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The radius of neutron stars can in principle be measured via the normalisation of a blackbody fitted to the X-ray spectrum during thermonuclear (type-I) X-ray bursts, although few previous studies have addressed the reliability of such measurements. Here we examine the apparent radius in a homogeneous sample of long, mixed H/He bursts from the low-mass X-ray binaries GS 1826-24 and KS 1731-26. The measured blackbody normalisation (proportional to the emitting area) in these bursts is constant over a period of up to 60s in the burst tail, even though the flux (blackbody temperature) decreased by a factor of 60-75% (30-40%). The typical rms variation in the mean normalisation from burst to burst was 3-5%, although a variation of 17% was found between bursts observed from GS 1826-24 in two epochs. A comparison of the time-resolved spectroscopic measurements during bursts from the two epochs shows that the normalisation evolves consistently through the burst rise and peak, but subsequently increases further in the earlier epoch bursts. The elevated normalisation values may arise from a change in the anisotropy of the burst emission, or alternatively variations in the spectral correction factor, f_c, of order 10%. Since burst samples observed from systems other than GS 1826-24 are more heterogeneous, we expect that systematic uncertainties of at least 10% are likely to apply generally to measurements of neutron-star radii, unless the effects described here can be corrected for.
Recent theoretical and observational studies have shown that ashes from thermonuclear burning may be ejected during radius-expansion bursts, giving rise to photoionisation edges in the X-ray spectra. We report a search for such features in Chandra spectra observed from the low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1728-34. We analysed the spectra from four radius-expansion bursts detected in 2006 July, and two in 2002 March, but found no evidence for discrete features. We estimate upper limits for the equivalent widths of edges of a few hundred eV, which for the moderate temperatures observed during the bursts, are comparable with the predictions. During the 2006 July observation 4U 1728-34 exhibited weak, unusually frequent bursts (separated by <2 hr in some cases), with profiles and alpha-values characteristic of hydrogen-poor fuel. Recurrence times as short as those measured are insufficient to exhaust the accreted hydrogen at solar composition, suggesting that the source accretes hydrogen deficient fuel, for example from an evolved donor. The detection for the first time of a 10.77 min periodic signal in the persistent intensity, perhaps arising from orbital modulation, supports this explanation, and suggests that this system is an ultracompact binary similar to 4U 1820-30.
The accretion-powered millisecond pulsar IGR J00291+5934 underwent two ~10 d long outbursts during 2008, separated by 30 d in quiescence. Such a short quiescent period between outbursts has never been seen before from a neutron star X-ray transient. X-ray pulsations at the 599 Hz spin frequency are detected throughout both outbursts. For the first time, we derive a pulse phase model that connects two outbursts, providing a long baseline for spin frequency measurement. Comparison with the frequency measured during the 2004 outburst of this source gives a spin-down during quiescence of -4(1)x10^-15 Hz/s, approximately an order of magnitude larger than the long-term spin-down observed in the 401 Hz accretion-powered pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658. If this spin-down is due to magnetic dipole radiation, it requires a 2x10^8 G field strength, and its high spin-down luminosity may be detectable with the Fermi Large Area Telescope. Alternatively, this large spin-down could be produced by gravitational wave emission from a fractional mass quadrupole moment of Q/I = 1x10^{-9}. The rapid succession of the outbursts also provides a unique test of models for accretion in low-mass X-ray binaries. Disk instability models generally predict that an outburst will leave the accretion disk too depleted to fuel a second outburst after such a brief quiescence. We suggest a modification in which the outburst is shut off by the onset of a propeller effect before the disk is depleted. This model can explain the short quiescence and the unusually slow rise of the light curve of the second 2008 outburst.
We report the detection of pulsations at 552 Hz in the rising phase of two type-I (thermonuclear) X-ray bursts observed from the accreting neutron star EXO 0748-676 in 2007 January and December, by the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. The fractional amplitude was 15% (rms). The dynamic power density spectrum for each burst revealed an increase in frequency of approx. 1-2 Hz while the oscillation was present. The frequency drift, the high significance of the detections and the almost identical signal frequencies measured in two bursts separated by 11 months, confirms this signal as a burst oscillation similar to those found in 13 other sources to date. We thus conclude that the spin frequency in EXO 0748-676 is within a few Hz of 552 Hz, rather than 45 Hz as was suggested from an earlier signal detection by Villarreal & Strohmayer (2004). Consequently, Doppler broadening must significantly affect spectral features arising from the neutron star surface, so that the narrow absorption features previously reported from an XMM-Newton spectrum could not have arisen there. The origin of both the previously reported 45 Hz oscillation and the X-ray absorption lines is now uncertain.
We present ongoing Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) monitoring observations of the 377.3 Hz accretion-powered pulsar, HETE J1900.1-2455 Activity continues in this system more than 3 years after discovery, at a mean luminosity of 4.4e36 erg/s (for d=5 kpc), although pulsations were present only within the first 70 days. X-ray variability has increased each year, notably with a brief interval of nondetection in 2007, during which the luminosity dropped to below 1e-3 of the mean level. A deep search of data from the intervals of nondetection in 2005 revealed evidence for extremely weak pulsations at an amplitude of 0.29% rms, a factor of ten less than the largest amplitude seen early in the outburst. X-ray burst activity continued through 2008, with bursts typically featuring strong radius expansion. Spectral analysis of the most intense burst detected by RXTE early in the outburst revealed unusual variations in the inferred photospheric radius, as well as significant deviations from a blackbody. We obtained much better fits instead with a comptonisation model.
The low-mass X-ray binary GS 1826-238 is presently unique for its consistently regular bursting behavior. In previous Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) measurements between 1997 November and 2002 July, this source exhibited (nearly) limit-cycle bursts with recurrence times that decreased proportionately as the persistent flux increased. Here we report additional measurements of the burst recurrence time by RXTE, Chandra, and XMM-Newton, as well as observations of optical bursts. On a few occasions we measured burst recurrence times which deviated significantly from the earlier flux-recurrence time relationship, and most of these bursts occurred earlier than would be predicted based on the X-ray flux level. The epochs with early bursts were also accompanied by unusual broadband timing signatures, with the entire power spectrum shifting to higher frequencies. Concurrent XMM-Newton observations during one of these occasions, in 2003 April, indicate that an additional soft component may be present in the spectrum containing enough flux (30% of the total) to account for the burst recurrence time discrepancy. A self-consistent interpretation for the increase in soft flux and accompanying timing changes during 2003 April is that accretion disk extends down to smaller radial distances from the source than during the other observing epochs. The RXTE observations since 2003 April show that the spectral and timing properties have nearly returned to the previously established level.

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