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Double-dot exchange-only qubit represents a promising compromise between high speed and simple fabrication in solid-state implementations. A couple of interacting double-dot exchange-only qubits, each composed by three electrons distributed in a double quantum dot, is exploited to realize controlled-NOT (CNOT) operations. The effective Hamiltonian model of the composite system is expressed by only exchange interactions between pairs of spins. Consequently, the evolution operator has a simple form and represents the starting point for the research of sequences of operations that realize CNOT gates. Two different geometrical configurations of the pair are considered, and a numerical mixed simplex and genetic algorithm is used. We compare the nonphysical case in which all the interactions are controllable from the external and the realistic condition in which intra-dot interactions are fixed by the geometry of the system. In the latter case, we find the CNOT sequences for both the geometrical configurations and we considered a qubit system where electrons are electrostatically confined in two quantum dots in a silicon nanowire. The effects of the geometrical sizes of the nanowire and of the gates on the fundamental parameters controlling the qubit are studied by exploiting a spin-density-functional theory-based simulator. Consequently, CNOT gate performances are evaluated.
We compute the free energy minimizing structures of particle monolayers in the presence of enthalpic barriers of a finite height b{eta}Vext using classical density functional theory and Monte Carlo simulations. We show that a periodic square template with dimensions up to at least ten times the particle diameter disrupts the formation of the entropically favored hexagonally close-packed 2D lattice in favor of a square lattice. The results illustrate how graphoepitaxy can successfully order nanoparticulate films into desired patterns many times smaller than those of the prepatterned template.
A scheme based on Coherent Tunneling by Adiabatic Passage (CTAP) of exchange-only spin qubit quantum states in a linearly arranged double quantum dot chain is demonstrated. Logical states for the qubit are defined by adopting the spin state of three electrons confined in a double quantum dot. The possibility to obtain gate operations entirely with electrical manipulations makes this qubit a valuable architecture in the field of quantum computing for the implementation of quantum algorithms. The effect of the external control parameters as well as the effect of the dephasing on the coherent tunneling in the chain is studied. During adiabatic transport, within a constant energy degenerate eigenspace, the states in the double quantum dots internal to the chain are not populated, while transient populations of the mixed states in the external ones are predicted.
Quantum dot hybrid qubits formed from three electrons in double quantum dots represent a promising compromise between high speed and simple fabrication for solid state implementations of single qubit and two qubits quantum logic ports. We derive the Schrieffer-Wolff effective Hamiltonian that describes in a simple and intuitive way the qubit by combining a Hubbard-like model with a projector operator method. As a result, the Hubbard-like Hamiltonian is transformed in an equivalent expression in terms of the exchange coupling interactions between pairs of electrons. The effective Hamiltonian is exploited to derive the dynamical behaviour of the system and its eigenstates on the Bloch sphere to generate qubits operation for quantum logic ports. A realistic implementation in silicon and the coupling of the qubit with a detector are discussed.
We investigate the entanglement evolution of two qubits interacting with a common environment trough an Heisenberg XX mechanism. We reveal the possibility of realizing the phenomenon of entanglement sudden death as well as the entanglement sudden birth acting on the environment. Such analysis is of maximal interest at the light of the large applications that spin systems have in quantum information theory.
The reduced dynamics of two interacting qubits coupled to two independent bosonic baths is investigated. The one-excitation dynamics is derived and compared with that based on the resolution of appropriate non-Markovian master equations. The Nakajima-Zwanzig and the time-convolutionless projection operator techniques are exploited to provide a description of the non-Markovian features of the dynamics of the two-qubits system. The validity of such approximate methods and their range of validity in correspondence to different choices of the parameters describing the system are brought to light.
The dynamics of two interacting spins coupled to separate bosonic baths is studied. An analytical solution in Born approximation for arbitrary spectral density functions of the bosonic environments is found. It is shown that in the non-Markovian cases concurrence lives longer or reaches greater values.
The dynamical behavior of a star network of spins, wherein each of N decoupled spins interact with a central spin through non uniform Heisenberg XX interaction is exactly studied. The time-dependent Schrodinger equation of the spin system model is solved starting from an arbitrary initial state. The resulting solution is analyzed and briefly discussed.
We apply the time-convolutionless (TCL) projection operator technique to the model of a central spin which is coupled to a spin bath via nonuniform Heisenberg interaction. The second-order results of the TCL method for the coherences and populations of the central spin are determined analytically and compared with numerical simulations of the full von Neumann equation of the total system. The TCL approach is found to yield an excellent approximation in the strong field regime for the description of both the short-time dynamics and the long time behavior.
The exact dynamics of a disordered spin star system, describing a central spin coupled to N distinguishable and non interacting spins 1/2, is reported. Exploiting their interaction with the central single spin system, we present possible conditional schemes for the generation of W-like states, as well as of well-defined angular momentum states, of the N uncoupled spins. We provide in addition a way to estimate the coupling intensity between each of the N spins and the central one. Finally the feasibility of our procedure is briefly discussed.

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