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We present FIR-CO luminosity relations ($log L_{rm FIR} = alpha log L_{rm CO} + beta$) for the full CO rotational ladder from J=1-0 to J=13-12 for 62 local (z < 0.1) (Ultra) Luminous Infrared Galaxies (LIRGs) using data from Herschel SPIRE-FTS and ground-based telescopes. We extend our sample to high redshifts (z > 1) by including 35 (sub)-millimeter selected dusty star forming galaxies from the literature with robust CO observations. The addition of luminous starbursts at high redshifts enlarge the range of the FIR-CO luminosity relations towards the high-IR-luminosity end while also significantly increasing the small amount of mid-/high-J CO line data available prior to Herschel. This new data-set (both in terms of IR luminosity and J-ladder) reveals linear FIR-CO luminosity relations ($alpha sim 1$) for J=1-0 up to J=5-4, with a nearly constant normalisation ($beta sim 2$). This is expected from the (also) linear FIR-(molecular line) relations found for the dense gas tracer lines (HCN and CS), as long as the dense gas mass fraction does not vary strongly within our (merger/starburst)-dominated sample. However from J=6-5 and up to J=13-12 we find an increasingly sub-linear slope and higher normalization constant with increasing J. We argue that these are caused by a warm (~100K) and dense ($>10^4{rm cm^{-3}}$) gas component whose thermal state is unlikely to be maintained by star formation powered far-UV radiation fields (and thus is no longer directly tied to the star formation rate). We suggest that mechanical heating (e.g., supernova driven turbulence and shocks), and not cosmic rays, is the more likely source of energy for this component. The global CO spectral line energy distributions (SLEDs), which remain highly excited from J=6-5 up to J=13-12, are found to be a generic feature of the (U)LIRGs in our sample, and further support the presence of this gas component.
We used the SPIRE/FTS instrument aboard the Herschel Space Observatory (HSO) to obtain the Spectral Line Energy Distributions (SLEDs) of CO from J=4-3 to J=13-12 of Arp 193 and NGC 6240, two classical merger/starbursts selected from our molecular line survey of local Luminous Infrared Galaxies (LIRGs: L_{IR}>=10^{11} L_{sol}). The high-J CO SLEDs are then combined with ground-based low-J CO, {13}CO, HCN, HCO+, CS line data and used to probe the thermal and dynamical states of their large molecular gas reservoirs. We find the two CO SLEDs strongly diverging from J=4-3 onwards, with NGC6240 having a much higher CO line excitation than Arp193, despite their similar low-J CO SLEDs and L_{FIR}/L_{CO,1-0}, L_{HCN}/L_{CO} (J=1-0) ratios (proxies of star formation efficiency and dense gas mass fraction). In Arp193, one of the three most extreme starbursts in the local Universe, the molecular SLEDs indicate a small amount ~(5-15)% of dense gas (n>=10^{4}cm^{-3}) unlike NGC6240 where most of the molecular gas (~(60-70)%) is dense n~(10^4-10^5)cm^{-3}. Strong star-formation feedback can drive this disparity in their dense gas mass fractions, and also induce extreme thermal and dynamical states for the molecular gas.In NGC6240, and to a lesser degree in Arp193, we find large molecular gas masses whose thermal states cannot be maintained by FUV photons from Photon Dominated Regions (PDRs). We argue that this may happen often in metal-rich merger/starbursts, strongly altering the initial conditions of star formation. ALMA can now directly probe these conditions across cosmic epoch, and even probe their deeply dust-enshrouded outcome, the stellar IMF averaged over galactic evolution.
We study the far-infrared emission from the nearby spiral galaxy M33 in order to investigate the dust physical properties such as the temperature and the luminosity density across the galaxy. Taking advantage of the unique wavelength coverage (100, 160, 250, 350 and 500 micron) of the Herschel Space Observatory and complementing our dataset with Spitzer-IRAC 5.8 and 8 micron and Spitzer-MIPS 24 and 70 micron data, we construct temperature and luminosity density maps by fitting two modified blackbodies of a fixed emissivity index of 1.5. We find that the cool dust grains are heated at temperatures between 11 and 28 K with the lowest temperatures found in the outskirts of the galaxy and the highest ones in the center and in the bright HII regions. The infrared/submillimeter total luminosity (5 - 1000 micron) is estimated to be 1.9x10^9 Lsun. 59% of the total luminosity of the galaxy is produced by the cool dust grains (~15 K) while the rest 41% is produced by warm dust grains (~55 K). The ratio of the cool-to-warm dust luminosity is close to unity (within the computed uncertainties), throughout the galaxy, with the luminosity of the cool dust being slightly enhanced in the center of the galaxy. Decomposing the emission of the dust into two components (one emitted by the diffuse disk of the galaxy and one emitted by the spiral arms) we find that the fraction of the emission in the disk in the mid-infrared (24 micron) is 21%, while it gradually rises up to 57% in the submillimeter (500 micron). We find that the bulk of the luminosity comes from the spiral arm network that produces 70% of the total luminosity of the galaxy with the rest coming from the diffuse dust disk. The cool dust inside the disk is heated at a narrow range of temperatures between 18 and 15 K (going from the center to the outer parts of the galaxy).
We report results from a large molecular line survey of Luminous Infrared Galaxies (L_{IR} >= 10^{11} L_sol) in the local Universe (z<=0.1), conducted during the last decade with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) and the IRAM 30-m telescope. This work presents the CO and {13}CO line data for 36 galaxies, further augmented by multi-J total CO luminosities available for other IR-bright galaxies from the literature. This yields a sample of N=70 galaxies with the star-formation (SF) powered fraction of their IR luminosities spanning L_{IR} (10^{10}-2x10^{12}) L_sol and a wide range of morphologies. Simple comparisons of their available CO Spectral Line Energy Distributions (SLEDs) with local ones, as well as radiative transfer models discern a surprisingly wide range of average ISM conditions, with most of the surprises found in the high-excitation regime. These take the form of global CO SLEDs dominated by a very warm (T_{kin}>=100 K) and dense (n>=10^4 cm^{-3}) gas phase, involving galaxy-sized (~(few)x10^9 M_sol) gas mass reservoirs under conditions that would otherwise amount only ~1% of mass per typical SF molecular cloud in the Galaxy. Some of the highest excitation CO SLEDs are found in the so-called Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxies and seem irreducible to ensembles of ordinary SF-powered regions. Highly supersonic turbulence and high cosmic ray (CR) energy densities rather than far-UV/optical photons or SNR-induced shocks from individual SF sites can globally warm the large amounts of dense gas found in these merger-driven starbursts and easily power their extraordinary CO line excitation.....
Deep optical CCD images of the supernova remnant G 32.8-0.1 were obtained where filamentary and diffuse emission was discovered. The images were acquired in the emission lines of Halpha+[N II] and [S II]. Filamentary and diffuse structures are detected in most areas of the remnant, while no significant [O III] emission is present. The flux-calibrated images suggest that the optical emission originates from shock-heated gas since the [S II]/Halpha ratio is greater than 1.2. The Spitzer images at 8 micron and 24 micron show a few filamentary structures to be correlated with the optical filaments, while the radio emission at 1.4 GHz in the same area is found to be very well correlated with the brightest optical filaments. Furthermore, the results from deep long-slit spectra also support the origin of the emission to be from shock-heated gas ([S II]/Halpha > 1.5). The absence of [O III] emission indicates slow shocks velocities into the interstellar clouds (< 100 km/s), while the [S II] 6716/6731 ratio indicates electron densities up to ~200 cm^{-3}. Finally, the Halpha emission is measured to lie between 1.8 to 4.6 x 10^{-17} erg/s/cm^2/arcsec^2, while from VGPS HI images a distance to the SNR is estimated to be between 6 to 8.5 kpc.

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