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Mechanisms of the charge exchange reaction $dpto {pp}_{!s} Npi$, where ${pp}_{!s}$ is a two-proton system at low excitation energy, are studied at beam energies 1 -- 2 GeV and for invariant masses $M_X$ of the final $Npi $ system that correspond to the formation of the $Delta(1232)$ isobar. The direct mechanism, where the initial proton is excited into the $Delta(1232)$, dominates and explains the existing data on the unpolarized differential cross section and spherical tensor analyzing power $T_{22}$ for $M_X> 1.2$ GeV/$c^2$. However, this model fails to describe $T_{20}.
330 - S. M. Dorkin 2013
In view of the mass spectrum of heavy mesons in vacuum the analytical properties of the solutions of the truncated Dyson-Schwinger equatio for the quark propagator within the rainbow approximation are analysed in some detail. In Euclidean space, the quark propagator is not an analytical function possessing, in general, an infinite number of singularities (poles) which hamper to solve the Bethe-Salpeter equation. However, for light mesons (with masses M_{qbar q} <= 1 GeV) all singularities are located outside the region within which the Bethe-Salpeter equation is defined. With an increase of the considered meson masses this region enlarges and already at masses >= 1 GeV, the poles of propagators of u,d and s quarks fall within the integration domain of the Bethe-Salpeter equation. Nevertheless, it is established that for meson masses up to M_{qbar q}~=3 GeV only the first, mutually complex conjugated, poles contribute to the solution. We argue that, by knowing the position of the poles and their residues, a reliable parametrisation of the quark propagators can be found and used in numerical procedures of solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation. Our analysis is directly related to the future physics programme at FAIR with respect to open charm degrees of freedom.
In this talk, we discuss the algorithm for the construction of analytical coefficients of higher order epsilon expansion of some Horn type hypergeometric functions of two variables around rational values of parameters.
152 - D. Blaschke 2011
We demonstrate that the high-quality cooling data observed for the young neutron star in the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A over the past 10 years--as well as all other reliably known temperature data of neutron stars--can be comfortably explained within the nuclear medium cooling scenario. The cooling rates of this scenario account for medium-modified one-pion exchange in dense matter and polarization effects in the pair-breaking formations of superfluid neutrons and protons. Crucial for the successful description of the observed data is a substantial reduction of the thermal conductivity, resulting from a suppression of both the electron and nucleon contributions to it by medium effects. We also find that possibly in as little as about ten years of continued observation, the data may tell whether or not fast cooling processes are active in this neutron star.
63 - Boris A. Popov 2011
The hadroproduction experiments HARP, MIPP and NA61 (SHINE) as well as their implications for neutrino physics are discussed. HARP measurements have already been used for precise predictions of neutrino beams in K2K and MiniBooNE/SciBooNE experiments and are also being used to improve the atmospheric neutrino flux predictions and to help in the optimization of neutrino factory and super-beam designs. The MIPP experiment has nearly finalized measurements of hadron production from the NuMI target used in the MINOS experiment. First measurements released recently by the NA61 (SHINE) experiment are of significant importance for a precise prediction of the J-PARC neutrino beam used for the first stage of the T2K experiment. All three experiments - HARP, MIPP and NA61 - provide also a large amount of input for validation and tuning of hadron production models in Monte-Carlo generators.
We briefly sketch a proof concerning the structure of the all-order epsilon-expansions of generalized hypergeometric functions with special sets of parameters.
In the present work a closed system of kinetic equations is obtained for the description of the vacuum creation of an electron - positron plasma and secondary photons due to a strong laser field. An estimate for the photon energy distribution is obtained. In the Markovian approximation the photon distribution has a 1/k spectrum (flicker noise).
The third part of the present paper continues the investigation of the solution of the multivariable cubic algebraic equation for reparametrization invariance of the gravitational Lagrangian. The main result in this paper constitutes the fact that the earlier found parametrization functions of the cubic algebraic equation for reparametrization invariance of the gravitational Lagrangian can be considered also as uniformization functions. These functions are obtained as solutions of first - order nonlinear differential equations, as a result of which they depend only on the complex (uniformization) variable z. Further, it has been demonstrated that this uniformization can be extended to two complex variables, which is particularly important for investigating various physical metrics, for example the ADS metric of constant negative curvature (Lobachevsky spaces).
In a previous paper, the general approach for treatment of algebraic equations of different order in gravity theory was exposed, based on the important distinction between covariant and contravariant metric tensor components. In the present second part of the paper it has been shown that a multivariable cubic algebraic equation can also be parametrized by means of complicated, irrational and non-elliptic functions, depending on the elliptic Weierstrass function and its derivative. As a model example, the proposed before cubic algebraic equation for reparametrization invariance of the gravitational Lagrangian has been investigated. This is quite different from the standard algebraic geometry approach, where only the parametrization of two-dimensional cubic algebraic equations has been considered. Also, the possible applications in modern cosmological theories has been commented.
Based on the distinction between the covariant and contravariant metric tensor components in the framework of the affine geometry approach and also on the choice of the contravariant components, it was shown that a wide variety of third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh - degree algebraic equations exists in gravity theory. This fact, together with the derivation of the algebraic equations for a generally defined contravariant tensor components in this paper, are important in view of finding new solutions of the Einsteins equations, if they are treated as algebraic ones. Some important properties of the introduced in hep-th/0107231 more general connection have been also proved - it possesses affine transformation properties and it is an equiaffine one. Basic and important knowledge about the affine geometry approach and about gravitational theories with covariant and contravariant connections and metrics is also given with the purpose of demonstrating when and how these theories can be related to the proposed algebraic approach and to the existing theory of gravity and relativistic hydrodynamics.

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