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We present a study of the spatial distribution and kinematics of star-forming galaxies in 30 massive clusters at 0.15<z<0.30, combining wide-field Spitzer 24um and GALEX NUV imaging with highly-complete spectroscopy of cluster members. The fraction (f_SF) of star-forming cluster galaxies rises steadily with cluster-centric radius, increasing fivefold by 2r200, but remains well below field values even at 3r200. This suppression of star formation at large radii cannot be reproduced by models in which star formation is quenched in infalling field galaxies only once they pass within r200 of the cluster, but is consistent with some of them being first pre-processed within galaxy groups. Despite the increasing f_SF-radius trend, the surface density of star-forming galaxies actually declines steadily with radius, falling ~15x from the core to 2r200. This requires star-formation to survive within recently accreted spirals for 2--3Gyr to build up the apparent over-density of star-forming galaxies within clusters. The velocity dispersion profile of the star-forming galaxy population shows a sharp peak of 1.44-sigma_v at 0.3r500, and is 10--35% higher than that of the inactive cluster members at all cluster-centric radii, while their velocity distribution shows a flat, top-hat profile within r500. All of these results are consistent with star-forming cluster galaxies being an infalling population, but one that must also survive ~0.5--2Gyr beyond passing within r200. By comparing the observed distribution of star-forming galaxies in the stacked caustic diagram with predictions from the Millennium simulation, we obtain a best-fit model in which SFRs decline exponentially on quenching time-scales of 1.73pm0.25 Gyr upon accretion into the cluster.
We present an overview of a multi-wavelength survey of the Shapley supercluster (SSC; z~0.05) covering a contiguous area of 260 h^-2_70 Mpc^2 including the supercluster core. The project main aim is to quantify the influence of cluster-scale mass assembly on galaxy evolution in one of the most massive structures in the local Universe. The Shapley supercluster survey (ShaSS) includes nine Abell clusters (A3552, A3554, A3556, A3558, A3559, A3560, A3562, AS0724, AS0726) and two poor clusters (SC1327- 312, SC1329-313) showing evidence of cluster-cluster interactions. Optical (ugri) and near-infrared (K) imaging acquired with VST and VISTA allow us to study the galaxy population down to m*+6 at the supercluster redshift. A dedicated spectroscopic survey with AAOmega on the Anglo-Australian Telescope provides a magnitude-limited sample of supercluster members with 80% completeness at ~m*+3. We derive the galaxy density across the whole area, demonstrating that all structures within this area are embedded in a single network of clusters, groups and filaments. The stellar mass density in the core of the SSC is always higher than 9E09 M_sun Mpc^-3, which is ~40x the cosmic stellar mass density for galaxies in the local Universe. We find a new filamentary structure (~7 Mpc long in projection) connecting the SSC core to the cluster A3559, as well as previously unidentified density peaks. We perform a weak-lensing analysis of the central 1 sqdeg field of the survey obtaining for the central cluster A3558 a mass of M_500=7.63E14 M_sun, in agreement with X-ray based estimates.
We present an analysis of the levels and evolution of star formation activity in a representative sample of 30 massive galaxy clusters at 0.15<z<0.30 from the Local Cluster Substructure Survey (LoCuSS), combining wide-field Spitzer 24um data with extensive spectroscopy of cluster members. The specific-SFRs of massive (M>10^10 M_sun) star-forming cluster galaxies within r200 are found to be systematically 28% lower than their counterparts in the field at fixed stellar mass and redshift, a difference significant at the 8.7-sigma level. This is the unambiguous signature of star formation in most (and possibly all) massive star-forming galaxies being slowly quenched upon accretion into massive clusters, their SFRs declining exponentially on quenching time-scales in the range 0.7-2.0 Gyr. We measure the mid-infrared Butcher-Oemler effect over the redshift range 0.0-0.4, finding rapid evolution in the fraction (f_SF) of massive (M_K<-23.1) cluster galaxies within r200 with SFRs>3M_sun/yr, of the form f_SF (1+z)^7.6. We dissect the origins of the Butcher-Oemler effect, revealing it to be due to the combination of a ~3x decline in the mean specific-SFRs of star-forming cluster galaxies since z~0.3 with a ~1.5x decrease in number density. Two-thirds of this reduction in the specific-SFRs of star-forming cluster galaxies is due to the steady cosmic decline in the specific-SFRs among those field galaxies accreted into the clusters. The remaining one-third reflects an accelerated decline in the star formation activity of galaxies within clusters. The slow quenching of star-formation in cluster galaxies is consistent with a gradual shut down of star formation in infalling spiral galaxies as they interact with the intra-cluster medium via ram-pressure stripping or starvation mechanisms. We find no evidence for the build-up of cluster S0 bulges via major nuclear star-burst episodes.
We present a study of the distribution of X-ray AGN in a representative sample of 26 massive clusters at 0.15<z<0.30, combining Chandra observations with highly complete spectroscopy of cluster members down to M_K*+2. In total we identify 48 X-ray AGN among the cluster members, with luminosities 2x10^41-1x10^44erg/s. In the stacked caustic diagram, the X-ray AGN appear to preferentially lie along the caustics, suggestive of an infalling population. They also appear to avoid the region with lowest cluster-centric radii and relative velocities (r_proj<0.4 r_500; |v-<v>|/sigma_v<0.8), which is dominated by the virialized population of galaxies accreted earliest into the clusters. Moreover the velocity dispersion of the 48 X-ray AGN is 1.51x that of the overall cluster population, which is consistent with the sqrt(2) ratio expected by simple energetic arguments when comparing infalling versus virialized populations. This kinematic segregation is significant at the 4.66-sigma level. When splitting the X-ray AGN sample into two according to X-ray or infrared (IR) luminosity, both X-ray bright and IR-bright sub-samples show higher velocity dispersions than their X-ray dim and IR-dim counterparts at >2sigma significance. This is consistent with the nuclear activity responsible for the X-ray and IR emission being slowly shut down as the host galaxies are accreted into the cluster. Overall our results provide the strongest observational evidence to date that X-ray AGN found in massive clusters are an infalling population, and that the cluster environment very effectively suppresses radiatively-efficient nuclear activity in its member galaxies. These results are consistent with the view that for galaxies to host an X-ray AGN they should be the central galaxy within their dark matter halo and have a ready supply of cold gas.
We present an analysis of the mid-infrared (MIR) colours of 165 70um-detected galaxies in the Shapley supercluster core (SSC) at z=0.048 using panoramic Spitzer/MIPS 24 and 70um imaging. While the bulk of galaxies show f70/f24 colours typical of local star-forming galaxies, we identify a significant sub-population of 23 70micron-excess galaxies, whose MIR colours (f70/f24>25) are much redder and cannot be reproduced by any of the standard model infrared SEDs. These galaxies are found to be strongly concentrated towards the cores of the five clusters that make up the SSC, and also appear rare among local field galaxies, confirming them as a cluster-specific phenomenon. Their optical spectra and lack of significant UV emission imply little or no ongoing star formation, while fits to their panchromatic SEDs require the far-IR emission to come mostly from a diffuse dust component heated by the general interstellar radiation field rather than ongoing star formation. Most of these 70micron-excess galaxies are identified as ~L* S0s with smooth profiles. We find that almost every cluster galaxy in the process of star-formation quenching is already either an S0 or Sa, while we find no passive galaxies of class Sb or later. Hence the formation of passive early-type galaxies in cluster cores must involve the prior morphological transformation of late-type spirals into Sa/S0s, perhaps via pre-processing or the impact of cluster tidal fields, before a subsequent quenching of star formation once the lenticular encounters the dense environment of the cluster core. In the cases of many cluster S0s, this phase of star-formation quenching is characterised by an excess of 70um emission, indicating that the cold dust content is declining at a slower rate than star formation.
We present a panchromatic study of luminosity functions (LFs) and stellar mass functions (SMFs) of galaxies in the core of the Shapley supercluster at z=0.048, in order to investigate how the dense environment affects the galaxy properties, such as star formation (SF) or stellar masses. We find that while faint-end slopes of optical and NIR LFs steepen with decreasing density, no environment effect is found in the slope of the SMFs. This suggests that mechanisms transforming galaxies in different environments are mainly related to the quench of SF rather than to mass-loss. The Near-UV (NUV) and Far-UV (FUV) LFs obtained have steeper faint-end slopes than the local field population, while the 24$mu$m and 70$mu$m galaxy LFs for the Shapley supercluster have shapes fully consistent with those obtained for the local field galaxy population. This apparent lack of environmental dependence for the infrared (IR) LFs suggests that the bulk of the star-forming galaxies that make up the observed cluster IR LF have been recently accreted from the field and have yet to have their SF activity significantly affected by the cluster environment.
We present an analysis of star formation and nuclear activity of about 28000 galaxies in a volume-limited sample taken from SDSS DR4 low-redshift catalogue (LRC) taken from the New York University Value Added Galaxy Catalogue (NYU-VAGC) of Blanton et al. 2005, with 0.005<z<0.037, ~90% complete to M_r=-18.0. We find that in high-density regions ~70 per cent of galaxies are passively evolving independent of luminosity. In the rarefied field, however, the fraction of passively evolving galaxies is a strong function of luminosity, dropping from 50 per cent for Mr <~ -21 to zero by Mr ~ -18. Moreover the few passively evolving dwarf galaxies in field regions appear as satellites to bright (>~ L*) galaxies. Moreover the fraction of galaxies with the optical signatures of an active galactic nucleus (AGN) decreases steadily from ~50% at Mr~-21 to ~0 per cent by Mr~-18 closely mirroring the luminosity dependence of the passive galaxy fraction in low-density environments (see fig. 1 continuous lines). This result reflects the increasing importance of AGN feedback with galaxy mass for their evolution, such that the star formation histories of massive galaxies are primarily determined by their past merger history.
We present an early broad-brush analysis of Herschel/PACS observations of star-forming galaxies in 8 galaxy clusters drawn from our survey of 30 clusters at z~0.2. We define a complete sample of 192 spectroscopically confirmed cluster members down to L_TIR>3x10^10L_sun and L_K>0.25L_sun. The average K-band and bolometric infrared luminosities of these galaxies both fade by a factor of ~2 from clustercentric radii of 2r_200 to ~0.5r_200, indicating that as galaxies enter the clusters ongoing star-formation stops first in the most massive galaxies, and that the specific star-formation rate (SSFR) is conserved. On smaller scales the average SSFR jumps by 25%, suggesting that in cluster cores processes including ram pressure stripping may trigger a final episode of star-formation that presumably exhausts the remaining gas. This picture is consistent with our comparison of the Herschel-detected cluster members with the cluster mass distributions, as measured in our previous weak-lensing study of these clusters. For example, the spatial distribution of the Herschel sources is positively correlated with the structures in the weak-lensing mass maps at 5sigma significance, with the strongest signal seen at intermediate group-like densities. The strong dependence of the total cluster IR luminosity on cluster mass L_TIR propto M_virial^2 is also consistent with accretion of galaxies and groups of galaxies (i.e. the substructure mass function) driving the cluster IR luminosity. The most surprising result is that roughly half of the Herschel-detected cluster members have redder S_100/S_24 flux ratios than expected, based on the Rieke et al. models. On average cluster members are redder than non-members, and the fraction of red galaxies increases towards the cluster centers, both of which indicate that these colors are not attributable to systematic photometric errors. [Abridged]
We present Herschel/PACS, MMT/Hectospec and XMM-Newton observations of Abell 1835, one of the brightest X-ray clusters on the sky, and the host of a strong cool core. Even though Abell 1835 has a prototypically relaxed X-ray morphology and no signs of ongoing merger activity in strong- and weak-lensing mass maps, it has a complex velocity distribution, suggesting that it is still accreting significant amounts of mass in the form of smaller satellite systems. Indeed, we find strong dynamical segregation of star-forming dusty galaxies from the optically selected cluster population. Most Herschel sources are found close to the virial radius of the cluster, and almost a third appear to be embedded within a filament feeding the cluster from the SW. We find that the most luminous infrared galaxies are likely involved in galaxy-galaxy interactions that may have triggered the current phase of star formation.
We present wide-field Herschel/PACS observations of Abell 1689, a massive galaxy cluster at z=0.1832, from our Open Time Key Programme. We detect 39 spectroscopically confirmed 100micron-selected cluster members down to 1.5x10^10 Lsun. These galaxies are forming stars at rates in the range 1-10 Msun/yr, and appear to comprise two distinct populations: two-thirds are unremarkable blue, late-type spirals found throughout the cluster; the remainder are dusty red sequence galaxies whose star formation is heavily obscured with A(Halpha)~2 mag, and are found only in the cluster outskirts. The specific-SFRs of these dusty red galaxies are lower than the blue late-types, suggesting that the former are in the process of being quenched, perhaps via pre-processing, the unobscured star formation being terminated first. We also detect an excess of 100micron-selected galaxies extending ~6 Mpc in length along an axis that runs NE-SW through the cluster centre at >95% confidence. Qualitatively this structure is consistent with previous reports of substructure in X-ray, lensing, and near-infrared maps of this cluster, further supporting the view that this cluster is a dynamically active, merging system.

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