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Excitation functions were measured by stacked-foil activation technique for the $^{150}$Nd(p, xpyn) reaction using 97.65$%$ enriched $^{150}$Nd target. Measurement up to $sim$50$%$ above barrier and down to 18$%$ below the barrier was performed using proton beam energy (E$_p$) of 7 - 15 MeV from VECC Cyclotron. The yield of suitable $gamma$ rays emitted following the decay of relevant evaporation residues was determined using a 50$%$ High Purity Germanium (HPGe) detector.(p,n) cross section was found to follow the expected trend with a maximum value of 63.7(4.9)mb at E$_p$ $sim$ 8.6 MeV. (p,2n) cross section gradually increased with E$_p$ and had maximum contribution to the total reaction cross section after E$_p$ $sim$ 9.0 MeV. (p, p$^{prime}$n) reaction channel also showed a reasonable yield with a threshold of E$_p$ $sim$ 12.0 MeV. The experimental data were corroborated with statistical model calculations using different codes, viz., CASCADE, ALICE/91 and EMPIRE3.1. All the calculations using a suitable set of global parameters could reproduce the excitation function fairly well in the present energy range.
The Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability is studied in a non-Newtonian dusty plasma with an experimentally verified model [Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 98}, 145003 (2007)] of shear flow rate dependent viscosity. The shear flow profile used here is a parabolic type bounded flow. Both the shear thinning and shear thickening properties are investigated in compressible as well as incompressible limits using a linear stability analysis. Like the stabilizing effect of compressibility on the KH instability, the non-Newtonian effect in shear thickening regime could also suppress the instability but on the contrary, shear thinning property enhances it. A detailed study is reported on the role of non-Newtonian effect on KH instability with conventional dust fluid equations using standard eigenvalue analysis.
Linear stability analysis of strongly coupled incompressible dusty plasma in presence of shear flow has been carried out using Generalized Hydrodynamical(GH) model. With the proper Galilean invariant GH model, a nonlocal eigenvalue analysis has been done using different velocity profiles. It is shown that the effect of elasticity enhances the growth rate of shear flow driven Kelvin- Helmholtz (KH) instability. The interplay between viscosity and elasticity not only enhances the growth rate but the spatial domain of the instability is also widened. The growth rate in various parameter space and the corresponding eigen functions are presented.
An analysis of nonlinear transverse shear wave has been carried out on non-Newtonian viscoelastic liquid using generalized hydrodynamic(GH) model. The nonlinear viscoelastic behavior is introduced through velocity shear dependence of viscosity coefficient by well known Carreau -Bird model. The dynamical feature of this shear wave leads to the celebrated Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) problem. Numerical solution has been obtained which shows that initial periodic solutions reoccur after passing through several patterns of periodic waves. A possible explanation for this periodic solution is given by constructing modified Korteweg de Vries (mKdV) equation. This model has application from laboratory to astrophysical plasmas as well as biological systems.
The well known Jeans instability is studied for a viscoelastic, gravitational fluid using generalized hydrodynamic equations of motions. It is found that the threshold for the onset of instability appears at higher wavelengths in a viscoelastic medium. Elastic effects playing a role similar to thermal pressure are found to lower the growth rate of the gravitational instability. Such features may manifest themselves in matter constituting dense astrophysical objects.
The properties of electrostatic transverse shear waves propagating in a strongly coupled dusty plasma with an equilibrium density gradient are examined using the generalized hydrodynamic equation. In the usual kinetic limit, the resulting equation has similarity to zero energy Schrodingers equation. This has helped in obtaining some exact eigenmode solutions in both cartesian and cylindrical geometries for certain nontrivial density profiles. The corresponding velocity profiles and the discrete eigenfrequencies are obtained for several interesting situations and their physics discussed.
The influence of viscosity gradient (due to shear flow) on low frequency collective modes in strongly coupled dusty plasma is analyzed. It is shown that for a well known viscoelastic plasma model, the velocity shear dependent viscosity leads to an instability of the shear mode. The inhomogeneous viscous force and velocity shear coupling supply the free energy for the instability. The combined strength of shear flow and viscosity gradient wins over any stabilizing force and makes the shear mode unstable. Implication of such a novel instability and its applications are briefly outlined.
111 - S.K. Das , R. Guin , D. Banerjee 2013
30 keV 111mCd and 50 keV 199mHg beams from ISOLDE were used to implant on preformed target of C60 with the thickness of 1 mg/cm2. Endofullerene compounds, viz.,111mCd@C60 and 199mHg@C60 formed during implantation were separated by filtration through micropore filter paper followed by solvent extraction. Dried samples of the endofullerene compounds were counted for the coincidence for the 151-245 keV cascade of 111mCd and 374-158 keV cascade for 199mHg for the TDPAC measurement on a six LaBr3 detector system coupled with digital electronics. The results indicate a single site occupied by the Cd atom in the fullerene cage with fast relaxation component which means that the Cd atom does move inside the cage at room temperature. The quadrupole interaction frequency and asymmetry parameter of the Cd atom occupying the site in C60 are WQ=8.14(42) Mrad/s and eta= 0.42(9) respectively with a site population of 28%. Fast relaxation constant is 0.003 ns-1 with a site contribution of 72%. On the other hand, Hg atom has two static sites of quadrupole frequencies, WQ1=281.60(16.9) Mrad/s and WQ2=202.30(22.7) Mrad/s. Respective asymmetry parameters are eta1=0.1(1) and eta2=0.2(1). The static components have a contribution of 40% with the rest 60% coming from the fast relaxing component.
Electron Capture (EC) decay of $^{146}$Gd($it{t_{1/2}}$ = 48d) to the low lying states of $^{146}$Eu has been studied using high-resolution $gamma$ ray spectroscopy. The $^{146}$Gd activity was produced by ($alpha$, 2n) reaction at E$_{alpha}$ = 32 MeV using 93.8% enriched $^{144}$Sm target. The level structure has been considerably modified from the measurement of $gamma$ ray singles, $gammagamma$ coincidences and decay half lives. Lifetime measurement has been performed for the 3$^-$ (114.06 keV) and 2$^-$ (229.4 keV) levels of $^{146}$Eu using Mirror Symmetric Centroid Difference (MSCD) method with LaBr$_3$ (Ce) detectors. The lifetimes for these two states have been found to be 5.38 $pm$ 2.36 ps and 8.38 $pm$ 2.19 ps respectively. Shell model calculation has been performed using OXBASH code in order to interpret the results.
Using ultracold alkaline-earth atoms in optical lattices, we construct a quantum simulator for U(N) and SU(N) lattice gauge theories with fermionic matter based on quantum link models. These systems share qualitative features with QCD, including chiral symmetry breaking and restoration at non-zero temperature or baryon density. Unlike classical simulations, a quantum simulator does not suffer from sign problems and can address the corresponding chiral dynamics in real time.

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