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Recent suggestions of a photon underproduction crisis (Kollmeier etal 2014) have generated concern over the intensity and spectrum of ionizing photons in the metagalactic ultraviolet background (UVB). The balance of hydrogen photoionization and recombination determines the opacity of the low-redshift intergalactic medium (IGM). We calibrate the hydrogen photoionization rate ($Gamma_{rm H}$) by comparing {it Hubble Space Telescope} spectroscopic surveys of the low-redshift column density distribution of HI absorbers and the observed ($z < 0.4$) mean Lya flux decrement, $D_A = (0.014)(1+z)^{2.2}$, to new cosmological simulations. The distribution, $f(N_{rm HI}, z) equiv d^2 {cal N} / d(log N_{rm HI}) dz$, is consistent with an increased UVB that includes contributions from both quasars and galaxies. Our recommended fit, $Gamma_{rm H}(z) = (4.6 times 10^{-14}$ s$^{-1})(1+z)^{4.4}$ for $0 < z < 0.47$, corresponds to unidirectional LyC photon flux $Phi_0 approx 5700$~cm$^{-2}$~s$^{-1}$ at $z = 0$. This flux agrees with observed IGM metal ionization ratios (CIII/CIV and SiIII/SiIV) and suggests a 25-30% contribution of Lya absorbers to the cosmic baryon inventory. The primary uncertainties in the low-redshift UVB are the contribution from massive stars in galaxies and the LyC escape fraction ($f_{rm esc}$), a highly directional quantity that is difficult to constrain statistically. We suggest that both quasars and low-mass starburst galaxies are important contributors to the ionizing UVB at $z < 2$. Their additional ionizing flux would resolve any crisis in photon underproduction.
Using the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph aboard the Hubble Space Telescope, we measured the abundances of six ions (C III, C IV, Si III, Si IV, N V, O VI) in the low-redshift (z < 0.4) intergalactic medium and explored C and Si ionization corrections from adjacent ion stages. Both C IV and Si IV have increased in abundance by a factor of ~10 from z = 5.5 to the present. We derive ion mass densities, (rho_ion) = (Omega_ion)(rho_cr) with Omega_ion expressed relative to closure density. Our models of the mass-abundance ratios, (Si III / Si IV) = 0.67(+0.35,-0.19), (C III / C IV) = 0.70(+0.43,-0.20), and (Omega_CIII + Omega_CIV) / (Omega_SiIII + Omega_SiIV) = 4.9(+2.2,-1.1), are consistent with a hydrogen photoionization rate Gamma_H = (8 +/- 2) x 10^{-14} s^{-1} at z < 0.4 and specific intensity I_0 = (3 +/- 1) x 10^{-23} erg/(cm^2 s Hz sr) at the Lyman limit. We find mean photoionization parameter log U = -1.5 +/- 0.4, baryon overdensity Delta_b = 200 +/- 50, and Si/C enhanced to three times its solar ratio (enhancement of alpha-process elements). We compare these metal abundances to the expected IGM enrichment and abundances in higher photoionized states of carbon (C V) and silicon (Si V, Si VI, Si VII). Our ionization modeling infers IGM metal densities of (5.4 +/- 0.5) x 10^5 M_sun / Mpc^3 in the photoionized Lya forest traced by the C and Si ions and (9.1 +/- 0.6) x 10^5 M_sun / Mpc^3 in hotter gas traced by O VI. Combining both phases, the heavy elements in the IGM have mass density rho_Z = (1.5 +/- 0.8) x 10^6 M_sun / Mpc^3 or Omega_Z = 10^{-5}. This represents 10 +/- 5 percent of the metals produced by (6 +/- 2) x 10^8 M_sun / Mpc^3 of integrated star formation with yield y_m = 0.025 +/- 0.010. The missing metals at low redshift may reside within galaxies and in undetected ionized gas in galaxy halos and circumgalactic medium.
Weak spectral features in BL Lacertae objects (BL Lac) often provide a unique opportunity to probe the inner region of this rare type of active galactic nucleus. We present a Hubble Space Telescope/Cosmic Origins Spectrograph observation of the BL Lac H 2356-309. A weak Ly$alpha$ emission line was detected. This is the fourth detection of a weak Ly$alpha$ emission feature in the ultraviolet (UV) band in the so-called high energy peaked BL Lacs, after Stocke et al. Assuming the line-emitting gas is located in the broad line region (BLR) and the ionizing source is the off-axis jet emission, we constrain the Lorentz factor ($Gamma$) of the relativistic jet to be $geq 8.1$ with a maximum viewing angle of 3.6$^circ$. The derived $Gamma$ is somewhat larger than previous measurements of $Gamma approx 3 - 5$, implying a covering factor of $sim$ 3% of the line-emitting gas. Alternatively, the BLR clouds could be optically thin, in which case we constrain the BLR warm gas to be $sim 10^{-5}rm M_{odot}$. We also detected two HI and one OVI absorption lines that are within $|Delta v| < 150rm km s^{-1}$ of the BL Lac object. The OVI and one of the HI absorbers likely coexist due to their nearly identical velocities. We discuss several ionization models and find a photoionization model where the ionizing photon source is the BL Lac object can fit the observed ion column densities with reasonable physical parameters. This absorber can either be located in the interstellar medium of the host galaxy, or in the BLR.
The Circumgalactic Medium (CGM) of late-type galaxies is characterized using UV spectroscopy of 11 targeted QSO/galaxy pairs at z < 0.02 with the Hubble Space Telescope Cosmic Origins Spectrograph and ~60 serendipitous absorber/galaxy pairs at z < 0.2 with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph. CGM warm cloud properties are derived, including volume filling factors of 3-5%, cloud sizes of 0.1-30 kpc, masses of 10-1e8 solar masses and metallicities of 0.1-1 times solar. Almost all warm CGM clouds within 0.5 virial radii are metal-bearing and many have velocities consistent with being bound, galactic fountain clouds. For galaxies with L > 0.1 L*, the total mass in these warm CGM clouds approaches 1e10 solar masses, ~10-15% of the total baryons in massive spirals and comparable to the baryons in their parent galaxy disks. This leaves >50% of massive spiral-galaxy baryons missing. Dwarfs (<0.1 L*) have smaller area covering factors and warm CGM masses (<5% baryon fraction), suggesting that many of their warm clouds escape. Constant warm cloud internal pressures as a function of impact parameter ($P/k ~ 10 cm^{-3} K) support the inference that previous COS detections of broad, shallow O VI and Ly-alpha absorptions are of an extensive (~400-600 kpc), hot (T ~ 1e6 K) intra-cloud gas which is very massive (>1e11 solar masses). While the warm CGM clouds cannot account for all the missing baryons in spirals, the hot intra-group gas can, and could account for ~20% of the cosmic baryon census at z ~ 0 if this hot gas is ubiquitous among spiral groups.
We present empirical scaling relations for the significance of absorption features detected in medium resolution, far-UV spectra obtained with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS). These relations properly account for both the extended wings of the COS line spread function and the non-Poissonian noise properties of the data, which we characterize for the first time, and predict limiting equivalent widths that deviate from the empirical behavior by leq 5% when the wavelength and Doppler parameter are in the ranges lambda = 1150-1750 A and b > 10 km/s. We have tested a number of coaddition algorithms and find the noise properties of individual exposures to be closer to the Poissonian ideal than coadded data in all cases. For unresolved absorption lines, limiting equivalent widths for coadded data are 6% larger than limiting equivalent widths derived from individual exposures with the same signal-to-noise. This ratio scales with b-value for resolved absorption lines, with coadded data having a limiting equivalent width that is 25% larger than individual exposures when b approx 150 km/s.
Thermally-broadened Lya absorbers (BLAs) offer an alternate method to using highly-ionized metal absorbers (OVI, OVII, etc.) to probe the warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM, T=10^5-10^7 K). Until now, WHIM surveys via BLAs have been no less ambiguous than those via far-UV and X-ray metal-ion probes. Detecting these weak, broad features requires background sources with a well-characterized far-UV continuum and data of very high quality. However, a recent HST/COS observation of the z=0.03 blazar Mrk421 allows us to perform a metal-independent search for WHIM gas with unprecedented precision. The data have high signal-to-noise (S/N~50 per ~20 km/s resolution element) and the smooth, power-law blazar spectrum allows a fully-parametric continuum model. We analyze the Mrk421 sight line for BLA absorbers, particularly for counterparts to the proposed OVII WHIM systems reported by Nicastro et al. (2005a,b) based on Chandra/LETG observations. We derive the Lya profiles predicted by the X-ray observations. The signal-to-noise ratio of the COS data is high (S/N~25 per pixel), but much higher S/N can be obtained by binning the data to widths characteristic of the expected BLA profiles. With this technique, we are sensitive to WHIM gas over a large (N_H, T) parameter range in the Mrk421 sight line. We rule out the claimed Nicastro et al. OVII detections at their nominal temperatures (T~1-2x10^6 K) and metallicities (Z=0.1 Z_sun) at >2 sigma level. However, WHIM gas at higher temperatures and/or higher metallicities is consistent with our COS non-detections.
We present a physically-based absorption-line model for the spectroscopic study of the intergalactic medium (IGM). This model adopts results from Cloudy simulations and theoretical calculations by Gnat and Sternberg (2007) to examine the resulting observational signatures of the absorbing gas with the following ionization scenarios: collisional ionization equilibrium (CIE), photoionization equilibrium, hybrid (photo- plus collisional ionization), and non-equilibrium cooling. As a demonstration, we apply this model to new observations made with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph aboard the Hubble Space Telescope of the IGM absorbers at z~0.1877 along the 1ES 1553+113 sight line. We identify Ly alpha, C III, O VI, and N V absorption lines with two distinct velocity components (blue at z_b=0.18757; red at z_r=0.18772) separated by Delta(cz)/(1+z)~38 km/s. Joint analyses of these lines indicate that none of the examined ionization scenarios can be applied with confidence to the blue velocity component, although photoionization seems to play a dominant role. For the red component, CIE can be ruled out, but pure photoionization and hybrid scenarios (with T<1.3E5 K) are more acceptable. The constrained ranges of hydrogen density and metallicity of the absorbing gas are n_H=(1.9-2.3)E-5 cm^-3 and Z=(0.43-0.67)Z_solar. These constraints indicate OVI and HI ionization fractions, f_OVI=0.10-0.15 and f_HI=(3.2-5.1)E-5, with total hydrogen column density N_H=(0.7-1.2)E18 cm^-2. This demonstration shows that joint analysis of multiple absorption lines can constrain the ionization state of an absorber, and results used to estimate the baryonic matter contained in the absorber.

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