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Experimental approaches have been applied to address questions in understanding three-dimensional chromatin organisation and function. As datasets increase in size and complexity, it becomes a challenge to reach a mechanistic interpretation of experimental results. Polymer simulations and mechanistic modelling have been applied to explain experimental observations, and the links to different aspects of genome function. Here, we provide a guide for biologists, explaining different simulation approaches and the contexts in which they have been used.
We review the mechanism and consequences of the bridging-induced attraction, a generic biophysical principle which underpins some existing models for chromosome organisation in 3-D. This attraction, which was revealed in polymer physics-inspired computer simulations, is a generic clustering tendency arising in multivalent chromatin-binding proteins, and it provides an explanation for the biogenesis of nuclear bodies and transcription factories via microphase separation. Including post-translational modification reactions involving these multivalent proteins can account for the fast dynamics of the ensuing clusters, as is observed via microscopy and photobleaching experiments. The clusters found in simulations also give rise to chromatin domains which conform well with the observation of A/B compartments in HiC experiments.
Current models for the folding of the human genome see a hierarchy stretching down from chromosome territories, through A/B compartments and TADs (topologically-associating domains), to contact domains stabilized by cohesin and CTCF. However, molecular mechanisms underlying this folding, and the way folding affects transcriptional activity, remain obscure. Here we review physical principles driving proteins bound to long polymers into clusters surrounded by loops, and present a parsimonious yet comprehensive model for the way the organization determines function. We argue that clusters of active RNA polymerases and their transcription factors are major architectural features; then, contact domains, TADs, and compartments just reflect one or more loops and clusters. We suggest tethering a gene close to a cluster containing appropriate factors -- a transcription factory -- increases the firing frequency, and offer solutions to many current puzzles concerning the actions of enhancers, super-enhancers, boundaries, and eQTLs (expression quantitative trait loci). As a result, the activity of any gene is directly influenced by the activity of other transcription units around it in 3D space, and this is supported by Brownian-dynamics simulations of transcription factors binding to cognate sites on long polymers.
The essential features of many interfaces driven out of equilibrium are described by the same equation---the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation. How do living interfaces, such as the cell membrane, fit into this picture? In an endeavour to answer such a question, we proposed in [F. Cagnetta, M. R. Evans, D. Marenduzzo, PRL 120, 258001 (2018)] an idealised model for the membrane of a moving cell. Here we discuss how the addition of simple ingredients inspired by the dynamics of the membrane of moving cells affects common kinetic roughening theories such as the KPZ and Edwards-Wilkinson equations.
We study the statistical mechanics of a single active slider on a fluctuating interface, by means of numerical simulations and theoretical arguments. The slider, which moves by definition towards the interface minima, is active as it also stimulates growth of the interface. Even though such a particle has no counterpart in thermodynamic systems, active sliders may provide a simple model for ATP-dependent membrane proteins that activate cytoskeletal growth. We find a wide range of dynamical regimes according to the ratio between the timescales associated with the slider motion and the interface relaxation. If the interface dynamics is slow, the slider behaves like a random walker in a random envinronment which, furthermore, is able to escape environmental troughs by making them grow. This results in different dynamic exponens to the interface and the particle: the former behaves as an Edward-Wilkinson surface with dynamic exponent 2 whereas the latter has dynamic exponent 3/2. When the interface is fast, we get sustained ballistic motion with the particle surfing a membrane wave created by itself. However, if the interface relaxes immediately (i.e., it is infinitely fast), particle motion becomes symmetric and goes back to diffusive. Due to such a rich phenomenology, we propose the active slider as a toy model of fundamental interest in the field of active membranes and, generally, whenever the system constituent can alter the environment by spending energy.
We introduce a representative minimal model for phoretically interacting active colloids. Combining kinetic theory, linear stability analyses, and a general relation between self-propulsion and phoretic interactions in auto-diffusiophoretic and auto-thermophoretic Janus colloids collapses the parameter space to two dimensions: area fraction and Peclet number. This collapse arises when the lifetime of the self-generated phoretic fields is not too short, and leads to a universal phase diagram showing that phoretic interactions {it generically} induce pattern formation in typical Janus colloids, even at very low density. The resulting patterns include waves and dynamic aggregates closely resembling the living clusters found in experiments on dilute suspension of Janus colloids.
We investigate the phase behavior and kinetics of a monodisperse mixture of active (textit{i.e.}, self-propelled) and passive isometric Brownian particles through Brownian dynamics simulations and theory. As in a purely active system, motility of the active component triggers phase separation into a dense and a dilute phase; in the dense phase we further find active-passive segregation, with rafts of passive particles in a sea of active particles. We find that phase separation from an initially disordered mixture can occur with as little as 15 percent of the particles being active. Finally, we show that a system prepared in a suitable fully segregated initial state reproducibly self-assembles an active corona which triggers crystallization of the passive core by initiating a compression wave. Our findings are relevant to the experimental pursuit of directed self-assembly using active particles.
In this review we provide an organized summary of the theoretical and computational results which are available for polymers subject to spatial or topological constraints. Because of the interdisciplinary character of the topic, we provide an accessible, non-specialist introduction to the main topological concepts, polymer models, and theoretical/computational methods used to investigate dense and entangled polymer systems. The main body of our review deals with: (i) the effect that spatial confinement has on the equilibrium topological entanglement of one or more polymer chains and (ii) the metric and entropic properties of polymer chains with fixed topological state. These problems have important technological applications and implications for the life-sciences. Both aspects, especially the latter, are amply covered. A number of selected open problems are finally highlighted.

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