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This is a collection of notes on embedding problems for 3-manifolds. The main question explored is `which 3-manifolds embed smoothly in the 4-sphere? The terrain of exploration is the Burton/Martelli/Matveev/Petronio census of triangulated prime closed 3-manifolds built from 11 or less tetrahedra. There are 13766 manifolds in the census, of which 13400 are orientable. Of the 13400 orientable manifolds, only 149 of them have hyperbolic torsion linking forms and are thus candidates for embedability in the 4-sphere. The majority of this paper is devoted to the embedding problem for these 149 manifolds. At present 41 are known to embed. Among the remaining manifolds, embeddings into homotopy 4-spheres are constructed for 4. 67 manifolds are known to not embed in the 4-sphere. This leaves 37 unresolved cases, of which only 3 are geometric manifolds i.e. having a trivial JSJ-decomposition.
The Turaev-Viro invariants are a powerful family of topological invariants for distinguishing between different 3-manifolds. They are invaluable for mathematical software, but current algorithms to compute them require exponential time. The invariants are parameterised by an integer $r geq 3$. We resolve the question of complexity for $r=3$ and $r=4$, giving simple proofs that computing Turaev-Viro invariants for $r=3$ is polynomial time, but for $r=4$ is #P-hard. Moreover, we give an explicit fixed-parameter tractable algorithm for arbitrary $r$, and show through concrete implementation and experimentation that this algorithm is practical---and indeed preferable---to the prior state of the art for real computation.
Normal surface theory, a tool to represent surfaces in a triangulated 3-manifold combinatorially, is ubiquitous in computational 3-manifold theory. In this paper, we investigate a relaxed notion of normal surfaces where we remove the quadrilateral conditions. This yields normal surfaces that are no longer embedded. We prove that it is NP-hard to decide whether such a surface is immersed. Our proof uses a reduction from Boolean constraint satisfaction problems where every variable appears in at most two clauses, using a classification theorem of Feder. We also investigate variants, and provide a polynomial-time algorithm to test for a local version of this problem.
A typical census of 3-manifolds contains all manifolds (under various constraints) that can be triangulated with at most n tetrahedra. Al- though censuses are useful resources for mathematicians, constructing them is difficult: the best algorithms to date have not gone beyond n = 12. The underlying algorithms essentially (i) enumerate all relevant 4-regular multigraphs on n nodes, and then (ii) for each multigraph G they enumerate possible 3-manifold triangulations with G as their dual 1-skeleton, of which there could be exponentially many. In practice, a small number of multigraphs often dominate the running times of census algorithms: for example, in a typical census on 10 tetrahedra, almost half of the running time is spent on just 0.3% of the graphs. Here we present a new algorithm for stage (ii), which is the computational bottleneck in this process. The key idea is to build triangulations by recursively constructing neighbourhoods of edges, in contrast to traditional algorithms which recursively glue together pairs of tetrahedron faces. We implement this algorithm, and find experimentally that whilst the overall performance is mixed, the new algorithm runs significantly faster on those pathological multigraphs for which existing methods are extremely slow. In this way the old and new algorithms complement one another, and together can yield significant performance improvements over either method alone.
Tightness is a generalisation of the notion of convexity: a space is tight if and only if it is as convex as possible, given its topological constraints. For a simplicial complex, deciding tightness has a straightforward exponential time algorithm, but efficient methods to decide tightness are only known in the trivial setting of triangulated surfaces. In this article, we present a new polynomial time procedure to decide tightness for triangulations of $3$-manifolds -- a problem which previously was thought to be hard. Furthermore, we describe an algorithm to decide general tightness in the case of $4$-dimensional combinatorial manifolds which is fixed parameter tractable in the treewidth of the $1$-skeletons of their vertex links, and we present an algorithm to decide $mathbb{F}_2$-tightness for weak pseudomanifolds $M$ of arbitrary but fixed dimension which is fixed parameter tractable in the treewidth of the dual graph of $M$.
To enumerate 3-manifold triangulations with a given property, one typically begins with a set of potential face pairing graphs (also known as dual 1-skeletons), and then attempts to flesh each graph out into full triangulations using an exponential-time enumeration. However, asymptotically most graphs do not result in any 3-manifold triangulation, which leads to significant wasted time in topological enumeration algorithms. Here we give a new algorithm to determine whether a given face pairing graph supports any 3-manifold triangulation, and show this to be fixed parameter tractable in the treewidth of the graph. We extend this result to a meta-theorem by defining a broad class of properties of triangulations, each with a corresponding fixed parameter tractable existence algorithm. We explicitly implement this algorithm in the most generic setting, and we identify heuristics that in practice are seen to mitigate the large constants that so often occur in parameterised complexity, highlighting the practicality of our techniques.
We show that one of the Cappell-Shaneson knot complements admits an extraordinarily small triangulation, containing only two 4-dimensional simplices.

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