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We present the most general parametrisation of models of dark energy in the form of a scalar field which is explicitly coupled to dark matter. We follow and extend the Parameterized Post-Friedmannian approach, previously applied to modified gravity theories, in order to include interacting dark energy. We demonstrate its use through a number of worked examples and show how the initially large parameter space of free functions can be significantly reduced and constrained to include only a few non-zero coefficients. This paves the way for a model-independent approach to classify and test interacting dark energy theories.
We present three distinct types of models of dark energy in the form of a scalar field which is explicitly coupled to dark matter. Our construction draws from the pull-back formalism for fluids and generalises the fluid action to involve couplings to the scalar field. We investigate the cosmology of each class of model both at the background and linearly perturbed level. We choose a potential for the scalar field and a specific coupling function for each class of models and we compute the Cosmic Microwave Background and matter power spectra.
145 - A. Avilez , C. Skordis 2013
We report strong cosmological constraints on the Brans-Dicke (BD) theory of gravity using Cosmic Microwave Background data from Planck.We consider two types of models. First, the initial condition of the scalar field is fixed to give the same effective gravitational strength $G_{eff}$ today as the one measured on the Earth, $G_N$. In this case the BD parameter $omega$ is constrained to $omega > 692$ at the $99%$ confidence level, an order of magnitude improvement over previous constraints.In the second type the initial condition for the scalar is a free parameter leading to a somewhat stronger constraint of $omega > 890$ while $G_{eff}$ is constrained to $0.981 <frac{G_{eff}}{G_N} <1.285$ at the same confidence level. We argue that these constraints have greater validity than for the BD theory and are valid for any Horndeski theory, the most general second-order scalar-tensor theory, which approximates BD on cosmological scales. In this sense, our constraints place strong limits on possible modifications of gravity that might explain cosmic acceleration.
91 - C. Skordis , T.G. Zlosnik 2011
Modified Newtonian Dynamics is an empirical modification to Poissons equation which has had success in accounting for the `gravitational field $Phi$ in a variety of astrophysical systems. The field $Phi$ may be interpreted in terms of the weak field limit of a variety of spacetime geometries. Here we consider three of these geometries in a more comprehensive manner and look at the effect on timelike and null geodesics. In particular we consider the Aquadratic Lagrangian (AQUAL) theory, Tensor-Vector-Scalar (TeVeS) theory and Generalized Einstein-{AE}ther (GEA) theory. We uncover a number of novel features, some of which are specific to the theory considered while others are generic. In the case of AQUAL and TeVeS theories, the spacetime exhibits an excess (AQUAL) or deficit (TeVeS) solid angle akin to the case of a Barriola-Vilenkin global monopole. In the case of GEA, a disformal symmetry of the action emerges in the limit of $gradPhirightarrow 0$. Finally, in all theories studied, massive particles can never reach spatial infinity while photons can do so only after experiencing infinite redshift.
It has been suggested that Einsteins theory of General Relativity can be modified to accomodate mismatches between the gravitational field and luminous matter on a wide range of scales. Covariant theories of modified gravity generically predict the existence of extra degrees of freedom which may be interpreted as dark matter. We study a subclass of these theories where the overall energy density in these extra degrees of freedom is subdominant relative to the baryon density and show that they favour the presence of massive neutrinos. For some specific cases (such as a flat Universes with a cosmological constant) one finds a conservative lower bound on the neutrinos mass of $m_ u>0.31$ eV.

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