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88 - M. Yi , D. H. Lu , R. G. Moore 2011
We use angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy to study twinned and detwinned iron pnictide compound NaFeAs. Distinct signatures of electronic reconstruction are observed to occur at the structural (TS) and magnetic (TSDW) transitions. At TS, C4 rotational symmetry is broken in the form of an anisotropic shift of the orthogonal dxz and dyz bands. The magnitude of this orbital anisotropy rapidly develops to near completion upon approaching TSDW, at which temperature band folding occurs via the antiferromagnetic ordering wave vector. Interestingly, the anisotropic band shift onsetting at TS develops in such a way to enhance the nesting conditions in the C2 symmetric state, hence is intimately correlated with the long range collinear AFM order. Furthermore, the similar behaviors of the electronic reconstruction in NaFeAs and Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 suggests that this rapid development of large orbital anisotropy between TS and TSDW is likely a general feature of the electronic nematic phase in the iron pnictides, and the associated orbital fluctuations may play an important role in determining the ground state properties.
129 - M. Yi , D. H. Lu , J.-H. Chu 2010
Nematicity, defined as broken rotational symmetry, has recently been observed in competing phases proximate to the superconducting phase in the cuprate high temperature superconductors. Similarly, the new iron-based high temperature superconductors exhibit a tetragonal to orthorhombic structural transition (i.e. a broken C4 symmetry) that either precedes or is coincident with a collinear spin density wave (SDW) transition in undoped parent compounds, and superconductivity arises when both transitions are suppressed via doping. Evidence for strong in-plane anisotropy in the SDW state in this family of compounds has been reported by neutron scattering, scanning tunneling microscopy, and transport measurements. Here we present an angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of detwinned single crystals of a representative family of electron-doped iron-arsenide superconductors, Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 in the underdoped region. The crystals were detwinned via application of in-plane uniaxial stress, enabling measurements of single domain electronic structure in the orthorhombic state. At low temperatures, our results clearly demonstrate an in-plane electronic anisotropy characterized by a large energy splitting of two orthogonal bands with dominant dxz and dyz character, which is consistent with anisotropy observed by other probes. For compositions x>0, for which the structural transition (TS) precedes the magnetic transition (TSDW), an anisotropic splitting is observed to develop above TSDW, indicating that it is specifically associated with TS. For unstressed crystals, the band splitting is observed close to TS, whereas for stressed crystals the splitting is observed to considerably higher temperatures, revealing the presence of a surprisingly large in-plane nematic susceptibility in the electronic structure.
100 - M. Yi , D. H. Lu , J. G. Analytis 2009
Through a systematic high resolution angle-resolved photoemission study of the iron pnictide compounds (Ba,Sr)Fe$_2$As$_2$, we show that the electronic structures of these compounds are significantly reconstructed across the spin density wave ordering, which cannot be described by a simple folding scenario of conventional density wave ordering. Moreover, we find that LDA calculations with an incorporated suppressed magnetic moment of 0.5$mu_{tiny{textrm{B}}}$ can match well the details in the reconstructed electronic structure, suggesting that the nature of magnetism in the pnictides is more itinerant than local, while the origin of suppressed magnetic moment remains an important issue for future investigations.
64 - D. H. Lu , M. Yi , S.-K. Mo 2009
We report a comparison study of LaOFeP and LaOFeAs, two parent compounds of recently discovered iron-pnictide superconductors, using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Both systems exhibit some common features that are very different from well-studied cuprates. In addition, important differences have also been observed between these two ferrooxypnictides. For LaOFeP, quantitative agreement can be found between our photoemission data and the LDA band structure calculations, suggesting that a weak coupling approach based on an itinerant ground state may be more appropriate for understanding this new superconducting compound. In contrast, the agreement between LDA calculations and experiments in LaOFeAs is relatively poor, as highlighted by the unexpected Fermi surface topology around (pi,pi). Further investigations are required for a comprehensive understanding of the electronic structure of LaOFeAs and related compounds.
219 - F. Schmitt , W. S. Lee , D.-H. Lu 2008
Samples of Nd(2-x)Ce(x)CuO(4), an electron-doped high temperature superconducting cuprate (HTSC), near optimal doping at x = 0.155 were measured via angle resolved photoemission (ARPES). We report a renormalization feature in the self energy (kink) in the band dispersion at 50 - 60 meV present in nodal and antinodal cuts across the Fermi surface. Specifically, while the kink had previously only been seen in the antinodal region, it is now observed also in the nodal region, reminiscent of what has been observed in hole-doped cuprates.
231 - T. Xiang , H. G. Luo , D. H. Lu 2008
Based on the analysis of the measurement data of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and optics, we show that the charge transfer gap is significantly smaller than the optical one and is reduced by doping in electron doped cuprate superconductors. This leads to a strong charge fluctuation between the Zhang-Rice singlet and the upper Hubbard bands. The basic model for describing this system is a hybridized two-band $t$-$J$ model. In the symmetric limit where the corresponding intra- and inter-band hopping integrals are equal to each other, this two-band model is equivalent to the Hubbard model with an antiferromagnetic exchange interaction (i.e. the $t$-$U$-$J$ model). The mean-field result of the $t$-$U$-$J$ model gives a good account for the doping evolution of the Fermi surface and the staggered magnetization.
213 - D. H. Lu , M. Yi , S.-K. Mo 2008
The recent discovery of superconductivity in the so-called iron-oxypnictide family of compounds has generated intense interest. The layered crystal structure with transition metal ions in planar square lattice form and the discovery of spin-density-wave order near 130 K seem to hint at a strong similarity with the copper oxide superconductors. A burning current issue is the nature of the ground state of the parent compounds. Two distinct classes of theories have been put forward depending on the underlying band structures: local moment antiferromagnetic ground state for strong coupling approach and itinerant ground state for weak coupling approach. The local moment magnetism approach stresses on-site correlations and proximity to a Mott insulating state and thus the resemblance to cuprates; while the latter approach emphasizes the itinerant electron physics and the interplay between the competing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic fluctuations. Such a controversy is partly due to the lack of conclusive experimental information on the electronic structures. Here we report the first angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) investigation of LaOFeP (Tc = 5.9 K), the first reported iron-based superconductor. Our results favor the itinerant ground state, albeit with band renormalization. In addition, our data reveal important differences between these and copper based superconductors.

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