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155 - A. Leauthaud 2014
Understanding the relationship between galaxies hosting active galactic nuclei (AGN) and the dark matter halos in which they reside is key to constraining how black-hole fueling is triggered and regulated. Previous efforts have relied on simple halo mass estimates inferred from clustering, weak gravitational lensing, or halo occupation distribution modeling. In practice, these approaches remain uncertain because AGN, no matter how they are identified, potentially live a wide range of halo masses with an occupation function whose general shape and normalization are poorly known. In this work, we show that better constraints can be achieved through a rigorous comparison of the clustering, lensing, and cross-correlation signals of AGN hosts to a fiducial stellar-to-halo mass relation (SHMR) derived for all galaxies. Our technique exploits the fact that the global SHMR can be measured with much higher accuracy than any statistic derived from AGN samples alone. Using 382 moderate luminosity X-ray AGN at z<1 from the COSMOS field, we report the first measurements of weak gravitational lensing from an X-ray selected sample. Comparing this signal to predictions from the global SHMR, we find that, contrary to previous results, most X-ray AGN do not live in medium size groups ---nearly half reside in relatively low mass halos with Mh~10^12.5 Msun. The AGN occupation function is well described by the same form derived for all galaxies but with a lower normalization---the fraction of halos with AGN in our sample is a few percent. By highlighting the relatively normal way in which moderate luminosity X-ray AGN hosts occupy halos, our results suggest that the environmental signature of distinct fueling modes for luminous QSOs compared to moderate luminosity X-ray AGN is less obvious than previously claimed.
We present a detailed spectral analysis of new XMM-Newton data of the source CXOC J100043.1+020637, also known as CID-42, detected in the COSMOS survey at z = 0.359. Previous works suggested that CID-42 is a candidate recoiling supermassive black holes showing also an inverted P-Cygni profile in the X- ray spectra at ~6 keV (rest) with an iron emission line plus a redshifted absorption line (detected at 3sigma in previous XMM-Newton and Chandra observations). Detailed analysis of the absorption line suggested the presence of ionized material inflowing into the black hole at high velocity. In the new long XMM-Newton observation, while the overall spectral shape remains constant, the continuum 2-10 keV flux decreased of ~20% with respect to previous observation and the absorption line is undetected. The upper limit on the intensity of the absorption line is EW<162 keV. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations show that the non detection of the line is solely due to variation in the properties of the inflowing material, in agreement with the transient nature of these features, and that the intensity of the line is lower than the previously measured with a probability of 98.8%. In the scenario of CID-42 as recoiling SMBH, the absorption line can be interpreted as due to inflow of gas with variable density and located in the proximity of the SMBH and recoiling with it. New monitoring observations will be requested to further characterize this line.
162 - G. Lanzuisi , F. Civano , M. Elvis 2013
We present the X-ray spectral analysis of the 390 brightest extragalactic sources in the Chandra-COSMOS catalog, showing at least 70 net counts in the 0.5-7 keV band. This sample has a 100% completeness in optical-IR identification, with 75% of the sample having a spectroscopic redshift and 25% a photometric redshift. Our analysis allows us to accurately determine the intrinsic absorption, the broad band continuum shape ({Gamma}) and intrinsic L(2-10) distributions, with an accuracy better than 30% on the spectral parameters for 95% of the sample. The sample is equally divided in type-1 (49.7%) and type-2 AGN (48.7%) plus few passive galaxies at low z. We found a significant difference in the distribution of {Gamma} of type-1 and type-2, with small intrinsic dispersion, a weak correlation of {Gamma} with L(2-10) and a large population (15% of the sample) of high luminosity, highly obscured (QSO2) sources. The distribution of the X ray/Optical flux ratio (Log(FX /Fi)) for type-1 is narrow (0 < X/O < 1), while type-2 are spread up to X/O = 2. The X/O correlates well with the amount of X-ray obscuration. Finally, a small sample of Compton thick candidates and peculiar sources is presented. In the appendix we discuss the comparison between Chandra and XMM-Newton spectra for 280 sources in common. We found a small systematic difference, with XMM-Newton spectra that tend to have softer power-laws and lower obscuration.
527 - M. Elvis , H. Hao , F. Civano 2012
The Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) enables the study of the Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) because of the deep coverage and rich sampling of frequencies from X-ray to radio. Here we present a SED catalog of 413 X-ray (xmm) selected type 1 (emission line FWHM$>2000$ km s$^{-1}$) AGN with Magellan, SDSS or VLT spectrum. The SEDs are corrected for the Galactic extinction, for broad emission line contributions, constrained variability, and for host galaxy contribution. We present the mean SED and the dispersion SEDs after the above corrections in the rest frame 1.4 GHz to 40 keV, and show examples of the variety of SEDs encountered. In the near-infrared to optical (rest frame $sim 8mu m$-- 4000AA), the photometry is complete for the whole sample and the mean SED is derived from detections only. Reddening and host galaxy contamination could account for a large fraction of the observed SED variety. The SEDs are all available on-line.
479 - F. Civano 2012
The Chandra COSMOS Survey (C-COSMOS) is a large, 1.8 Ms, Chandra program that has imaged the central 0.9 deg^2 of the COSMOS field down to limiting depths of 1.9 10^-16 erg cm^-2 s-1 in the 0.5-2 keV band, 7.3 10^-16 erg cm^-2 s^-1 in the 2-10 keV band, and 5.7 10^-16 erg cm^-2 s-1 in the 0.5-10 keV band. In this paper we report the i, K and 3.6micron identifications of the 1761 X-ray point sources. We use the likelihood ratio technique to derive the association of optical/infrared counterparts for 97% of the X-ray sources. For most of the remaining 3%, the presence of multiple counterparts or the faintness of the possible counterpart prevented a unique association. For only 10 X-ray sources we were not able to associate a counterpart, mostly due to the presence of a very bright field source close by. Only 2 sources are truly empty fields. Making use of the large number of X-ray sources, we update the classic locus of AGN and define a new locus containing 90% of the AGN in the survey with full band luminosity >10^42 erg/s. We present the linear fit between the total i band magnitude and the X-ray flux in the soft and hard band, drawn over 2 orders of magnitude in X-ray flux, obtained using the combined C-COSMOS and XMM-COSMOS samples. We focus on the X-ray to optical flux ratio (X/O) and we test its known correlation with redshift and luminosity, and a recently introduced anti-correlation with the concentration index (C). We find a strong anti-correlation (though the dispersion is of the order of 0.5 dex) between C and X/O, computed in the hard band, and that 90% of the obscured AGN in the sample with morphological information live in galaxies with regular morphology (bulgy and disky/spiral), suggesting that secular processes govern a significant fraction of the BH growth at X-ray luminosities of 10^43- 10^44.5 erg/s.
175 - F. Civano 2011
We present the high redshift (3<z<5.3) 0.5-2 keV number counts and the 2-10 keV (rest frame) space density of X-ray selected AGNs detected in the Chandra COSMOS survey. The sample comprises 81 X-ray detected sources with available spectroscopic (31) and photometric (50) redshifts plus 20 sources with a formal z_phot<3 but with a broad photometric redshift probability distribution, such that z_phot+1sigma>3. 81 sources are selected in the 0.5-2 keV band, 14 are selected in the 2-10 keV and 6 in the 0.5-10 keV bands. We sample the high luminosity (log L_(2-10 keV)>44.15 erg/s) space density up to z~5 and a fainter luminosity range (43.5<log L(2-10 keV)<44.15 erg/s) than previous studies, up to z=3.5. We weighted the contribution to the number counts and the space density of the sources with photometric redshift by using their probability of being at z>3. We find that the space density of high-luminosity AGNs declines exponentially at all the redshifts, confirming the trend observed for optically selected quasars. At lower luminosity, the measured space density is not conclusive, and a larger sample of faint sources is needed. Comparisons with optical luminosity functions and BH formation models are presented together with prospects for future surveys.
111 - M. Brusa 2010
We report the final optical identifications of the medium-depth (~60 ksec), contiguous (2 deg^2) XMM-Newton survey of the COSMOS field. XMM-Newton has detected ~800 X-ray sources down to limiting fluxes of ~5x10^{-16}, ~3x10^{-15}, and ~7x10^{-15} erg/cm2/s in the 0.5-2 keV, 2-10 keV and 5-10 keV bands, respectively. The work is complemented by an extensive collection of multi-wavelength data from 24 micron to UV, available from the COSMOS survey, for each of the X-ray sources, including spectroscopic redshifts for ~50% of the sample, and high-quality photometric redshifts for the rest. The XMM and multiwavelength flux limits are well matched: 1760 (98%) of the X-ray sources have optical counterparts, 1711 (~95%) have IRAC counterparts, and 1394 (~78%) have MIPS 24micron detections. Thanks to the redshift completeness (almost 100%) we were able to constrain the high-luminosity tail of the X-ray luminosity function confirming that the peak of the number density of logL_X>44.5 AGN is at z~2. Spectroscopically-identified obscured and unobscured AGN, as well as normal and starforming galaxies, present well-defined optical and infrared properties. We devised a robust method to identify a sample of ~150 high redshift (z>1), obscured AGN candidates for which optical spectroscopy is not available. We were able to determine that the fraction of the obscured AGN population at the highest (L_X>10^{44} erg s^{-1}) X-ray luminosity is ~15-30% when selection effects are taken into account, providing an important observational constraint for X-ray background synthesis. We studied in detail the optical spectrum and the overall spectral energy distribution of a prototypical Type 2 QSO, caught in a stage transitioning from being starburst dominated to AGN dominated, which was possible to isolate only thanks to the combination of X-ray and infrared observations.
We present a detailed study of a peculiar source in the COSMOS survey at z=0.359. Source CXOCJ100043.1+020637 (CID-42) presents two compact optical sources embedded in the same galaxy. The distance between the 2, measured in the HST/ACS image, is 0.495 that, at the redshift of the source, corresponds to a projected separation of 2.46 kpc. A large (~1200 km/s) velocity offset between the narrow and broad components of Hbeta has been measured in three different optical spectra from the VLT/VIMOS and Magellan/IMACS instruments. CID-42 is also the only X-ray source having in its X-ray spectra a strong redshifted broad absorption iron line, and an iron emission line, drawing an inverted P-Cygni profile. The Chandra and XMM data show that the absorption line is variable in energy by 500 eV over 4 years and that the absorber has to be highly ionized, in order not to leave a signature in the soft X-ray spectrum. That these features occur in the same source is unlikely to be a coincidence. We envisage two possible explanations: (1) a gravitational wave recoiling black hole (BH), caught 1-10 Myr after merging, (2) a Type 1/ Type 2 system in the same galaxy where the Type 1 is recoiling due to slingshot effect produced by a triple BH system. The first possibility gives us a candidate gravitational waves recoiling BH with both spectroscopic and imaging signatures. In the second case, the X-ray absorption line can be explained as a BAL-like outflow from the foreground nucleus (a Type 2 AGN) at the rearer one (a Type 1 AGN), which illuminates the otherwise undetectable wind, giving us the first opportunity to show that fast winds are present in obscured AGN.
88 - F. Civano 2007
X-ray Bright Optically Normal Galaxies (XBONGs) constitute a small but not negligible fraction of hard X-ray selected sources in recent Chandra and XMM-Newton surveys. Even though several possibilities were proposed to explain why a relatively luminous hard X-ray source does not leave any significant signature of its presence in terms of optical emission lines, the nature of XBONGs is still subject of debate. We aim to a better understanding of their nature by means of a multiwavelength and morphological analysis of a small sample of these sources. Good-quality photometric near-infrared data (ISAAC/VLT) of four low-redshift (z=0.1-0.3) XBONGs, selected from the HELLAS2XMM survey, have been used to search for the presence of the putative nucleus, applying the surface-brightness decomposition technique through the least-squares fitting program GALFIT. The surface brightness decomposition allows us to reveal a nuclear point-like source, likely to be responsible of the X-ray emission, in two out of the four sources. The results indicate that moderate amounts of gas and dust, covering a large solid angle (possibly 4pi) at the nuclear source, combined with the low nuclear activity, may explain the lack of optical emission lines. The third XBONG is associated with an X-ray extended source and no nuclear excess is detected in the near infrared at the limits of our observations. The last source is associated to a close (d< 1 arcsec) double system and the fitting procedure cannot achieve a firm conclusion.

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