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We study an optomechanical system in which a microwave field and an optical field are coupled to a common mechanical resonator. We explore methods that use these mechanical resonators to store quantum mechanical states and to transduce states between the electromagnetic resonators from the perspective of the effect of mechanical decoherence. Besides being of fundamental interest, this coherent quantum state transfer could have important practical implications in the field of quantum information science, as it potentially allows one to overcome intrinsic limitations of both microwave and optical platforms. We discuss several state transfer protocols and study their transfer fidelity using a fully quantum mechanical model that utilizes quantum state-diffusion techniques. This work demonstrates that mechanical decoherence should not be an insurmountable obstacle in realizing high fidelity storage and transduction.
We measure the response and thermal motion of a high-Q nanomechanical oscillator coupled to a superconducting microwave cavity in the resolved-sideband regime where the oscillators resonance frequency exceeds the cavitys linewidth. The coupling between the microwave field and mechanical motion is strong enough for radiation pressure to overwhelm the intrinsic mechanical damping. This radiation-pressure damping cools the fundamental mechanical mode by a factor of 5 below the thermal equilibrium temperature in a dilution refrigerator to a phonon occupancy of 140 quanta.
Recent theoretical work has shown that radiation pressure effects can in principle cool a mechanical degree of freedom to its ground state. In this paper, we apply this theory to our realization of an opto-mechanical system in which the motion of mechanical oscillator modulates the resonance frequency of a superconducting microwave circuit. We present experimental data demonstrating the large mechanical quality factors possible with metallic, nanomechanical beams at 20 mK. Further measurements also show damping and cooling effects on the mechanical oscillator due to the microwave radiation field. These data motivate the prospects for employing this dynamical backaction technique to cool a mechanical mode entirely to its quantum ground state.

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