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488 - A. I. Molev , E. E. Mukhin 2015
A theorem of Feigin, Frenkel and Reshetikhin provides expressions for the eigenvalues of the higher Gaudin Hamiltonians on the Bethe vectors in terms of elements of the center of the affine vertex algebra at the critical level. In our recent work, explicit Harish-Chandra images of generators of the center were calculated in all classical types. We combine these results to calculate the eigenvalues of the higher Gaudin Hamiltonians on the Bethe vectors in an explicit form. The Harish-Chandra images can be interpreted as elements of classical $W$-algebras. We provide a direct connection between the rings of $q$-characters and classical $W$-algebras by calculating classical limits of the corresponding screening operators.
We show that the algebra of commuting Hamiltonians of the homogeneous XXX Heisenberg model has simple spectrum on the subspace of singular vectors of the tensor product of two-dimensional $gl_2$-modules. As a byproduct we show that there exist exactly $binom {n}{l}-binom{n}{l-1}$ two-dimensional vector subspaces $V subset C[u]$ with a basis $f,gin V$ such that $deg f = l, deg g = n-l+1$ and $f(u)g(u-1) - f(u-1)g(u) = (u+1)^n$.
To any 2x2-matrix K one assigns a commutative subalgebra B^{K}subset U(gl_2[t]) called a Bethe algebra. We describe relations between the Bethe algebras, associated with the zero matrix and a nilpotent matrix.
In this note, we discuss implications of the results obtained in [MTV4]. It was shown there that eigenvectors of the Bethe algebra of the quantum gl_N Gaudin model are in a one-to-one correspondence with Fuchsian differential operators with polynomial kernel. Here, we interpret this fact as a separation of variables in the gl_N Gaudin model. Having a Fuchsian differential operator with polynomial kernel, we construct the corresponding eigenvector of the Bethe algebra. It was shown in [MTV4] that the Bethe algebra has simple spectrum if the evaluation parameters of the Gaudin model are generic. In that case, our Bethe ansatz construction produces an eigenbasis of the Bethe algebra.
91 - E. Mukhin , V. Tarasov , 2007
We construct a canonical isomorphism between the Bethe algebra acting on a multiplicity space of a tensor product of evaluation gl_N[t]-modules and the scheme-theoretic intersection of suitable Schubert varieties. Moreover, we prove that the multiplicity space as a module over the Bethe algebra is isomorphic to the coregular representation of the scheme-theoretic intersection. In particular, this result implies the simplicity of the spectrum of the Bethe algebra for real values of evaluation parameters and the transversality of the intersection of the corresponding Schubert varieties.

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