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We present a method to estimate distances to stars with spectroscopically derived stellar parameters. The technique is a Bayesian approach with likelihood estimated via comparison of measured parameters to a grid of stellar isochrones, and returns a posterior probability density function for each stars absolute magnitude. This technique is tailored specifically to data from the Large Sky Area Multi-object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) survey. Because LAMOST obtains roughly 3000 stellar spectra simultaneously within each ~5-degree diameter plate that is observed, we can use the stellar parameters of the observed stars to account for the stellar luminosity function and target selection effects. This removes biasing assumptions about the underlying populations, both due to predictions of the luminosity function from stellar evolution modeling, and from Galactic models of stellar populations along each line of sight. Using calibration data of stars with known distances and stellar parameters, we show that our method recovers distances for most stars within ~20%, but with some systematic overestimation of distances to halo giants. We apply our code to the LAMOST database, and show that the current precision of LAMOST stellar parameters permits measurements of distances with ~40% error bars. This precision should improve as the LAMOST data pipelines continue to be refined.
Recently, a logarithmic decrease of conductivity has been observed in topological insulators at low temperatures, implying a tendency of localization of surface electrons. Here, we report quantum transport experiments on the topological insulator Bi2Te3 thin films with arrayed antidot nanostructures. With increasing density of the antidots, a systematic decrease is observed in the slope of the logarithmic temperature-dependent conductivity curves, indicating the electron-electron interaction can be tuned by the antidots. Meanwhile, the weak anti-localization effect revealed in magnetoconductivity exhibits an enhanced dominance of electron-electron interaction among decoherence mechanisms. The observation can be understood from an antidot-induced reduction of the effective dielectric constant, which controls the interactions between the surface electrons. Our results clarify the indispensable role of the electron-electron interaction in the localization of surface electrons and indicate the localization of surface electrons in an interacting topological insulator.
We investigate the extinction together with the radial velocity dispersion and distribution of red clump stars in the anti-center direction using spectra obtained with Hectospec on the MMT. We find that extinction peaks at Galactocentric radii of about 9.5 and 12.5 kpc, right in front of the locations of the Perseus and Outer arms and in line with the relative position of dust and stars in external spiral galaxies. The radial velocity dispersion peaks around 10kpc, which coincides with the location of the Perseus arm, yields an estimated arm-interarm density contrast of 1.3-1.5 and is in agreement with previous studies. Finally, we discover that the radial velocity distribution bifurcates around 10-11 kpc into two peaks at +27 km/s and -4 km/s. This seems to be naturally explained by the presence of the outer Lindblad resonance of the Galactic bar, but further observations will be needed to understand if the corotation resonance of the spirals arms also plays a role.
In this paper, the relationship between the network synchronizability and the edge distribution of its associated graph is investigated. First, it is shown that adding one edge to a cycle definitely decreases the network sychronizability. Then, since sometimes the synchronizability can be enhanced by changing the network structure, the question of whether the networks with more edges are easier to synchronize is addressed. It is shown by examples that the answer is negative. This reveals that generally there are redundant edges in a network, which not only make no contributions to synchronization but actually may reduce the synchronizability. Moreover, an example shows that the node betweenness centrality is not always a good indicator for the network synchronizability. Finally, some more examples are presented to illustrate how the network synchronizability varies following the addition of edges, where all the examples show that the network synchronizability globally increases but locally fluctuates as the number of added edges increases.
In this paper, the synchronizability problem of dynamical networks is addressed, where better synchronizability means that the network synchronizes faster with lower-overshoot. The L2 norm of the error vector e is taken as a performance index to measure this kind of synchronizability. For the equilibrium synchronization case, it is shown that there is a close relationship between the L2 norm of the error vector e and the H2 norm of the transfer function G of the linearized network about the equilibrium point. Consequently, the effect of the network coupling topology on the H2 norm of the transfer function G is analyzed. Finally, an optimal controller is designed, according to the so-called LQR problem in modern control theory, which can drive the whole network to its equilibrium point and meanwhile minimize the L2 norm of the output of the linearized network.
In this paper, subgraphs and complementary graphs are used to analyze the network synchronizability. Some sharp and attainable bounds are provided for the eigenratio of the network structural matrix, which characterizes the network synchronizability, especially when the networks corresponding graph has cycles, chains, bipartite graphs or product graphs as its subgraphs.

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