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85 - Elham Alipour 2014
During and after recombination, in addition to Thomson scattering with free electrons, photons also coupled to neutral hydrogen and helium atoms through Rayleigh scattering. This coupling influences both CMB anisotropies and the distribution of matter in the Universe. The frequency-dependence of the Rayleigh cross section breaks the thermal nature of CMB temperature and polarization anisotropies and effectively doubles the number of variables needed to describe CMB intensity and polarization statistics, while the additional atomic coupling changes the matter distribution and the lensing of the CMB. We introduce a new method to capture the effects of Rayleigh scattering on cosmological power spectra. Rayleigh scattering modifies CMB temperature and polarization anisotropies at the $sim!1 %$ level at $353 {rm GHz}$ (scaling $propto u^4$), and modifies matter correlations by as much as $sim!0.3%$. We show the Rayleigh signal, especially the cross-spectra between the thermal (Rayleigh) E-polarization and Rayleigh (thermal) intensity signal, may be detectable with future CMB missions even in the presence of foregrounds, and how this new information might help to better constrain the cosmological parameters.
The intergalactic medium (IGM) prior to the epoch of reionization consists mostly of neutral hydrogen gas. Ly-alpha photons produced by early stars resonantly scatter off hydrogen atoms, causing energy exchange between the radiation field and the gas. This interaction results in moderate heating of the gas due to the recoil of the atoms upon scattering, which is of great interest for future studies of the pre-reionization IGM in the HI 21 cm line. We investigate the effect of this Ly-alpha heating in the IGM with linear density, temperature, and velocity perturbations. Perturbations smaller than the diffusion length of photons could be damped due to heat conduction by Ly-alpha photons. The scale at which damping occurs and the strength of this effect depend on various properties of the gas, the flux of Ly-alpha photons and the way in which photon frequencies are redistributed upon scattering. To find the relevant length scale and the extent to which Ly-alpha heating affects perturbations, we calculate the gas heating rates by numerically solving linearized Boltzmann equations in which scattering is treated by the Fokker-Planck approximation. We find that (1) perturbations add a small correction to the gas heating rate, and (2) the damping of temperature perturbations occurs at scales with comoving wavenumber k>10^4 Mpc^{-1}, which are much smaller than the Jeans scale and thus unlikely to substantially affect the observed 21 cm signal.
It has recently been suggested that the tidal deformation of a neutron star excites daughter p- and g-modes to large amplitudes via a quasi-static instability. This would remove energy from the tidal bulge, resulting in dissipation and possibly affecting the phase evolution of inspiralling binary neutron stars and hence the extraction of binary parameters from gravitational wave observations. This instability appears to arise because of a large three-mode interaction among the tidal mode and high-order p- and g-modes of similar radial wavenumber. We show that additional four-mode interactions enter into the analysis at the same order as the three-mode terms previously considered. We compute these four-mode couplings by finding a volume-preserving coordinate transformation that relates the energy of a tidally deformed star to that of a radially perturbed spherical star. Using this method, we relate the four-mode coupling to three-mode couplings and show that there is a near-exact cancellation between the destabilizing effect of the three-mode interactions and the stabilizing effect of the four-mode interaction. We then show that the equilibrium tide is stable against the quasi-static decay into daughter p- and g-modes to leading order. The leading deviation from the quasi-static approximation due to orbital motion of the binary is considered; while it may slightly spoil the near-cancellation, any resulting instability timescale is at least of order the gravitational-wave inspiral time. We conclude that the p-/g-mode coupling does not lead to a quasi-static instability, and does not impact the phase evolution of gravitational waves from binary neutron stars.
We present a clustering analysis of near ultraviolet (NUV) - optical color selected luminosity bin samples of green valley galaxies. These galaxy samples are constructed by matching the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 with the latest Galaxy Evolution Explorer source catalog which provides NUV photometry. We present cross-correlation function measurements and determine the halo occupation distribution of these transitional galaxies using a new multiple tracer analysis technique. We extend the halo-occupation formalism to model the cross-correlation function between a galaxy sample of interest and multiple tracer populations simultaneously. This method can be applied to commonly used luminosity threshold samples as well as to color and luminosity bin selected galaxy samples, and improves the accuracy of clustering analyses for sparse galaxy populations. We confirm the previously observed trend that red galaxies reside in more massive halos and are more likely to be satellite galaxies than average galaxies of similar luminosity. While the change in central galaxy host mass as a function of color is only weakly constrained, the satellite fraction and characteristic halo masses of green satellite galaxies are found to be intermediate between those of blue and red satellite galaxies.
This document describes the exposure time calculator for the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) high-latitude survey. The calculator works in both imaging and spectroscopic modes. In addition to the standard ETC functions (e.g. background and S/N determination), the calculator integrates over the galaxy population and forecasts the density and redshift distribution of galaxy shapes usable for weak lensing (in imaging mode) and the detected emission lines (in spectroscopic mode). The source code is made available for public use.
Thompson scattering of cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons off of free electrons during the reionization epoch induces a correlation between the distribution of galaxies and the polarization pattern of the CMB, the magnitude of which is proportional to the quadrupole moment of radiation at the time of scattering. Since the quadrupole moment generated by gravitational waves (GWs) gives rise to a different polarization pattern than that produced by scalar modes, one can put interesting constraints on the strength of GWs on large scales by cross-correlating the small scale galaxy distribution and CMB polarization. We use this method together with Fisher analysis to predict how well future surveys can measure the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$. We find that with a future CMB experiment with detector noise Delta_P = 2 mu K-arcmin and a beam width theta_FWHM = 2 and a future galaxy survey with limiting magnitude I<25.6 one can measure the tensor-to-scalar ratio with an error sigma_r simeq 0.09. To measure r approx 0.01, however, one needs Delta_P simeq 0.5 mu K-radian and theta_FWHM simeq 1. We also investigate a few systematic effects, none of which turn out to add any biases to our estimators, but they increase the error bars by adding to the cosmic variance. The incomplete sky coverage has the most dramatic effect on our constraints on r for large sky cuts, with a reduction in signal-to-noise smaller than one would expect from the naive estimate (S/N)^2 propto f_sky. Specifically, we find a degradation factor of f_deg=0.32 pm 0.01 for a sky cut of |b|>10^circ (f_sky=0.83) and f_deg=0.056 pm 0.004 for a sky cut of |b|>20^circ (f_sky=0.66). Nonetheless, given that our method has different systematics than the more conventional method of observing the large scale B modes directly, it may be used as an important check in the case of a detection.
The advent of precise measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies has motivated correspondingly precise calculations of the cosmic recombination history. Cosmic recombination proceeds far out of equilibrium because of a bottleneck at the $n=2$ level of hydrogen: atoms can only reach the ground state via slow processes: two-photon decay or Lyman-$alpha$ resonance escape. However, even a small primordial abundance of molecules could have a large effect on the interline opacity in the recombination epoch and lead to an additional route for hydrogen recombination. Therefore, this paper computes the abundance of the H$_2$ molecule during the cosmic recombination epoch. Hydrogen molecules in the ground electronic levels X$^1Sigma^+_g$ can either form from the excited H$_2$ electronic levels B$^1Sigma^+_u$ and C$^1Pi_u$ or through the charged particles H$_2^+$, HeH$^+$ and H$^-$. We follow the transitions among all of these species, resolving the rotational and vibrational sub-levels. Since the energies of the X$^1Sigma^+_g$--B$^1Sigma^+_u$ (Lyman band) and X$^1Sigma^+_g$-C$^1Pi_u$ (Werner band) transitions are near the Lyman-$alpha$ energy, the distortion of the CMB spectrum caused by escaped H Lyman-line photons accelerates both the formation and the destruction of H$_2$ due to this channel relative to the thermal rates. This causes the populations of H$_2$ molecules in X$^1Sigma^+_g$ energy levels to deviate from their thermal equilibrium abundances. We find that the resulting H$_2$ abundance is $10^{-17}$ at $z=1200$ and $10^{-13}$ at $z=800$, which is too small to have any significant influence on the recombination history.
If the hemispherical power asymmetry observed in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) on large angular scales is attributable to a superhorizon curvaton fluctuation, then the simplest model predicts that the primordial density fluctuations should be similarly asymmetric on all smaller scales. The distribution of high-redshift quasars was recently used to constrain the power asymmetry on scales k ~ 1.5h/Mpc, and the upper bound on the amplitude of the asymmetry was found to be a factor of six smaller than the amplitude of the asymmetry in the CMB. We show that it is not possible to generate an asymmetry with this scale dependence by changing the relative contributions of the inflaton and curvaton to the adiabatic power spectrum. Instead, we consider curvaton scenarios in which the curvaton decays after dark matter freezes out, thus generating isocurvature perturbations. If there is a superhorizon fluctuation in the curvaton field, then the rms amplitude of these perturbations will be asymmetric, and the asymmetry will be most apparent on large angular scales in the CMB. We find that it is only possible to generate the observed asymmetry in the CMB while satisfying the quasar constraint if the curvatons contribution to the total dark matter density is small, but nonzero. The model also requires that the majority of the primordial power comes from fluctuations in the inflaton field. Future observations and analyses of the CMB will test this model because the power asymmetry generated by this model has a specific spectrum, and the model requires that the current upper bounds on isocurvature power are nearly saturated.

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