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69 - Tieling Song , D.L. Zhou 2014
The energy band structure of a rotating BEC with a link in a quasi-one-dimensional torus and the role of dissipation is studied. Through this study we are able to give a microscopic interpretation of hysteresis recently observed in the experiment and we confirm that the hysteresis is the result of the presence of metastable state. We consider of both the adiabatic change and the instantaneous change of the rotation, and exhibit the differences between them. It is found that the sharp and size of the hysteresis loop change drastically with the strength of the link.
558 - Yang Liu , Bei Zeng , D.L. Zhou 2014
Topologically ordered systems exhibit large-scale correlation in their ground states, which may be characterized by quantities such as topological entanglement entropy. We propose that the concept of irreducible many-body correlation, the correlation that cannot be implied by all local correlations, may also be used as a signature of topological order. In a topologically ordered system, we demonstrate that for a part of the system with holes, the reduced density matrix exhibits irreducible many-body correlation which becomes reducible when the holes are removed. The appearance of these irreducible correlations then represents a key feature of topological phase. We analyze the many-body correlation structures in the ground state of the toric code model in an external magnetic field, and show that the topological phase transition is signaled by the irreducible many-body correlations.
200 - Yang Liu , Yu Guo , D.L. Zhou 2012
A fundamental task in quantum information science is to transfer an unknown state from particle $A$ to particle $B$ (often in remote space locations) by using a bipartite quantum operation $mathcal{E}^{AB}$. We suggest the power of $mathcal{E}^{AB}$ for quantum state transfer (QST) to be the maximal average probability of QST over the initial states of particle $B$ and the identifications of the state vectors between $A$ and $B$. We find the QST power of a bipartite quantum operations satisfies four desired properties between two $d$-dimensional Hilbert spaces. When $A$ and $B$ are qubits, the analytical expressions of the QST power is given. In particular, we obtain the exact results of the QST power for a general two-qubit unitary transformation.
78 - R.X. Dong , D.L. Zhou 2010
Correlation function and mutual information are two powerful tools to characterize the correlations in a quantum state of a composite system, widely used in many-body physics and in quantum information science, respectively. We find that these two tools may give different conclusions about the order of the degrees of correlation in two specific two-qubit states. This result implies that the orderings of bipartite quantum states according to the degrees of correlation depend on which correlation measure we adopt.
85 - D.L. Zhou 2009
We develop a numerical algorithm to calculate the degrees of irreducible multiparty correlations for an arbitrary multiparty quantum state, which is efficient for any quantum state of up to five qubits. We demonstrate the power of the algorithm by the explicit calculations of the degrees of irreducible multiparty correlations in the 4-qubit GHZ state, the Smolin state, and the 5-qubit W state. This development takes a crucial step towards practical applications of irreducible multiparty correlations in real quantum many-body physics.
96 - D.L. Zhou 2008
We identify the correlation in a state of two identical particles as the residual information beyond what is already contained in the 1-particle reduced density matrix, and propose a correlation measure based on the maximum entropy principle. We obtain the analytical results of the correlation measure, which make it computable for arbitrary two-particle states. We also show that the degrees of correlation in the same two-particle states with different particle types will decrease in the following order: bosons, fermions, and distinguishable particles.
413 - D.L. Zhou 2008
In a system of $n$ quantum particles, the correlations are classified into a series of irreducible $k$-particle correlations ($2le kle n$), where the irreducible $k$-particle correlation is the correlation appearing in the states of $k$ particles but not existing in the states of $k-1$ particles. A measure of the degree of irreducible $k$-particle correlation is defined based on the maximal entropy construction. By adopting a continuity approach, we overcome the difficulties in calculating the degrees of irreducible multi-particle correlations for the multi-particle states without maximal rank. In particular, we obtain the degrees of irreducible multi-particle correlations in the $n$-qubit stabilizer states and the $n$-qubit generalized GHZ states, which reveals the distribution of multi-particle correlations in these states.
166 - D.L. Zhou , Lan Zhou , R.Q. Wang 2007
We present a semi-classical theory for light deflection by a coherent $Lambda$-type three-level atomic medium in an inhomogeneous magnetic field or an inhomogeneous control laser. When the atomic energy levels (or the Rabi coupling by the control laser) are position-dependent due to the Zeeman effect by the inhomogeneous magnetic field (or the inhomogeneity of the control field profile), the spatial dependence of the refraction index of the atomic medium will result in an observable deflection of slow signal light when the electromagnetically induced transparency happens to avoid medium absorption. Our theoretical approach based on Fermats principle in geometrical optics not only provides a consistent explanation for the most recent experiment in a straightforward way, but also predicts the new effects for the slow signal light deflection by the atomic media in an inhomogeneous off-resonant control laser field.
385 - Nan Zhao , D.L. Zhou , Jia-Lin Zhu 2007
We propose and study a spin-orbit interaction based mechanism to actively cool down the torsional vibration of a nanomechanical resonator made by semiconductor materials. We show that the spin-orbit interactions of electrons can induce a coherent coupling between the electron spins and the torsional modes of nanomechanical vibration. This coherent coupling leads to an active cooling for the torsional modes via the dynamical thermalization of the resonator and the spin ensemble.

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