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186 - Cyril Pitrou 2018
This article investigates the full Boltzmann equation up to second order in the cosmological perturbations. Describing the distribution of polarized radiation by a tensor valued distribution function, we study the gauge dependence of the distribution function and summarize the construction of the gauge-invariant distribution function. The Liouville operator which describes the free streaming of electrons, and the collision term which describes the scattering of photons on free electrons are computed up to second order. Finally, the remaining dependence in the direction of the photon momentum is handled by expanding in projected symmetric trace-free multipoles and also in the more commonly used normal modes components. The results obtained remain to be used for computing numerically the contribution in the cosmic microwave background bispectrum which arises from the evolution of second order perturbations, in order to disentangle the primordial non-Gaussianity from the one generated by the subsequent non-linear evolution.
CMB spectral distortions are induced by Compton collisions with electrons. We review the various schemes to characterize the anisotropic CMB with a non-Planckian spectrum. We advocate using logarithmically averaged temperature moments as the preferred language to describe these spectral distortions, both for theoretical modeling and observations. Numerical modeling is simpler, the moments are frame-independent, and in terms of scattering the mode truncation is exact.
We compute the spectral distortions of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) polarization induced by non-linear effects in the Compton interactions between CMB photons and cold intergalactic electrons. This signal is of the $y$-type and is dominated by contributions arising from the reionized era. We stress that it is not shadowed by the thermal SZ effect which has no equivalent for polarization. We decompose its angular dependence into $E$- and $B$-modes, and we calculate the corresponding power spectra, both exactly and using a suitable Limber approximation that allows a simpler numerical evaluation. We find that $B$-modes are of the same order of magnitude as $E$-modes. Both spectra are relatively flat, peaking around $ell=280$, and their overall amplitude is directly related to the optical depth to reionization. Moreover, we find this effect to be one order of magnitude larger than the non-linear kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect in galaxy clusters. Finally, we discuss how to improve the detectability of our signal by cross-correlating it with other quantities sourced by the flow of intergalactic electrons.
In the context of cosmological perturbation theory, we derive the second order Boltzmann equation describing the evolution of the distribution function of radiation without a specific gauge choice. The essential steps in deriving the Boltzmann equation are revisited and extended given this more general framework: i) the polarisation of light is incorporated in this formalism by using a tensor-valued distribution function; ii) the importance of a choice of the tetrad field to define the local inertial frame in the description of the distribution function is emphasized; iii) we perform a separation between temperature and spectral distortion, both for the intensity and for polarisation for the first time; iv) the gauge dependence of all perturbed quantities that enter the Boltzmann equation is derived, and this enables us to check the correctness of the perturbed Boltzmann equation by explicitly showing its gauge-invariance for both intensity and polarization. We finally discuss several implications of the gauge dependence for the observed temperature.
In this paper, we develop in detail a fully geometrical method for deriving perturbation equations about a spatially homogeneous background. This method relies on the 3+1 splitting of the background space-time and does not use any particular set of coordinates: it is implemented in terms of geometrical quantities only, using the tensor algebra package xTensor in the xAct distribution along with the extension for perturbations xPert. Our algorithm allows one to obtain the perturbation equations for all types of homogeneous cosmologies, up to any order and in all possible gauges. As applications, we recover the well-known perturbed Einstein equations for Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker cosmologies up to second order and for Bianchi I cosmologies at first order. This work paves the way to the study of these models at higher order and to that of any other perturbed Bianchi cosmologies, by circumventing the usually too cumbersome derivation of the perturbed equations.
This article derives a multipolar hierarchy for the propagation of the weak-lensing shear and convergence in a general spacetime. The origin of B-modes, in particular on large angular scales, is related to the local isotropy of space. Known results assuming a Friedmann-Lema^itre background are naturally recovered. The example of a Bianchi I spacetime illustrates our formalism and its implications for future observations are stressed.
The CMB bispectrum generated by second-order effects at recombination can be calculated analytically when one of the three modes has a wavelength much longer than the other two and is outside the horizon at recombination. This was pointed out in cite{Creminelli:2004pv} and here we correct their results. We derive a simple formula for the bispectrum, $f_{NL}^{loc} = - (1/6+ cos 2 theta) cdot (1- 1/2 cdot d ln (l_S^2 C_{S})/d ln l_S)$, where $C_S$ is the short scale spectrum and $theta$ the relative orientation between the long and the short modes. This formula is exact and takes into account all effects at recombination, including recombination-lensing, but neglects all late-time effects such as ISW-lensing. The induced bispectrum in the squeezed limit is small and will negligibly contaminate the Planck search for a local primordial signal: this will be biased only by $f_{NL}^{loc}approx-0.4$. The above analytic formula includes the primordial non-Gaussianity of any single-field model. It also represents a consistency check for second-order Boltzmann codes: we find substantial agreement with the CMBquick code.
This article investigates the stability of a generic Kasner spacetime to linear perturbations, both at late and early times. It demonstrates that the perturbation of the Weyl tensor diverges at late time in all cases but in the particular one in which the Kasner spacetime is the product of a two-dimensional Milne spacetime and a two-dimensional Euclidean space. At early times, the perturbation of the Weyl tensor also diverges unless one imposes a condition on the perturbations so as to avoid the most divergent modes to be excited.
50 - Elisa Fenu 2010
Nonlinear dynamics creates vortical currents when the tight-coupling approximation between photons and baryons breaks down around the time of recombination. This generates a magnetic field at second order in cosmological perturbations, whose power spectrum is fixed by standard physics, without the need for any ad hoc assumptions. We present the fully relativistic calculation of the magnetic power spectrum, including the effects of metric perturbations, second-order velocity and the photon anisotropic stress, thus generalizing and correcting previous results. We also show that significant magnetogenesis continues to occur after recombination. The power spectrum $sqrt{k^3 P_B} $ behaves as $ propto k^4$ on large scales, and $propto k^{0.5}$ on small scales, down to $sim 1,$Mpc. On cluster scales, the created field has strength $sim 3times 10^{-29}$ Gauss.

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