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We consider the geodesic motion on the symmetric moduli spaces that arise after timelike and spacelike reductions of supergravity theories. The geodesics correspond to timelike respectively spacelike $p$-brane solutions when they are lifted over a $p$-dimensional flat space. In particular, we consider the problem of constructing emph{the minimal generating solution}: A geodesic with the minimal number of free parameters such that all other geodesics are generated through isometries. We give an intrinsic characterization of this solution in a wide class of orbits for various supergravities in different dimensions. We apply our method to three cases: (i) Einstein vacuum solutions, (ii) extreme and non-extreme D=4 black holes in N=8 supergravity and their relation to N=2 STU black holes and (iii) Euclidean wormholes in $Dgeq 3$. In case (iii) we present an easy and general criterium for the existence of regular wormholes for a given scalar coset.
We discuss some general properties of defect branes, i.e. branes of co-dimension two, in (toroidally compactified) IIA/IIB string theory. In particular, we give a full classification of the supersymmetric defect branes in dimensions 2 < D < 11 as well as their higher-dimensionalstring and M-theory origin as branes and a set of generalized Kaluza-Klein monopoles. We point out a relation between the generalized Kaluza-Klein monopole solutions and a particular type of mixed-symmetry tensors. These mixed-symmetry tensors can be defined at the linearized level as duals of the supergravity potentials that describe propagating degrees of freedom. It is noted that the number of supersymmetric defect branes is always twice the number of corresponding central charges in the supersymmetry algebra.
We construct superconformal gauged sigma models with extended rigid supersymmetry in three dimensions. Those with N>4 have necessarily flat targets, but the models with N leq 4 admit non-flat targets, which are cones with appropriate Sasakian base manifolds. Superconformal symmetry also requires that the three dimensional spacetimes admit conformal Killing spinors which we examine in detail. We present explicit results for the gauged superconformal theories for N=1,2. In particular, we gauge a suitable subgroup of the isometry group of the cone in a superconformal way. We finally show how these sigma models can be obtained from Poincare supergravity. This connection is shown to necessarily involve a subset of the auxiliary fields of supergravity for N geq 2.
We construct the most general gaugings of the maximal D=6 supergravity. The theory is (2,2) supersymmetric, and possesses an on-shell SO(5,5) duality symmetry which plays a key role in determining its couplings. The field content includes 16 vector fields that carry a chiral spinor representation of the duality group. We utilize the embedding tensor method which determines the appropriate combinations of these vectors that participate in gauging of a suitable subgroup of SO(5,5). The construction also introduces the magnetic duals of the 5 two-form potentials and 16 vector fields.
We show how, using different decompositions of E(11), one can calculate the representations under the duality group of the so--called de-form potentials. Evidence is presented that these potentials are in one-to-one correspondence to the embedding tensors that classify the gaugings of all maximal gauged supergravities. We supply the computer program underlying our calculations.
A superspace formulation of IIB supergravity which includes the field strengths of the duals of the usual physical one, three and five-form field strengths as well as the eleven-form field strength is given. The superembedding formalism is used to construct kappa-symmetric SL(2,R) covariant D-brane actions in an arbitrary supergravity background.

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