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We present the strongest current cosmological upper limit on the sum of neutrino masses of < 0.18 (95% confidence). It is obtained by adding observations of the large-scale matter power spectrum from the WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey to observations of the cosmic microwave background data from the Planck surveyor, and measurements of the baryon acoustic oscillation scale. The limit is highly sensitive to the priors and assumptions about the neutrino scenario. We explore scenarios with neutrino masses close to the upper limit (degenerate masses), neutrino masses close to the lower limit where the hierarchy plays a role, and addition of massive or massless sterile species.
Neutrinos are one of the major puzzles in modern physics. Despite measurements of mass differences, the Standard Model of particle physics describes them as exactly massless. Additionally, recent measurements from both particle physics experiments and cosmology indicate the existence of more than the three Standard Model species. Here we review the cosmological evidence and its possible interpretations.
Dark energy may be the first sign of new fundamental physics in the Universe, taking either a physical form or revealing a correction to Einsteinian gravity. Weak gravitational lensing and galaxy peculiar velocities provide complementary probes of General Relativity, and in combination allow us to test modified theories of gravity in a unique way. We perform such an analysis by combining measurements of cosmic shear tomography from the Canada-France Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey (CFHTLenS) with the growth of structure from the WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey and the Six-degree-Field Galaxy Survey (6dFGS), producing the strongest existing joint constraints on the metric potentials that describe general theories of gravity. For scale-independent modifications to the metric potentials which evolve linearly with the effective dark energy density, we find present-day cosmological deviations in the Newtonian potential and curvature potential from the prediction of General Relativity to be (Delta Psi)/Psi = 0.05 pm 0.25 and (Delta Phi)/Phi = -0.05 pm 0.3 respectively (68 per cent CL).
We place the most robust constraint to date on the scale of the turnover in the cosmological matter power spectrum using data from the WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey. We find this feature to lie at a scale of $k_0=0.0160^{+0.0041}_{-0.0035}$ [h/Mpc] (68% confidence) for an effective redshift of 0.62 and obtain from this the first-ever turnover-derived distance and cosmology constraints: a measure of the cosmic distance-redshift relation in units of the horizon scale at the redshift of radiation-matter equality (r_H) of D_V(z=0.62)/r_H=18.3 (+6.3/-3.3) and, assuming a prior on the number of extra relativistic degrees of freedom $N_{eff}=3$, constraints on the matter density parameter $Omega_Mh^2=0.136^{+0.026}_{-0.052}$ and on the redshift of matter-radiation equality $z_{eq}=3274^{+631}_{-1260}$. All results are in excellent agreement with the predictions of standard LCDM models. Our constraints on the logarithmic slope of the power spectrum on scales larger than the turnover is bounded in the lower limit with values only as low as -1 allowed, with the prediction of standard LCDM models easily accommodated by our results. Lastly, we generate forecasts for the achievable precision of future surveys at constraining $k_0$, $Omega_Mh^2$, $z_{eq}$ and $N_{eff}$. We find that BOSS should substantially improve upon the WiggleZ turnover constraint, reaching a precision on $k_0$ of $pm$9% (68% confidence), translating to precisions on $Omega_Mh^2$ and $z_{eq}$ of $pm$10% (assuming a prior $N_{eff}=3$) and on $N_{eff}$ of (+78/-56)% (assuming a prior $Omega_Mh^2=0.135$). This is sufficient precision to sharpen the constraints on $N_{eff}$ from WMAP, particularly in its upper limit. For Euclid, we find corresponding attainable precisions on $(k_0, Omega_Mh^2, N_eff)$ of (3,4,+17/-21)%. This represents a precision approaching our forecasts for the Planck Surveyor.
This paper presents cosmological results from the final data release of the WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey. We perform full analyses of different cosmological models using the WiggleZ power spectra measured at z=0.22, 0.41, 0.60, and 0.78, combined with other cosmological datasets. The limiting factor in this analysis is the theoretical modelling of the galaxy power spectrum, including non-linearities, galaxy bias, and redshift-space distortions. In this paper we assess several different methods for modelling the theoretical power spectrum, testing them against the Gigaparsec WiggleZ simulations (GiggleZ). We fit for a base set of 6 cosmological parameters, {Omega_b h^2, Omega_CDM h^2, H_0, tau, A_s, n_s}, and 5 supplementary parameters {n_run, r, w, Omega_k, sum m_nu}. In combination with the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), our results are consistent with the LambdaCDM concordance cosmology, with a measurement of the matter density of Omega_m =0.29 +/- 0.016 and amplitude of fluctuations sigma_8 = 0.825 +/- 0.017. Using WiggleZ data with CMB and other distance and matter power spectra data, we find no evidence for any of the extension parameters being inconsistent with their LambdaCDM model values. The power spectra data and theoretical modelling tools are available for use as a module for CosmoMC, which we here make publicly available at . We also release the data and random catalogues used to construct the baryon acoustic oscillation correlation function.
The absolute neutrino mass scale is currently unknown, but can be constrained from cosmology. The WiggleZ high redshift star-forming blue galaxy sample is less sensitive to systematics from non-linear structure formation, redshift-space distortions and galaxy bias than previous surveys. We obtain a upper limit on the sum of neutrino masses of 0.60eV (95% confidence) for WiggleZ+Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe. Combining with priors on the Hubble Parameter and the baryon acoustic oscillation scale gives an upper limit of 0.29eV, which is the strongest neutrino mass constraint derived from spectroscopic galaxy redshift surveys.
One of the biggest problems faced by current and next-generation astronomical surveys is trying to produce large numbers of accurate cross identifications across a range of wavelength regimes with varying data quality and positional uncertainty. Until recently simple spatial nearest neighbour associations have been sufficient for most applications. However as advances in instrumentation allow more sensitive images to be made the rapid increase in the source density has meant that source confusion across multiple wavelengths is a serious problem. The field of far-IR and sub-mm astronomy has been particularly hampered by such problems. The poor angular resolution of current sub-mm and far-IR instruments is such that in a lot of cases there are multiple plausible counterparts for each source at other wavelengths. Here we present a new automated method of producing associations between sources at different wavelengths using a combination of spatial and SED information set in the Bayesian framework presented by Budavari & Szalay (2008). Testing of the technique is performed on both simulated catalogues of sources from GaLICS and real data from multi-wavelength observations of the SXDF. It is found that a single figure of merit, the Bayes factor, can be effectively used to describe the confidence in the match. Further applications of this technique to future Herschel datasets are discussed.
We consider the extent to which future imaging surveys of galaxies can distinguish between dark energy and modified gravity models for the origin of the cosmic acceleration. Dynamical dark energy models may have similar expansion rates as models of modified gravity, yet predict different growth of structure histories. We parameterize the cosmic expansion by the two parameters, $w_0$ and $w_a$, and the linear growth rate of density fluctuations by Linders $gamma$, independently. Dark energy models generically predict $gamma approx 0.55$, while the DGP model $gamma approx 0.68$. To determine if future imaging surveys can constrain $gamma$ within 20 percent (or $Deltagamma<0.1$), we perform the Fisher matrix analysis for a weak lensing survey such as the on-going Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) project. Under the condition that the total observation time is fixed, we compute the Figure of Merit (FoM) as a function of the exposure time $texp$. We find that the tomography technique effectively improves the FoM, which has a broad peak around $texpsimeq {rm several}sim 10$ minutes; a shallow and wide survey is preferred to constrain the $gamma$ parameter. While $Deltagamma < 0.1$ cannot be achieved by the HSC weak-lensing survey alone, one can improve the constraints by combining with a follow-up spectroscopic survey like WFMOS and/or future CMB observations.

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