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The phenomena of particle mixing and flavor oscillations in elementary particle physics can be addressed by the point of view of quantum information theory, and described in terms of multi-mode entanglement of single-particle states. In this paper we show that such a description can be extended to the domain of quantum field theory, where we uncover a fine structure of quantum correlations associated with multi-mode, multi-particle entanglement. By means of an entanglement measure based on the linear entropies associated with all the possible bipartitions, we analyze the entanglement in the states of flavor neutrinos and anti-neutrinos. Remarkably, we show that the entanglement is connected with experimentally measurable quantities, i.e. the variances of the lepton numbers and charges.
We introduce and discuss a set of tunable two-mode states of continuous-variable systems, as well as an efficient scheme for their experimental generation. This novel class of tunable entangled resources is defined by a general ansatz depending on two experimentally adjustable parameters. It is very ample and flexible as it encompasses Gaussian as well as non-Gaussian states. The latter include, among others, known states such as squeezed number states and de-Gaussified photon-added and photon-subtracted squeezed states, the latter being the most efficient non-Gaussian resources currently available in the laboratory. Moreover, it contains the classes of squeezed Bell states and even more general non-Gaussian resources that can be optimized according to the specific quantum technological task that needs to be realized. The proposed experimental scheme exploits linear optical operations and photon detections performed on a pair of uncorrelated two--mode Gaussian squeezed states. The desired non-Gaussian state is then realized via ancillary squeezing and conditioning. Two independent, freely tunable experimental parameters can be exploited to generate different states and to optimize the performance in implementing a given quantum protocol. As a concrete instance, we analyze in detail the performance of different states considered as resources for the realization of quantum teleportation in realistic conditions. For the fidelity of teleportation of an unknown coherent state, we show that the resources associated to the optimized parameters outperform, in a significant range of experimental values, both Gaussian twin beams and photon-subtracted squeezed states.
We investigate the scaling of the entanglement spectrum and of the Renyi block entropies and determine its universal aspects in the ground state of critical and noncritical one-dimensional quantum spin models. In all cases, the scaling exhibits an oscillatory behavior that terminates at the factorization point and whose frequency is universal. Parity effects in the scaling of the Renyi entropies for gapless models at zero field are thus shown to be a particular case of such universal behavior. Likewise, the absence of oscillations for the Ising chain in transverse field is due to the vanishing value of the factorizing field for this particular model. In general, the transition occurring at the factorizing field between two different scaling regimes of the entanglement spectrum corresponds to a quantum transition to the formation of finite-range, ordered structures of quasi-dimers, quasi-trimers, and quasi-polymers. This entanglement-driven transition is superimposed to and independent of the long-range magnetic order in the broken symmetry phase. Therefore, it conforms to recent generalizations that identify and classify the quantum phases of matter according to the structure of ground-state entanglement patterns. We characterize this form of quantum order by a global order parameter of entanglement defined as the integral, over blocks of all lengths, of the Renyi entropy of infinite order. Equivalently, it can be defined as the integral of the bipartite single-copy or geometric entanglement. The global entanglement order parameter remains always finite at fields below the factorization point and vanishes identically above it.
We investigate the scaling of the Renyi $alpha$-entropies in one-dimensional gapped quantum spin models. We show that the block entropies with $alpha > 2$ violate the area law monotonicity and exhibit damped oscillations. Depending on the existence of a factorized ground state, the oscillatory behavior occurs either below factorization or it extends indefinitely. The anomalous scaling corresponds to an entanglement-driven order that is independent of ground-state degeneracy and is revealed by a nonlocal order parameter defined as the sum of the single-copy entanglement over all blocks.
We study the continuous-variable quantum teleportation of states, statistical moments of observables, and scale parameters such as squeezing. We investigate the problem both in ideal and imperfect Vaidman-Braunstein-Kimble protocol setups. We show how the teleportation fidelity is maximized and the difference between output and input variances is minimized by using suitably optimized entangled resources. Specifically, we consider the teleportation of coherent squeezed states, exploiting squeezed Bell states as entangled resources. This class of non-Gaussian states includes photon-added and photon-subtracted squeezed states as special cases. At variance with the case of entangled Gaussian resources, the use of entangled non-Gaussian squeezed Bell resources allows for different optimization procedures that lead to inequivalent results. Performing two independent optimization procedures one can either maximize the state teleportation fidelity, or minimize the difference between input and output quadrature variances. The two different procedures are compared depending on the degrees of displacement and squeezing of the input states and on the working conditions in ideal and non-ideal setups.
We report on recent results about entanglement in the context of particle mixing and oscillations. We study in detail single-particle entanglement arising in two-flavor neutrino mixing. The analysis is performed first in the context of Quantum Mechanics, and then for the case of Quantum Field Theory.
We address the estimation of the loss parameter of a bosonic channel probed by arbitrary signals. Unlike the optimal Gaussian probes, which can attain the ultimate bound on precision asymptotically either for very small or very large losses, we prove that Fock states at any fixed photon number saturate the bound unconditionally for any value of the loss. In the relevant regime of low-energy probes, we demonstrate that superpositions of the first low-lying Fock states yield an absolute improvement over any Gaussian probe. Such few-photon states can be recast quite generally as truncations of de-Gaussified photon-subtracted states.
We introduce a class of generalized geometric measures of entanglement. For pure quantum states of $N$ elementary subsystems, they are defined as the distances from the sets of $K$-separable states ($K=2,...,N$). The entire set of generalized geometric measures provides a quantification and hierarchical ordering of the different bipartite and multipartite components of the global geometric entanglement, and allows to discriminate among the different contributions. The extended measures are applied to the study of entanglement in different classes of $N$-qubit pure states. These classes include $W$ and $GHZ$ states, and their symmetric superpositions; symmetric multi-magnon states; cluster states; and, finally, asymmetric generalized $W$-like superposition states. We discuss in detail a general method for the explicit evaluation of the multipartite components of geometric entanglement, and we show that the entire set of geometric measures establishes an ordering among the different types of bipartite and multipartite entanglement. In particular, it determines a consistent hierarchy between $GHZ$ and $W$ states, clarifying the original result of Wei and Goldbart that $W$ states possess a larger global entanglement than $GHZ$ states. Furthermore, we show that all multipartite components of geometric entanglement in symmetric states obey a property of self-similarity and scale invariance with the total number of qubits and the number of qubits per party.
In the physics of flavor mixing, the flavor states are given by superpositions of mass eigenstates. By using the occupation number to define a multiqubit space, the flavor states can be interpreted as multipartite mode-entangled states. By exploiting a suitable global measure of entanglement, based on the entropies related to all possible bipartitions of the system, we analyze the correlation properties of such states in the instances of three- and four-flavor mixing. Depending on the mixing parameters, and, in particular, on the values taken by the free phases, responsible for the CP-violation, entanglement concentrates in preferred bipartitions. We quantify in detail the amount and the distribution of entanglement in the physically relevant cases of flavor mixing in quark and neutrino systems. By using the wave packet description for localized particles, we use the global measure of entanglement, suitably adapted for the instance of multipartite mixed states, to analyze the decoherence induced by the free evolution dynamics on the quantum correlations of stationary neutrino beams. We define a decoherence length as the distance associated with the vanishing of the coherent interference effects among massive neutrino states. We investigate the role of the CP-violating phase in the decoherence process.
We investigate continuous variable (CV) quantum teleportation using relevant classes of non-Gaussian states of the radiation field as entangled resources. First, we introduce the class two-mode squeezed symmetric superposition of Fock states, including finite truncations of twin-beam Gaussian states as special realizations. These states depend on a set of free independent parameters that can be adjusted for the optimization of teleportation protocols, with an enhancement of the success probability of teleportation both for coherent and Fock input states. We show that the optimization procedure reduces the entangled resources to truncated twin beam states, which thus represents an optimal class of non-Gaussian resources for quantum teleportation. We then introduce a further class of two-mode non-Gaussian entangled resources, in the form of squeezed cat-like states. We analyze the performance and the properties of such states when optimized for (CV) teleportation, and compare them to the optimized squeezed Bell-like states introduced in a previous work cite{CVTelepNoi}. We discuss how optimal resources for teleportation are characterized by a suitable balance of entanglement content and squeezed vacuum affinity. We finally investigate the effects of thermal noise on the efficiency of quantum teleportation. To this aim, a convenient framework is to describe noisy entangled resources as linear superpositions of non-Gaussian state and thermal states. Although the presence of the thermal component strongly reduces the teleportation fidelity, noisy non-Gaussian states remain preferred resources when compared to noisy twin-beam Gaussian states.

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