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Exploiting a mass complete (M_*>10^(10.25)M_sun) sample at 0.03<z<0.11 drawn from the Padova Millennium Galaxy Group Catalog (PM2GC), we use the (U-B)_rf color and morphologies to characterize galaxies, in particular those that show signs of an ongoing or recent transformation of their star formation activity and/or morphology - green galaxies, red passive late types, and blue star-forming early types. Color fractions depend on mass and only for M_*<10^(10.7)M_sun on environment. The incidence of red galaxies increases with increasing mass, and, for M_*<10^(10.7)M_sun, decreases toward the group outskirts and in binary and single galaxies. The relative abundance of green and blue galaxies is independent of environment, and increases monotonically with galaxy mass. We also inspect galaxy structural parameters, star-formation properties, histories and ages and propose an evolutionary scenario for the different subpopulations. Color transformations are due to a reduction and suppression of SFR in both bulges and disks which does not noticeably affect galaxy structure. Morphological transitions are linked to an enhanced bulge-to-disk ratio due to the removal of the disk, not to an increase of the bulge. Our modeling suggests that green colors might be due to star formation histories declining with long timescales, as an alternative scenario to the classical quenching processes. Our results suggest that galaxy transformations in star formation activity and morphology depend neither on environment nor on being a satellite or the most massive galaxy of a halo. The only environmental dependence we find is the higher fast quenching efficiency in groups giving origin to post-starburst signatures.
We present a study of galaxy sizes in the local Universe as a function of galaxy environment, comparing clusters and the general field. Galaxies with radii and masses comparable to high-z massive and compact galaxies represent 4.4% of all galaxies more massive than 3 X 10^{10} M_sun in the field. Such galaxies are 3 times more frequent in clusters than in the field. Most of them are early-type galaxies with intermediate to old stellar populations. There is a trend of smaller radii for older luminosity-weighted ages at fixed galaxy mass. We show the relation between size and luminosity-weighted age for galaxies of different stellar masses and in different environments. We compare with high-z data to quantify the evolution of galaxy sizes. We find that, once the progenitor bias due to the relation between galaxy size and stellar age is removed, the average amount of size evolution of individual galaxies between high- and low-z is mild, of the order of a factor 1.6.
123 - Benedetta Vulcani 2011
Exploiting the capabilities of four different surveys --- the Padova-Millennium Galaxy and Group Catalogue (PM2GC), the WIde-field Nearby Galaxy-cluster Survey (WINGS), the IMACS Cluster Building Survey (ICBS) and the ESO Distant Cluster Survey (EDisCS) --- we analyze the galaxy stellar mass distribution as a function of local density in mass-limited samples, in the field and in clusters from low (z>0.04) to high (z<0.8) redshift. We find that at all redshifts and in all environments, local density plays a role in shaping the mass distribution. In the field, it regulates the shape of the mass function at any mass above the mass limits. In clusters, it seems to be important only at low masses (log M_ast/M_sun <10.1 in WINGS and log M_ast/M_sun < 10.4 in EDisCS), otherwise it seems not to influence the mass distribution. Putting together our results with those of Calvi et al. and Vulcani et al. for the global environment, we argue that at least at $zleq 0.8$ local density is more important than global environment in determining the galaxy stellar mass distribution, suggesting that galaxy properties are not much dependent of halo mass, but do depend on local scale processes.
163 - Benedetta Vulcani 2011
We present the analysis of the galaxy stellar mass function in different environments at intermediate redshift (0.3<z<0.8) for two mass-limited galaxy samples. We use the IMACS Cluster Building Survey (ICBS), at masses M_ast >10^(10.5) M_sun, to study cluster, group, and field galaxies at z=0.3-0.45, and the ESO Distant Cluster Survey (EDisCS), at masses M_ast > 10^(10.2) M_sun, to investigate cluster and group galaxies at z=0.4-0.8. Therefore, in our analysis we include galaxies that are slightly less massive than the Milky Way. Having excluded the brightest cluster galaxies, we show thatthe shape of the mass distribution does not seem to depend on global environment. Our two main results are: (1) Galaxies in the virialized regions of clusters, in groups, and in the field follow a similar mass distribution. (2) Comparing both ICBS and EDisCS mass functions to mass functions in the local Universe, we find evolution from z~0.4-0.6 to z~0.07. The population of low-mass galaxies has proportionally grown with time with respect to that of massive galaxies. This evolution is independent of environment -- the same for clusters and the field. Furthermore, considering only clusters, we find that no differences can be detected neither within the virialized regions, nor when we compare galaxies within and outside the virial radius. Subdividing galaxies in terms of color, in clusters, groups, and field red and blue galaxies are regulated by different mass functions, but comparing separately the blue and red mass functions in different environments, no differences are detected in their shape.
We present the ellipticity distribution and its evolution for early-type galaxies in clusters from z~0.8 to z~0, based on the WIde-field Nearby Galaxy-cluster Survey (WINGS)(0.04<z<0.07), and the ESO Distant Cluster Survey (EDisCS)(0.4<z<0.8). We first investigate a mass limited sample and we find that, above a fixed mass limit, the ellipticity distribution of early-types noticeably evolves with redshift. In the local Universe there are proportionally more galaxies with higher ellipticity, hence flatter, than in distant clusters. This evolution is due partly to the change of the mass distribution and mainly to the change of the morphological mix with z (among the early types, the fraction of ellipticals goes from ~70% at high to ~40% at low-z). Analyzing separately the ellipticity distribution of the different morphological types, we find no evolution both for ellipticals and S0s. However, for ellipticals a change with redshift in the median value of the distributions is detected. This is due to a larger population of very round (e<0.05) elliptical galaxies at low-z. To compare our finding to previous studies, we also assemble a magnitude-delimited sample that consists of early-type galaxies on the red sequence with -19.3>M_B+1.208z>-21. Analyzing this sample, we do not recover exactly the same results of the mass-limited sample. Hence the selection criteria are crucial to characterize the galaxy properties: the choice of the magnitude-delimited sample implies the loss of many less massive galaxies and so it biases the final results. Moreover, although we are adopting the same selection criteria, our results in the magnitude-delimited sample are also not in agreement with those of Holden et al.(2009). This is due to the fact that our and their low-z samples have a different magnitude distribution because the Holden et al.(2009) sample suffers from incompleteness at faint magnitudes.
104 - Benedetta Vulcani 2010
We present the galaxy stellar mass function (MF) and its evolution in clusters from z~0.8 to the current epoch, based on the WIde-field Nearby Galaxy-cluster Survey (WINGS) (0.04<z<0.07), and the ESO Distant Cluster Survey (EDisCS) (0.4<z <0.8). We investigate the total MF and find it evolves noticeably with redshift. The shape at M*>10^11 M does not evolve, but below M*~10^10.8 M the MF at high redshift is flat, while in the Local Universe it flattens out at lower masses. The population of M* = 10^10.2 - 10^10.8 M galaxies must have grown significantly between z=0.8 and z=0. We analyze the MF of different morphological types (ellipticals, S0s and late-types), and find that also each of them evolves with redshift. All types have proportionally more massive galaxies at high- than at low-z, and the strongest evolution occurs among S0 galaxies. Examining the morphology-mass relation (the way the proportion of galaxies of different morphological types changes with galaxy mass), we find it strongly depends on redshift. At both redshifts, ~40% of the stellar mass is in elliptical galaxies. Another ~43% of the mass is in S0 galaxies in local clusters, while it is in spirals in distant clusters. To explain the observed trends, we discuss the importance of those mechanisms that could shape the MF. We conclude that mass growth due to star formation plays a crucial role in driving the evolution. It has to be accompanied by infall of galaxies onto clusters, and the mass distribution of infalling galaxies might be different from that of cluster galaxies. However, comparing with high-z field samples, we do not find conclusive evidence for such an environmental mass segregation. Our results suggest that star formation and infall change directly the MF of late-type galaxies in clusters and, indirectly, that of early-type galaxies through subsequent morphological transformations.
We show that, observationally, the projected local density distribution in high-z clusters is shifted towards higher values compared to clusters at lower redshift. To search for the origin of this evolution, we analyze a sample of haloes selected from the Millennium Simulation and populated using semi-analytic models, investigating the relation between observed projected density and physical 3D density, using densities computed from the 10 and 3 closest neighbours. Both observationally and in the simulations, we study the relation between number of cluster members and cluster mass, and number of members per unit of cluster mass. We find that the observed evolution of projected densities reflects a shift to higher values of the physical 3D density distribution. In turn, this must be related with the globally higher number of galaxies per unit of cluster volume N/V in the past. We show that the evolution of N/V is due to a combination of two effects: a) distant clusters were denser in dark matter (DM) simply because the DM density within R_{200} (~the cluster virial radius) is defined to be a fixed multiple of the critical density of the Universe, and b) the number of galaxies per unit of cluster DM mass is remarkably constant both with redshift and cluster mass if counting galaxies brighter than a passively evolving magnitude limit. Our results highlight that distant clusters were much denser environments than todays clusters, both in galaxy number and mass, and that the density conditions felt by galaxies in virialized systems do not depend on the system mass.
150 - Benedetta Vulcani 2009
Analyzing 24 mu m MIPS/Spitzer data and the [O II]3727 line of a sample of galaxies at 0.4 < z < 0.8 from the ESO Distant Cluster Survey (EDisCS), we investigate the ongoing star formation rate (SFR) and the specific star formation rate (SSFR) as a function of stellar mass in galaxy clusters and groups, and compare with field studies. As for the field, we find a decline in SFR with time, indicating that star formation (SF) was more active in the past, and a decline in SSFR as galaxy stellar mass increases, showing that the current SF contributes more to the fractional growth of low-mass galaxies than high-mass galaxies. However, we find a lower median SFR (by a factor of ~1.5) in cluster star-forming galaxies than in the field. The difference is highly significant when all Spitzer and emission-line galaxies are considered, regardless of color. It remains significant at z>0.6 after removing red emission-line (REL) galaxies, to avoid possible AGN contamination. While there is overlap between the cluster and field SFR-Mass relations, we find a population of cluster galaxies (10-25%) with reduced SFR for their mass. These are likely to be in transition from star-forming to passive. Comparing separately clusters and groups at z>0.6, only cluster trends are significantly different from the field, and the average cluster SFR at a given mass is ~2 times lower than the field. We conclude that the average SFR in star-forming galaxies varies with galaxy environment at a fixed galaxy mass.
The ESO Distant Cluster Survey (EDisCS, P.I. Simon D.M. White, LP 166.A-0162) is an ESO large programme aimed at studying clusters and cluster galaxies at z=0.4-1. How different is the evolution of the star formation activity in clusters, in groups and in the field? Does it depend on cluster mass and/or the local galaxy density? How relevant are starburst and post-starburst galaxies in the different environments? Is there an evolution in the galaxies structures, and if so, is this related to the changes in their star formation activity? These are some of the main questions that have been investigated using the EDisCS dataset.
We quantify the evolution of the spiral, S0 and elliptical fractions in galaxy clusters as a function of cluster velocity dispersion ($sigma$) and X-ray luminosity ($L_X$) using a new database of 72 nearby clusters from the WIde-Field Nearby Galaxy-cluster Survey (WINGS) combined with literature data at $z=0.5-1.2$. Most WINGS clusters have $sigma$ between 500 and 1100 $rm km s^{-1}$, and $L_X$ between 0.2 and $5 times 10^{44} rm erg/s$. The S0 fraction in clusters is known to increase with time at the expense of the spiral population. We find that the spiral and S0 fractions have evolved more strongly in lower $sigma$, less massive clusters, while we confirm that the proportion of ellipticals has remained unchanged. Our results demonstrate that morphological evolution since $z=1$ is not confined to massive clusters, but is actually more pronounced in low mass clusters, and therefore must originate either from secular (intrinsic) evolution and/or from environmental mechanisms that act preferentially in low-mass environments, or both in low- and high-mass systems. We also find that the evolution of the spiral fraction perfectly mirrors the evolution of the fraction of star-forming galaxies. Interestingly, at low-z the spiral fraction anticorrelates with $L_X$. Conversely, no correlation is observed with $sigma$. Given that both $sigma$ and $L_X$ are tracers of the cluster mass, these results pose a challenge for current scenarios of morphological evolution in clusters.

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