a wave, is one of the most intriguing features of quantum mechanics. An exemplary Gedanken experiment, emphasizing such a measurement-dependent nature, was suggested by Wheeler using single photons. The subtleness of the idea lies in the fact that the output beam-splitter of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer is put in or removed after a photon has already entered the interferometer, thus performing a delayed test of the wave-particle complementary behavior. Recently, it was proposed that using a quantum analogue of the output beam-splitter would permit carrying out this type of test after the detection of the photon and observing wave-particle superposition. In this paper we describe an experimental demonstration of these predictions using another extraordinary property of quantum systems, entanglement. We use a pair of polarization entangled photons composed of one photon whose nature (wave or particle) is tested, and of a corroborative photon that allows determining which one, or both, of these two aspects is being tested. This corroborative photon infers the presence or absence of the beam-splitter and until it is measured, the beam-splitter is in a superposition of these two states, making it a quantum beam-splitter. When the quantum beam-splitter is in the state present or absent, the interferometer reveals the wave or particle nature of the test photon, respectively. Furthermore, by manipulating the corroborative photon, we can continuously morph, via entanglement, the test photon from wave to particle behavior even after it was detected. This result underlines the fact that a simple vision of light as a classical wave or a particle is inadequate.
We report a novel and simple approach for generating near-perfect quality polarization entanglement in a fully guided-wave fashion. Both deterministic pair separation into two adjacent telecommunication channels and the paired photons temporal walk-off compensation are achieved using standard fiber components. Two-photon interference experiments are performed, both for quantitatively demonstrating the relevance of our approach, and for manipulating the produced state between bosonic and fermionic symmetries. The compactness, versatility, and reliability of this configuration makes it a potential candidate for quantum communication applications.
We report a versatile and practical approach for generating high-quality polarization entanglement in a fully guided-wave fashion. Our setup relies on a high-brilliance type-0 waveguide generator producing paired photon at a telecom wavelength associated with an advanced energy-time to polarisation transcriber. The latter is capable of creating any pure polarization entangled state, and allows manipulating single photon bandwidths that can be chosen at will over five orders of magnitude, ranging from tens of MHz to several THz. We achieve excellent entanglement fidelities for particular spectral bandwidths, i.e. 25 MHz, 540 MHz and 100 GHz, proving the relevance of our approach. Our scheme stands as an ideal candidate for a wide range of network applications, ranging from dense division multiplexing quantum key distribution to heralded optical quantum memories and repeaters.
Optical detection of single defect centers in the solid state is a key element of novel quantum technologies. This includes the generation of single photons and quantum information processing. Unfortunately the brightness of such atomic emitters is limited. Therefore we experimentally demonstrate a novel and simple approach that uses off-the-shelf optical elements. The key component is a solid immersion lens made of diamond, the host material for single color centers. We improve the excitation and detection of single emitters by one order of magnitude, as predicted by theory.
In this report, the polarization properties of the photoluminescence emitted by single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color centers in diamond are investigated using resonant excitation at cryogenic temperature. We first underline that the two excited-state orbital branches are associated with two orthogonal transition dipoles. Using selective excitation of one dipole, we then show that the photoluminescence is partially unpolarized owing to fast relaxation between the two orbitals induced by the thermal bath. This result might be important in the context of the realization of indistinguishable single photons using NV defect in diamond.
We report a study of the 3E excited-state structure of single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defects in diamond, combining resonant excitation at cryogenic temperatures and optically detected magnetic resonance. A theoretical model of the excited-state structure is developed and shows excellent agreement with experimental observations. Besides, we show that the two orbital branches associated with the 3E excited-state are averaged when operating at room temperature. This study leads to an improved physical understanding of the NV defect electronic structure, which is invaluable for the development of diamond-based quantum information processing.

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