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We show that extreme vacuum pressures can be measured with current technology by detecting the photons produced by the relativistic Thomson scattering of ultra-intense laser light by the electrons of the medium. We compute the amount of radiation scattered at different frequencies and angles and design strategies for the efficient measurement of pressure. In particular, we show that a single day experiment at a high repetition rate Petawatt laser facility such as VEGA, that will be operating in 2014 in Salamanca, will be sensitive, in principle, to pressures p as low as 10^{-16} Pa, and will be able to provide highly reliable measurements for p>10^{-14} Pa.
We show that an optical system involving competing higher-order Kerr nonlinearities can support the existence of ultrasolitons, namely extremely localized modes that only appear above a certain threshold for the central intensity. Such new solitary waves can be produced for powers below the usual collapse threshold, but they can also coexist with ordinary, lower-intensity solitons. We derive analytical conditions for the occurrence of multistability and analyze the dynamics of the different kinds of fundamental eigenmodes that can be excited in these nonlinear systems. We also discuss the possible transitions between solitary waves belonging to different nonlinear regimes through the mechanism of soliton switching.
Recent experiments have proved that the response to short laser pulses of common optical media, such as air or Oxygen, can be described by focusing Kerr and higher order nonlinearities of alternating signs. Such media support the propagation of steady solitary waves. We argue by both numerical and analytical computations that the low power fundamental bright solitons satisfy an equation of state which is similar to that of a degenerate gas of fermions at zero temperature. Considering in particular the propagation in both $O_2$ and air, we also find that the high power solutions behave like droplets of ordinary liquids. We then show how a grid of the fermionic light bubbles can be generated and forced to merge in a liquid droplet. This leads us to propose a set of experiments aimed at the production of both the fermionic and liquid phases of light, and at the demonstration of the transition from the former to the latter.
We show that a laser beam can be diffracted by a more concentrated light pulse due to quantum vacuum effects. We compute analytically the intensity pattern in a realistic experimental configuration, and discuss how it can be used to measure for the first time the parameters describing photon-photon scattering in vacuum. In particular, we show that the Quantum Electrodynamics prediction can be detected in a single-shot experiment at future 100 petawatt lasers such as ELI or HIPER. On the other hand, if carried out at one of the present high power facilities, such as OMEGA EP, this proposal can lead either to the discovery of non-standard physics, or to substantially improve the current PVLAS limits on the photon-photon cross section at optical wavelengths. This new example of manipulation of light by light is simpler to realize and more sensitive than existing, alternative proposals, and can also be used to test Born-Infeld theory or to search for axion-like or minicharged particles.
We analyze both theoretically and by means of numerical simulations the phenomena of filamentation and dynamical formation of self-guided nonlinear waves in media featuring competing cubic and quintic nonlinearities. We provide a theoretical description of recent experiments in terms of a linear stability analysis supported with simulations, showing the possibility of experimental observation of the modulational instability suppression of intense light pulses travelling across such nonlinear media. We also show a novel mechanism of indirect excitation of {em light condensates} by means of coalescence processes of nonlinear coherent structures produced by managed filamentation of high power laser beams.
We study how to search for photon-photon scattering in vacuum at present petawatt laser facilities such as HERCULES, and test Quantum Electrodynamics and non-standard models like Born-Infeld theory or scenarios involving minicharged particles or axion-like bosons. First, we compute the phase shift that is produced when an ultra-intense laser beam crosses a low power beam, in the case of arbitrary polarisations. This result is then used in order to design a complete test of all the parameters appearing in the low energy effective photonic Lagrangian. In fact, we propose a set of experiments that can be performed at HERCULES, eventually allowing either to detect photon-photon scattering as due to new physics, or to set new limits on the relevant parameters, improving by several orders of magnitude the current constraints obtained recently by PVLAS collaboration. We also describe a multi-cross optical mechanism that can further enhance the sensitivity, enabling HERCULES to detect photon-photon scattering even at a rate as small as that predicted by QED. Finally, we discuss how these results can be improved at future exawatt facilities such as ELI, thus providing a new class of precision tests of the Standard Model and beyond.
We show that a laser beam which propagates through an optical medium with Kerr (focusing) and higher order (defocusing) nonlinearities displays pressure and surface-tension properties yielding capillarity and dripping effects totally analogous to usual liquid droplets. The system is reinterpreted in terms of a thermodynamic grand potential, allowing for the computation of the pressure and surface tension beyond the usual hydrodynamical approach based on Madelung transformation and the analogy with the Euler equation. We then show both analytically and numerically that the stationary soliton states of such a light system satisfy the Young-Laplace equation, and that the dynamical evolution through a capillary is described by the same law that governs the growth of droplets in an ordinary liquid system.
We review the theory for photon-photon scattering in vacuum, and some of the proposals for its experimental search, including the results of our recent works on the subject. We then describe a very simple and sensitive proposal of an experiment and discuss how it can be used at the present (HERCULES) and the future (ELI) ultrahigh power laser facilities either to find the first evidence of photon-photon scattering in vacuum, or to significantly improve the current experimental limits.
In a recent paper, we have shown that the QED nonlinear corrections imply a phase correction to the linear evolution of crossing electromagnetic waves in vacuum. Here, we provide a more complete analysis, including a full numerical solution of the QED nonlinear wave equations for short-distance propagation in a symmetric configuration. The excellent agreement of such a solution with the result that we obtain using our perturbatively-motivated Variational Approach is then used to justify an analytical approximation that can be applied in a more general case. This allows us to find the most promising configuration for the search of photon-photon scattering in optics experiments. In particular, we show that our previous requirement of phase coherence between the two crossing beams can be released. We then propose a very simple experiment that can be performed at future exawatt laser facilities, such as ELI, by bombarding a low power laser beam with the exawatt bump.

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