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We present a study of the stellar parameters and iron abundances of 18 giant stars in 6 open clusters. The analysis was based on high-resolution and high-S/N spectra obtained with the UVES spectrograph (VLT-UT2). The results complement our previous study where 13 clusters were already analyzed. The total sample of 18 clusters is part of a program to search for planets around giant stars. The results show that the 18 clusters cover a metallicity range between -0.23 and +0.23 dex. Together with the derivation of the stellar masses, these metallicities will allow the metallicity and mass effects to be disentangled when analyzing the frequency of planets as a function of these stellar parameters.
258 - G. Torres , H. Levato , C. Lovis 2011
Brief summaries are given of the following subjects of interest to IAU Commission 30: Large-scale radial-velocity surveys; The role of radial-velocity measurements in studies of stellar angular momentum evolution and stellar age; Radial velocities in open clusters; Toward higher radial-velocity precision; High-precision radial velocities applied to studies of binary stars; Doppler boosting effect; Working groups (Stellar radial velocity bibliography; Radial velocity standards; Catalogue of orbital elements of spectroscopic binaries [SB9]).
We present the discovery of four new long-period planets within the HARPS high-precision sample: object{HD137388}b ($Msin{i}$ = 0.22 $M_J$), object{HD204941}b ($Msin{i}$ = 0.27 $M_J$), object{HD7199}b ($Msin{i}$ = 0.29 $M_J$), object{HD7449}b ($Msin{i}$ = 1.04 $M_J$). A long-period companion, probably a second planet, is also found orbiting HD7449. Planets around HD137388, HD204941, and HD7199 have rather low eccentricities (less than 0.4) relative to the 0.82 eccentricity of HD7449b. {All these planets were discovered even though their hosting stars have clear signs of activity. Solar-like magnetic cycles, characterized by long-term activity variations, can be seen for HD137388, HD204941 and HD7199, whereas the measurements of HD7449 reveal a short-term activity variation, most probably induced by magnetic features on the stellar surface. We confirm that magnetic cycles induce a long-term radial velocity variation and propose a method to reduce considerably the associated noise.} The procedure consists of fitting the activity index and applying the same solution to the radial velocities because a linear correlation between the activity index and the radial velocity is found. Tested on HD137388, HD204941, and HD7199, this correction reduces considerably the stellar noise induced by magnetic cycles and allows us to derive precisely the orbital parameters of planetary companions.
297 - F. Bouchy , M. Mayor , C. Lovis 2008
This paper reports on the detection of two new multiple planet systems around solar-like stars HD47186 and HD181433. The first system includes a hot Neptune of 22.78 M_Earth at 4.08-days period and a Saturn of 0.35 M_Jup at 3.7-years period. The second system includes a Super-Earth of 7.5 M_Earth at 9.4-days period, a 0.64 M$_Jup at 2.6-years period as well as a third companion of 0.54 M_Jup with a period of about 6 years. These detections increase to 20 the number of close-in low-mass exoplanets (below 0.1 M_Jup) and strengthen the fact that 80% of these planets are in a multiple planetary systems.
163 - N.C. Santos , C. Lovis , G. Pace 2008
We present a study of accurate stellar parameters and iron abundances for 39 giants and 16 dwarfs in the 13 open clusters IC2714, IC4651, IC4756, NGC2360, NGC2423, NGC2447 (M93), NGC2539, NGC2682 (M67), NGC3114, NGC3680, NGC4349, NGC5822, NGC6633. The analysis was done using a set of high-resolution and high-S/N spectra obtained with the UVES spectrograph (VLT). These clusters are currently being searched for planets using precise radial velocities. For all the clusters, the derived average metallicities are close to solar. Interestingly, the values derived seem to depend on the line-list used. This dependence and its implications for the study of chemical abundances in giants stars are discussed. We show that a careful choice of the lines may be crucial for the derivation of metallicities for giant stars on the same metallicity scale as those derived for dwarfs. Finally, we discuss the implications of the derived abundances for the metallicity- and mass-giant planet correlation. We conclude that a good knowledge of the two parameters is necessary to correctly disentangle their influence on the formation of giant planets.
282 - M. Mayor , S. Udry , C. Lovis 2008
This paper reports on the detection of a planetary system with three Super-Earths orbiting HD40307. HD40307 is a K2V metal-deficient star at a distance of only 13 parsec, part of the HARPS GTO high-precision planet-search programme. The three planets on circular orbits have very low minimum masses of respectively 4.2, 6.9 and 9.2 Earth masses and periods of 4.3, 9.6 and 20.5 days. The planet with the shortest period is the lightest planet detected to-date orbiting a main sequence star. The detection of the correspondingly low amplitudes of the induced radial-velocity variations is completely secured by the 135 very high-quality HARPS observations illustrated by the radial-velocity residuals around the 3-Keplerian solution of only 0.85 m/s. Activity and bisector indicators exclude any significant perturbations of stellar intrinsic origin, which supports the planetary interpretation. Contrary to most planet-host stars, HD40307 has a marked sub-solar metallicity ([Fe/H]=-0.31), further supporting the already raised possibility that the occurrence of very light planets might show a different dependence on host stars metallicity compared to the population of gas giant planets. In addition to the 3 planets close to the central star, a small drift of the radial-velocity residuals reveals the presence of another companion in the system the nature of which is still unknown.

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